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Everything posted by growalot

  1. Close was at 4:44..3 fat doe pop out of the hedge row and are feeding my way...SOB...lol
  2. Another fawn at the other end of lane way.oh and these
  3. Just climbed ladder and got in blind with these 2 15 yrds away...had to catch. My breath before snapping pic whoa
  4. pulled cams on way home from errands have a good wide 6 in the middle of the night and this morning a heavy beamed strange racked 5 or 6... tried putting in as wall paper and it cut the dang rack off...nice body.. Now not sure where to go. I'm thinking new owner may have the corner covered and those boys were across the street headed west none of the hunters were out today except the lease guys and guy just below us. The guy I fenced off is not here best figure it out soon here...
  5. though I think you may have gotten the point
  6. Sitting in Dr parkimg lot waiting to pay a bill...got errands done..then I'll try out back..just to irriate them..listen they should have trailed that deer if they really thought they hit it. Then they should be gone back to Vermont for Thanksgiving. ...
  7. A fireman is one step or door away from never living again...a cop is on car,bullet,knife away from never living again, a soldier is one training exercise,bullet, bomb, ect ect from never living again... Do we A Hole Americans dole out the cash we do for them that we do on football and all it's paraphernalia...So these guys can disrespect the country that allows them their woeful,according to you ,existence? I think not...
  8. No Chas I didn't, but that's a lynching offense around there...lol he'd best stay out of the local watering holes Ok so I went to the line and walked ..no flagging but I did see a single SMALL running track going across the property and exactly where I told them it would go...to the new neighbors land...BTW ZERO blood or any other sign of a hit... So I call the neighbor...did you get a call ...nope...I said well they said they'd been watching me getting in and out of the blind...Then they can see the buck running on your place...That's when he told me he kicked out 3 Saturday that ran to my brush blind...I laughed and said figures. Well he was out trying to catch these guys because the last owner had problems....I said I think it was an excuse to have tracks going across my place to yours and getting closer to those buck and doe...So you know they were told to call you and given your #...I'm leaving and if you hear shots you know whats up...He thanked me and will be on watch..He just called ..went out to check things out and find out exactly how they would be coming down... So between the neighbor across the street that called me and me calling the guy behind us , 3 biggest land owners other than the lease we have it covered..
  9. You read my mind and I got to thinking...where is their last blood flagging. ..they use it always and never go back to clean it up..I glassed and glassed and see none
  10. I predict more over payed AHOLES taking knees and idiot Americans paying crazy money to go watch them and dumber Americans giving them ratings from home.....It should be boycotted...JMO
  11. Hhmmm looks ike that doe wasn' so important after all..suns high..snows melting and no guys out looking for blood. Perhaps morning to them is 10-2 when they might kick up a buck to shoot...Of hey they have o many doe tags what' a wound lost doe any ways. Perhaps getting in their morning hunt is more important than tying up other people hunts on their lands to accommodate them.... I wonder...freaking half a tree just dropped infront of blind.. it's a tad indy here!..
  12. Well if you do ask the wizard for some damn deer!
  13. First 4 words in your comment sums it up for me... didn't say all hunters..just hunters and most not all talk out both sides of their face.
  14. Well I' in the blind from yesterday..nothing moving hoping lease guys would kick something down looking for that doe they shot...they haven't showed up yet. They gave up on another doe years ago when I caught them crossing the line in the dark. Helped them track through 2 properties I had permission,when we got to a property that owner was home and I said they needed to knock on a door they stopped trailing and We walked back to my place and I drove them to their camp. Hhmmm warming up fast wonder if they'll show.
  15. I Have a hill like that, 1/2 mile and as you look ahead it's like your looking up to heaven. Streams to cross that are,waterfalls...I walked it yesterday.. half of it in a side step like a mountain Goat. .You described me to a T..make me laugh...I should have stock in Ibuprofen....I don't care how much pain I'm in..I refuse to allow my body to beat my brain..which isn't old yet.
  16. Hunters did it to themselves...over 20 years of hassles,words,nasty phone calls...Oh and love this talking about it on here,a hunting site, and getting dumped on by more than a few on how I was the bad neighbor. Well last night after 20 + years and they FINALLY. made their first call to ask for permission to recover. What they got was an OK and another neighbors phone number. Now if they do ..because I'd planned on hunting there anyways this morning I'll offer to get the Gator to get the deer out. Should I see they found it. It's a hell of a drag up hill.....All it took was a simple call...20 years I have been saying it.....So when you act like idiots you get treated like one...Because of 20 + years...nearly being shot several time..daughter nearly shot...I would NEVER give permission for anyone to hunt my land...I actually don't like hunters,most talk out both sides of their faces..If nothing else the internet taught me that...just being honest....
  17. Perhaps they should define "sky lined" in the hunting manual...because I guarantee way too may hunters haven't a clue..
  18. Well I saw nothing but the lease shot one of the doe I let go this morning....wounded it and then called for morning tracking permission...I had planned on hunting there in the morning and will probably go sit to keep an eye on things...I gave them the other neighbors number because I'm thinking the doe probably ran back to where they had bedded on him.
  19. That's Funny..they have been spreading site like nobodies business around here since Friday...farm is also leased..lol
  20. I need you all to send me thoughts of deer before 4:44 please
  21. First sit in the paddock stand..though from shooting I'm hearing they have taken out the deer that would have moved this way..apparently locals haven't filled tags yet.
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