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Everything posted by Carbonelement

  1. If you are referring to me as a minion you are sadly mistaken, and the lack of input on the topic i touch on shows your true colors. As someone who seems to have all the time in the world to bash any republican at any chance you are speechless?!?!?! I would be willing to bet you are informed on the subject, as well as your little following of the local libs but no one has anything to say....and you think we have the blinders on to march off the FOX bridge.
  2. no i hope that America wakes up and sees her wrongdoing and she gets charged. How can anyone blatantly disregard this? If this was a conservative it would be game over for them as it should be!
  3. funny this is what you post to divert the attention from what she actually did. Sorry Libs, they should hang this washed up broad to dry. By not using the proper email and setting up her own server to hide everything, she should be tossed out of the government. looks like she may be facing felony charges....how crazy ex presidents wife will not even be able to vote soon. Im sure the clown and his appointees will make it all go away. I would be willing to bet all the stupid dems would believe it. Bunch of brainwashed robots. actually it references fox so it must be total BS because never in the history of life has fox said anything true.
  4. just do not click the posts, you can scroll down and look at every topic ever post on the site. I mean come on if you really did not want to read the political stuff you would not click it. Obviously you like more then you think...you seem to be pretty active
  5. they all must spend a lot of time writing Fox News and crying about all the programs they are forced to watch!
  6. yes, but you have to realize they are super insulated.... so when they are baking in the sun they WILL eat ice until they cool. I use them fishing all the time and it will melt a bag of ice in no time if its sitting in the sun for a day or 2 but after it cools down its good to go. I have a friend who is a dealer, they have minimum orders and if we get some ppl together we can do a bulk order and get them for a very reasonable price. If there is interest...let me know and ill find out how many or the min $ amnt.
  7. many gangs....spanish gangs in particular use machetes to kill rivals. All the idiots who wanted gun control got it this is the next step...this is what happens when u give in! I could be wrong but there are some ppl on this thread that were saying radical steps will not be taken after the safe act....HATE TO SAY I TOLD YA SO
  8. Let us know what kind of fish you are leaning toward and I'm sure lots of ppl will help you. Also look for used tanks most ppl have them for a year or 2 and dump em....esp now that spring is coming!
  9. i used to be huge into fishtanks...had it all fresh water exotics, brackish water cichlids, salt water reefs, fish only, even sharks. Get the biggest tank you can fit/afford. This will make your life very easy. I suggest an overflow style set-up even with fresh water. Get at least a chem, mechanical and UV sterilizer. It may seem like over kill... it makes life easy. I have gone months without water changes and never had a prob. I love African cichlids esp the smaller fish from Lake Tanganyika. They are great and will breed which brings a lot of entertainment. Thats what I would recommend starting with because they are also fairly easy.
  10. typical lefty nut job...lies and more lies and some sweet playing with words to skate by. Him and all the other idiots who flat out lie should be kicked off the air.
  11. You say to decriminalize drugs....What drugs are you referring to??? Marijuana...no problem to an extent and I agree but most gang members do not deal in marijuana. They sell cheaper drugs with a higher profit margin...ie crack. Have you ever seen what crack does to a person? There is no such thing as a functioning crack head! Again sweep the problem under the rug...and who pays for the rehab? Do you have kids? have you really seen first hand what drugs do to people? Now you decriminalize marijuana, someone walks into a bar high as a kite has 2 beers and drives home...crashes his car kills a family...fails a sobriety test...was it the two beers that we can test or was it the fact that he was high as a kite? Now the bar tender and bar owner get sued lose everything they have.....what a great idea!
  12. also when there are drive-bys in poor urban areas where many people are shot and killed by minorities it is a different classification....WHY?
  13. I could be wrong but the def of a serial killer is someone who murders 3 or more people in a time frame of over a month, if they started to classify gang members as serial killers the "white 30 year old smart male" would not fit the picture....again people not looking at the whole picture here. You can say it all you want that white young white males are the ones shooting up schools and doing the mass shooting I will agree... again I will look at the picture but i can not seem to wrap my head around the fact that some mainly the left can only see it half the time when it is convenient.
