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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Looking forward to seeing that first deer down with Dad's warfed recurve!
  2. Yep - shooters by any standard. That first one with you in the pic is a hoss.
  3. It doesn't happen Core. The limbs don't lose strength. I have 50 year old recurves that stay strung all the time and still pull the same. If you have new strings and cables, a bow really shouldn't slow down due to age.
  4. I would find that really tough with a multiple pin sight and even more so with a larger peep.
  5. Any bow can have a defective limb no matter its age, but its pretty rare. Bowtech had an issue with them a few years ago. I would not worry about limbs wearing out and cams should not have to be replaced unless there was an accident. Not that it matters, but most folks don't shoot anywhere near 1500 arrows a year either. You can buy a top notch bow that is 5 years old loaded with accessories for pretty cheap now. It wouldn't concern me a bit. Be sure to know your DL. Honestly, the 5 year old flagship bows from all of the big manufacturers are going to be really nice shooting bows. Some smoother, or faster or quieter or more adjustable, but all very nice.
  6. moog5050

    peep size

    Just curious how many here center the pin in their peep or center the housing in their peep when aiming. I like a larger peep for low light and have always centered the housing and then put my pin on the target. I try to find a larger housing (2" is perfect for a 1/4" peep) so that I have just a small ring of light around the housing when the peep is centered on it.
  7. That's because you are a natural born killer and also have good taste in art work!
  8. There are a few that hunt with trad bows on here. For me, it depends on how well I am shooting come season or even how I feel on a given day, but I plan to use a recurve as of now. Good luck to you with whatever bow you choose.
  9. Could be. He mentioned the purple "cape".
  10. This was a very special duck. Tragic loss.
  11. Not sure the "urban dictionary" has acronyms for brace height and axle to axle, but ok.
  12. Ole Matt went from an artist to scam artist in no time. He lost my buddy’s duck and took almost 3 years to get him back a mount with glue on the cape.
  13. That’s close to me but had no idea we had a taxi - good or bad - closeby.
  14. Wasn’t this one on the Brady bunch when they visited Hawaii?
  15. Yes I registered last year before going to Canada. No one ever checked on return. But I guess you could be accused of buying the gun there and taxed. Takes 10 min at customs and border at the airport to register.
  16. First name Matt? We went from good to horrible experience over 3 seasons. Sad really. Our current taxi wnybowhunter is the best as long as he keeps accepting our deer! Don’t stop buddy.
  17. I use a bitz with a right helical for feathers. It doesn't do much in terms of adding twist on the small blazers though. But I have yet to have a real problem tuning BHs and FPs to impact together even with a straight fletch or offset.
  18. That's is awesome. Well done to him! Great shot.
  19. I am fortunate to own or have access to some decent properties with decent bucks on a fairly regular basis come rut. Over the last 5 years, I have killed 4 that were good 3.5 year old or older bucks. But last year heading into the rut, I kinda thought I was losing perspective on why I hunt. I wasn't having as much fun just seeing doe and smaller bucks. Confession time: My buddy shot his best buck (one that my partner passed the same morning), an 11pt 2yr old early rut. He has only been hunting a few years and was ecstatic. While I was happy for him, my first thought was geeze that would be a great buck in a year or two. I didn't say it to him but the fact that I thought it really bothered me. When I realized that, I intentionally shot a small buck. Why, I don't know. When my partners asked why, I really couldn't explain it well. It just seemed the right thing to do to me to remember why I hunt and to continue to share in the joy of others success. Since doe are usually not all that difficult to kill around me, I will wait for another 3.5 or older buck again, but hopefully maintain the joy of just being out there this year. If I see a big boy, great. If not, that is completely OK too. And I will celebrate when anyone I hunt with has success - doe, small buck, big buck - who cares. I really don't want to lose the excitement of THE HUNT regardless of what I shoot or others shoot. I guess a shooter is a 3.5 year old or older but at times, I guess that can change. lol
  20. moog5050

    New PSE

    Thanks Dave. That’s what I was hoping to hear.
  21. Hmmmm. Most people that are familiar with bows know the acronyms. But for you: BH = brace height ATA = axle to axle DL = draw length
  22. moog5050

    New PSE

    Pse May have to wait awhile. “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!” Lol
  23. You sitting a full day on opener? God bless you. I did that my first season. Longest sit ever.
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