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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by growalot

  1. Well I hope you had a chance to congratulate him....Them realize he's out of the mix for getting one that might be even bigger and headed your way....
  2. Glad to see guys are hunting....congrats on yote....
  3. River won't be here until the afternoon so morning hunt for me...
  4. That sounds great. Love Philly cheese steak!
  5. My French onion soup with a thick slice of toasted seasoned Italian bread dunked in , topped with a mix of 5 Italian cheeses then broiled until light brown and bubbly....loin will be tomorrow ....we just had it a few days ago... Mr B is having chicken breasts baked in a roasted garlic dressing and baked potato with Greek yogurt and chives....just picked Brussels spouts roasted...Oh and that Apple pie with warm cheddar slice... Ps...I would never put a sauce on strap,or good loin...butter, dash of salt and rare enough to almost hear a bleat...
  6. Guess what we're having with a salad and fresh apple pie.. Cooking down to a nice caramelized state...
  7. Crisp cold and crunchy walk in...pretty quiet for shots...will leave in a bit. Not even squirrels are moving. ..Grandma time tomorrow so need to get home and redo child proof...lol get deer done before Temps go up...Tuesday should be a good day.. PS Read great 20 yr study on deer movement the other day...real world hunter results across the country....Google when you get a chance... I can' remember source... I read too much lol Spoke to soon there goes a 4 sho....5 shot volley...3 more bout same time as yesterday....
  8. You missed a lucky one...You've read my not being able to even win a scratch off with my luck...I picked 2 and had a clerk pick one...won on all. So I split the clerk win with them and picked 2 more... and won! Shot a deer finally... won on every scratch off...a good day indeed....hoping it continues here in a few more hours....get out there! Good Luck
  9. No but a neighbor down the hill did...I'll try to post a pic sometime....
  10. Thanks..dropped like a rock...and thankfully another trail deer...
  11. 3 came in 2 left ..not big but fresh venison...
  12. Just noticed tiny rub sapling ..new .... 13 yrds behind ..blind Not sure phone will pick it up Ps. 3rd stand site with a new rub within 15 yrds of stand or blind...I haven' seen a deer other than the twin fawns in a long while...lol
  13. Most shots have been down hill and not as many as expected for second Saturday. Hope the weather stays like this..I have a ton of woods work to do
  14. Just had a red tail fly by hunting....I rarely see them hunting in the woods. Man raising this blin 8 feet allows me to see every where. To bad I did it the year the deer disappeared...lol this has always been a travel hub for everything. Sitting here making plans for next year and envisioning new blind designs
  15. Do free farts sound different that one's you pay for...lol
  16. Quiet walk in no spooking..no deer... first shots south East of me...then just now down in the valley West of me 7:10 open is 7:23.. ..not even squirrels about...but lots of crow out cruising. Cold but little wind so nice. Had nother huge beech hit the ground..a bit less food but lots more sun. Hhhmmmm just took someone 5 shots to perhaps get something...
  17. yep need a point with wings...how can I not find one when it's clearly needed......I have to stop reading this with out being signed in
  18. Soooo.... He basically put him self in jail for longer by telling the truth.....Think about it....How many times do you think you'll hear someone say..."I thought it was a deer" in another shooting aye? To be honest...I'm surprised he said that in the first place ,or that he actually went to help and didn't run away...They run here when possible...So For all that many are saying and with the screwed up timelines in many a head, he probably isn't such a bad human being... Just someone who thought his judgment on shooting light was better than the states...For the Grace of God do some of you walk...
  19. I won't get into another 11 page "discussion " over how POORLY NYS wrights it's rules....but I do need to find someone to make a point with wings emoticon... Wait...
  20. Rarely will you find me defending a NYS hunter...but lets examine this whole piebald situation...ONE observant person noticed the back leg....which,saying this not seeing first hand , didn't look shot but broken. So if that were the case...another hunter seeing this and shooting that rather tiny fawn( for this time of year) wasn't such a scumbag after all...look at that 2 possible scenarios ...assumptions....
  21. Per NYS definitions...just walking into a piece of property with out a weapon could be perceived as " HUNTING". For walking into an animals living area would by definition "disturb or worry" them...Though I'm not sure they would find any of them able to testify...but that just allows the ECO to fall back on his "Better" judgment
  22. Well both my self and a neighbor were in full blaze orange when we were nearly shot out of our TREE STANDS. ...two different years and before legal hours.DEC called in both cases. Now there have been several accounts on here of guys having slugs landing on trees near them ..while in Orange... our daughter was in full blaze... Mr B my, self and his friend in full blaze when a slug went through his his hair...You don't need to be mistaken for game to get shot in NY...and unless actually hit even with very close calls ..reports are never made by DEC...there is a reason for this. Now all that has nothing to do with the fact it is still NYS law...I Don't see that changing ever now... so stop whining about what other states allow and learn to live with what the state you live in allows...or....move and be done with it.
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