  14. WC J...I agree with you about Walmart, they take jobs away from Americans by sending factories over seas, and hire Americans and offer part time positions and have the rest of us "pay" their salary through govt programs. It is a joke....there are many problems here and we are exploiting yet another group to keep the prices at a low. and who is that for?!?!?!? Also I agree with raising minimum wage, but people will need to pay more for everything. Would you be willing to pay 20 bucks for a meal at McDonalds....or double, triple or quadruple for any and everything we buy now. The unions have their flaws but they are good for the private sector as well. if it was not for the unions there wouldn't be a private sector. Without union rates keeping the price up all workers would get slave wages. The problem is there is just too many handouts and not enough reward for the working people...you could make anyone earning over 250k a year pay 100% to taxes and it would not help. Stop rewarding the lazy and giving them free money and the debt will drop. Like I said before it is both sides buying votes, but one side tends to give much more away then the other.
  15. is this racist.... "If someone was murdered, it was most likely done by a black person." I KNOW its not racist....just looking at facts. Since when does reading facts make you racist http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/tables/43tabledatadecoverviewpdf http://www.infoplease.com/us/statistics/us-population-by-race.html
  16. WHERE IS OUR MIDDLE CLASS???? There used to be a time when an American could go into a trade and make a living!!! The opportunity is not there anymore instead all the dopy people want to help illegal immigrants and people who do not want to work. If a soldier can lose limbs and go back over seas and fight the useless people in this country can work through some adversity. The government continues to support the losers who suck the system dry while the rest of America struggles to work and makes ends meat. Why are we creating an environment where laziness and non-productivity is rewarded? why would people go to work to make 30-40 K a year when they can receive the same if not more in gov assistance. Its all to buy Votes, both dem and repub, are guilty. Dont tell me it does not happen, my family owns appartment buildings and we have rented to section 8, these people get health care, food stamps and a place to live the rent was 2400 a month, thats $28,800 a year paid for in just rent now add the rest. How many people can go get a job tomorrow and make 40-50 K right out of high school or even college. and then why would they want to...just pop a few kids out and let the rest of the people take care of you. People need to wake up SS is broke and running out of money but welfare is doing great?!?!?!? PLEASE PLEASE someone give me a logical explanation to this.
  17. what losers....an example should be made out of these clowns
  18. as far as adding N to your soil do it when you cultivate it in the spring. Best time to put lime down in december, pref before the snow. If you are planting a garden, i would recommend adding fish, i use the racks from filleted fish. I have a garden that is 100 percent organic, and will not put any of this so called organic fertilizer in it. Organic fertilizer companies do not have to disclose where they get N from. Also Phosphates and Potassium is what is going to lead to better roots and more crop. be careful to keep all nutrients balanced, when over doing one thing you will lock other others. Most people think that just because they are giving the plant nitrogen it is going to flourish, while it stretch the plant you do not get the best yield in fruit or vegetables. or anything your trying to grow for that matter from lawns to shrubs and trees. Adding conventional N to soil has a quick absorption period and what is not used will leech, use a quality organic fert with a fish base, the meat bones and blood all add different elements into the soil. If you do not care about organics use a time release formula and you will see better results.
  19. i have a swing blade....and noticed if u use the "other" knife for up cutting that does not have a point when skinning you pretty much cant skrew up. I can skin a deer twice as fest using that then a reg knife. It is a huge help when doing a buck you need the cape for.
  20. amino acids help rebuild, and a good multi vitamin. A lot has to do with eating habits as well, make sure you eat something with protein 20-30 min after. As for electrolytes, mix any of the sport drinks 50/50 with water, more then that is a waste.
  21. google rustic furniture a lot of good stuff out there!
  22. use a systemic fungicide such as agri-fos mixed with pentra bark and spray the lower 4 ft of trunk and it will help with chestnut blight. Very cheap and not hard to use, can be done with a 1 gallon home depot sprayer
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