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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Shot my first deer with these new BHs last Sat. The shot was a bit forward as she began to spin as I released the arrow (25yd shot) but the hole was huge and the big doe dropped in sight. I was impressed. Just an FYI for anyone that hasn't tried them. Been hunting with 2 blade BHs with the recurve until now but I like these 3 blade heads. The devastation almost seemed like a big mechanical with a compound.
  2. The harvest thread has been quiet way too long! Has to get hot this weekend.
  3. I like John's idea of a few hinge cut trees, hidden cams, posted signs on hinge cut trees! Keep making it a pain and they will go elsewhere.
  4. No expert but the powder will be dry until you load it. I would wait until I get there so its out in the elements less time. Then again with saran wrap, it probably makes no difference.
  5. Really wish I was going. Send my best to Zach and Terry and send me photos of what I missed!
  6. 3 hours max. Kidding, I know I got it good where we hunt. That and I am a self proclaimed super-hunter.
  7. If I had another buck tag, I would show you how to kill your big boy but alas .....
  8. I may just use him next time. Deters me from shooting deer at times.
  9. I have always processed my own from deer one but there are times I would prefer to pay a processor. Ex. was this week. Killed doe on Sat. morning and butchered immediately but living in the suburbs, the carcass went into my garbage tote in a tarp. The tote was not picked up until yesterday. To say it was a bit ripe was an understatement. After garbage picked up the tote yesterday morning, we put it on the side of my house until I could clean it later. I get a call from my buddy that cuts the neighbor's lawn. They called fire dept because they thought there was a natural gas leak from the smell. He asks if I killed a deer. Yep. He says I knew what it was but didn't want to blame you so I kept my mouth shut. Needless to say, I spent an hour scrubbing the tote yesterday. Smells fresh now but it would have been nice to have a processor with that heat over the past 4 days. $100 would have been money well spent.
  10. No doubt deer density makes many areas of the state much easier to hunt. I hope you have your opportunity. I see deer more often than not on sits. It would not be easy for me to stay motivated if sightings were the rarity. Kudos to you folks hunting those tough areas!
  11. Combine in back field drove the biggest buck we ever had on my property by two hunters. Too fast for a shot though.
  12. Not much spillage but they definitely kick up Deer when cutting.
  13. 82 or not, if corn is getting cut I would be in stand.
  14. Not to frighten you Bionic, but I think some other member suggested that when you feel like your being watched, its bigfoot. I typically figure its the deer laughing at me that I don't see.
  15. Its a good question Rob. I think for most of us, describing the experience probably doesn't do it justice, but the question brings back personal memories that each of really enjoy. Obviously we can all relate to long shots that thread a needle. Heart shots on running deer aren't easy, nor are those 300yd plus shots. For me the magic of an arrow hitting right where you want and being able to watch it in flight from a slow recurve are the ones I can't help but remember and remain vivid. My biggest buck or the doe I was able to stalk where when the arrow landed right where I wanted at 25-30yds and I literally thought "holy smokes that was perfect" bring a smile to my face.
  16. I agree with the above posters. We used a double bull blind for all of last season. Even without extra support in the center, it lasted well all season until a heavy snow at the end of ML. If we had added a center support, I believe it would not have caved in at all. And we really brushed it in. First day sitting it in early season, I had a group of does walk by me at 5 yards. They work well if properly brushed in and supported and left to sit for a while. Just remember that you do need room when shooting through the window or you will clip the blind. Something I forgot on my first shot out of it last year. Scared me more than the does. lol I never did find that arrow but we now have a nice slice on the edge of the window.
  17. There are two with the recurve that are like slo-mo replays in my mind. Very cool
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