I am in the town of Franklin and the deer herd is way down. I think we are overhunting the herd due to the changes in the amount of doe permits and the it seems you can take a buck for every type of hunting permit. Also the ability to have one person sign over tags to another.
I sure wish we would go back to just your ability to take one buck perseason and it is your choice of how or waht you use to take the buck. I also would like to see the DEC come up with using the system to have a online questions of were you hunted the prior season how many day you hunted, how many deer you saw, how many deer you took, and did you report the taking to the DEC. to give the DEC real time info to reduce the deer permits and or increase based on hunter feedback. I also would support a number of point to be able to take a buck, like two on each side for all hunters except for youth hunters.