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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Breach of contract and gender discrimination. First year I had an issue keeping those first two weeks of nov clear. Out of town Judge just wouldn’t cooperate.
  2. I normally aim at heart. But I aimed a bit high on this one and learned a lesson.
  3. Unfortunately no. That said, we did not have a problem with blood until this morning. He circuled back and crossed a large creek 3 times. According to onx we tracked for .56 miles last night. I suspect we would have had same result if it was dry. Needed a grid search in light to find him. A shot 2inches lower would have likely made this recovery much easier.
  4. Thanks Biz. It’s an eight but happy to shoot my first ever oct 1 buck.
  5. No choice papist. He ran us in circles last night. High lung and went a long ways. But perserveramce and some help from friends, including Grampy, prevailed.
  6. First opening day buck. Tough track and yotes got to him. But happy especially with a Nov 1-21 scheduled trial.
  7. Decided to forego easy doe for for outside chance at a bruiser that shows occasionally. Hoping one of the three of us get a crack!
  8. Go with his routine. Lower ridge assuming wind is right for access and his typical direction of travel. Imo. Still a decent shot on early season routines. Imo.
  9. My daughter wants some camo hunting gear. If anyone has anything that might fit a 4’10” 115lb girl that they want to sell, let me know. A little big is fine. She is still growing and has Dads genes. Thinking boys gear for the average 12-14 year old or women’s s-m should work.
  10. All of a sudden that Redneck blind I put up in April is looking real good this afternoon.
  11. I stick with compound and will hunt if it’s not crazy heavy and I expect it to end before closing time. That post rain period can be very good.
  12. Phade hunts with a single shot HR 20g. Accurate for sure and he reloads really darn quick. He has killed double does on numerous occasions when I hunt with him. I recall walking with my son a couple seasons ago through a bedding area to push does to brad. Sure enough two jumped up and a few seconds later I hear bang bang. There they both laid.
  13. I tested this today. My arrow was about 1” high with 20yd pin and 1” low with 30yd pin at 5yds. Either will do just fine.
  14. Been really shooting well with the recurve but also keeping up with the compound. First shots 20 and 40.
  15. They do have a good rep. Crazy prices. That and the new top end Hoyt 1500-2000. Not long ago 1000 was considered crazy. Slightly used is the way to go.
  16. Yep- it made me question whether to buy the insanity at the time - I did and it was a great bow.
  17. 8x42 for me. I don't have a steady enough hand for 10x. It actually looks more blurry. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Leupold-BX-4-Pro-Guide-HD-Binocular-Cammo-10x42mm-174394/352465143400?epid=17012045432&hash=item52108f4668:g:YGEAAOSwnZxbokrU:sc:USPSPriority!13202!US!-1 I picked up a pair of these last season for around 320 new. Compared them to zeiss and vortex that were more than twice as much. I sold the zeiss and vortex. The quality was identical to my eye. Sorry those are 10x. I bought the 8x.
  18. Be careful doing that. Last week I hit the back of the broadhead (first shot in target) with a FP (second shot) and knocked it and the insert clean out of the arrow.
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