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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Of the two places i hunt, either the trees have no leaves or green leaves still , weird is right.
  2. I spent next to nothing this year ,just license fee ,stick of ever calm and a tree umbrella . Last year is a different story , i remember the look on the financial guys face when we went over that last year. HAHA
  3. The friggin weather reports change in the time it takes to get to a hunting spot ,it's getting nuts.
  4. Im always interested in peoples set ups , that a combo you dont hear very often , i hear 50 or 75 up front with a heavier GPI over all to achieve a higher total weight . I'm also a big fan of a heavier arrow.
  5. I always have open wounds on my hands from work ,no way am i introducing foreign blood in to my system .
  6. only a couple but im not hunting this weekend
  7. I still kick myself for breaking up with her.
  8. My brother is a Marine . His exact words to me " If you join the Marines ,i will kill you"
  9. 1st tracking i ever did was in the rain at night . It was a decent 6 pointer that my dad hit and it was the first time i saw how well the toilet paper square trail worked to getting back on blood that was hard to find.
  10. I've got some venison sausage links In the freezer with peppers and onions inside , the new freezer is working and has them things harder then carbide at the moment.
  11. Except for a suit that i own , 600 dollars could buy my entire wardrobe twice LOL.
  12. While were on the subject of camo . How many times have you seen a nice jacket or camo pants so you reach for the price tag to see how much it cost and damn near choke when you see the price .
  13. Sure ,you'll only spook every deer you come across on the way to tree.
  14. Ya, but you have to hop not walk ...and carry a basket.
  15. Wear an all white jump suit during bow hunting and tell me camo doesn't matter.
  16. I never understood the people who wear all camo to the outdoor show at the fair grounds.
  17. Ended up sitting almost 5 hours in 9H yesterday , wind seemed my stronger then the 10 they were calling for . Saw zero deer but all the field edges had fresh scrapes ,i'm guessing it was that spike i saw last week.
  18. My spot today has a thick wall of over growth on one side and the corner of a field on the other side . i should have time in this spot.
  19. Waiting for the phone call from Grandma giving the OK to drop Archer off and then i'm woods bound .
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