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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. How about that first real nice day when you drive with the windows down ,or leave the windows open on the house and take in that fresh air smell.
  2. I've always wanted a house i can hunt at . I finally settled on just being able to put a range out to 80 yards with individual targets with lighting for night time shooting . Super bad time to buy a house right now i've discovered .
  3. The quality of the video is so much better on my lap top , the tablet is horrible . I think i need to give this thing another chance.
  4. What do you have in mind for a rest ?
  5. I checked the card in my tactacam , i had this video on it from this past season from my dads treestand. The batteries were about to die ,you can hear the vibration of the camera saying it was shutting off. I filmed her to she walked out of sight but only captured a few seconds. I just found out that my laptop plays videos better then my tablet does.
  6. A guy i used to work with always talked about that place.
  7. Momma went away for the weekend , i was thinking about getting a fish fry from the elks lodge for Archer and I.
  8. i tried a go pro for hunting ,everything you film with it looks a mile away . I have a tacta cam 2.0 and the picture quality is less then quality .
  9. Great , thought i had more time to mail this in and just remembered i have jury duty starting on monday. Thanks guys !
  10. I see the ups store has notary services ,is that the same thing ?
  11. Where can i look for a notary ? I have to sign a speeding ticket and mail it in ,but it needs to notarized for some reason.
  12. 3 ! Thats it !? LOL All my buddies grew up golfing and can hold their own i guess . I was never any good at it no matter how much i played . Sucks now ,they always go south or west in January for a golf week every year , i just know i'll be that guy that nobody wants to golf with , haha.
  13. Golf? Is that the game where I get drunk and watch people hit the ball?
  14. I want to say its the ultra 5519 , its the older style that has the much brighter pin then the new ones . Ill double check the model number when i get home from work.
  15. I have 2 adjustable sights I would sell you if interested ,you can even try them both out first . I have a single pin HHA with the dial and a black gold 3 pin ascent that is basically brand new.
  16. Did you see "The cars that built America" ? Also a good one.
  17. That seems to jive with the same story I was told ,my older brother is a marine and he said they started teaching that method to the masses and it some how made it in to archery. He said more guys could shoot better using that technique then holding over a target.
  18. I think you'll be surrised if you research the reason people started shooting that way.
  19. That' crazy , at 60 yards it would almost cover a whole block target.
  20. Nothing super cool for me . I did find a mag light this year that I lost 2 years ago and it still worked.
  21. Wasn't it the diamond dust back in the day . Some of us used to go there for chicken wings after work when I worked afternoons. I wasn't even old enough to drink but they let me in because I was driving around a couple of guys who drink my share as well as theirs.
  22. No love for the North towns classy establishment of Alexander's?
  23. I lost a cal ripken Jr. Tops rookie card when I was a kid .
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