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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Here's one from last night ,not a great shot . I thought it looked cool with the light shining through the fat . We get the portion size (thin) and do 70 seconds a side over the searing burner ,perfect medium rare every tme.
  2. Heres a good video showing some side views . This guy claims its a dead shooter but it seems awfully jumpy on the release.
  3. Will it be a bow hunt or gun ?
  4. I guess it doesn't really matter the A to A when the cams are that big.
  5. Are you going to skip over the tree stand portion of the curriculum ?
  6. Speaking of feet per second , did you shoot that new rig through Jeff's chrono?
  7. I shot that buck a few years back at 43 yards ,he never flinched . What kind of noisy contraptions are you guys shooting who are spooking the deer from the sound of their bow? I can see an older bow but the newer stuff is so quiet.
  8. I can guarantee it doesn't go the other way . I consider myself above average at archery and a complete moron when it comes to swinging a club.
  9. I wear my muck boots as long as I can ,then I switch to my Irish setters ,I believe they are 1800 g. They are super warm but they make one hell of a racket when walking in them.
  10. Im sure a lot of us are in the same boat , ill shoot my bow and pick some super small spot to try and hit at 40 yards. If I hit the Mark with one arrow ,I have to keep trying to get them all to hit . Its like playing a game you can never win.
  11. I'm never happy with my groups at any distance ,i think that's why I'm so addicted . I'm always searching for the perfect grouping,which I never achieve.
  12. I think you took his response a little harsh .
  13. Not me personally but 2 guys at work have them and always say how much they like them.
  14. Gonna stop over my buddies house . Gonna have some venison burgers with jalapenos and cheddar cheese with an egg on top. Just like the photo but I'm gonna get all crazy and eat a roll with it tonight. I'e been eating these for breakfast lately.
  15. Whats not to love about the Olympics?
  16. It's like watching the Olympics ...except with some excitement.
  17. If i ever start a farm i'll get a cat ,otherwise i can't stand them nasty things . They stomp their crap down in their toilet and then walk all over the furniture, tables and counter tops.
  18. I think its gonna be a fish fry from elks lodge again. Gotta be the best one around so far.
  19. Looks like Norwell is gonna be doing some hard time.
  20. TEXAS !!?? Only 2 things come from Texas ! I love saying that to people from Texas , welcome aboard
  21. Sabres game tonight , 4 rows behind the net ,free booze and free dinner ,i wish it wasn't a work night.
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