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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. http://buffalonews.com/2017/10/15/bounce-house-takes-flight-winds-sweep-corn-maze/ Who decided it was a good idea to keep a bounce house going in these winds today ? Even worse is the dimwit parents who let their kids go in it during high winds .
  2. That's a hell of an angle ,was it running through the rib cage?
  3. Checked some cameras on my way out ,the most was 8 pictures on one of the cameras .
  4. Farmer must have missed a spot ,he's spreading the same field again.
  5. We saw one just outside machias 2 years ago. Doe was busted up but trying to walk it off ,broken legs ,probably significant internal damage , some girl was walking next to it petting it while it stumbled around in the middle of rt. 16
  6. They've been feeding in the cut corn every night, farmer spread crap last night and changed up their routine . It already feels like sn uneventful day.
  7. I put out a wanted ad on AT and someone got back to me ,actually the same day I posted the ad.
  8. That delicious looking piece of meat is dangerously close to those mushrooms !
  9. I know the first stop I would make after shooting that 10.
  10. One of those timbertall, all aluminum with the adjustment knobs on the cable ends to adjust cable length once up the tree.
  11. In for the evening stand,new climber is amazing, hard to believe they went out of business
  12. Just downloaded the latest nockon podcast for the 2 hour drive south ,will be out this afternoon
  13. Do you guys use the vacuum cleaner ? It worked like an on/off switch for us . Vacuum goes on baby goes off .
  14. Stayed home for the morning hunt to see my parents before they head to florida for the winter. Good luck today everyone , ill be out for the evening hunt today.
  15. I have a product that i never took to market ,my old employer was all set to let me build a mold for it and help me package and sell them as well as cover the cost of materials .It was his last ditch effort to keep me from leaving . I never had any intention of getting a patent ,just make some money until someone stole the idea and had it made in China . I heard one of my old employers was getting sued by a customer , apparently he sent the designs for his product to him for a quote ,well he was a cheapskate and sent the prints to an operation in china to get quoted ,he would then add some money to the cost and charge the customer for the mold and then so much per part to run them . The place he sent the prints to in china stole the idea and started selling them . Not sure what ever happened with that but i know he closed down his shop around the same time.
  16. A patent is only worth the money you have to keep going to court to protect it. I spent 15 years building injection molds before going to the auto industry . i have seen a lot of shady things happen . One guy had a legitimate project that would have made him and future generations of his family very wealthy and big corporations kept him in court til he couldn't afford to fight them anymore.
  17. Sunday opener I saw a group of 4 ,4 pointers , 3 doe group ,a doe with fawn being harassed by a button buck. This past Friday I saw 2 decent bucks in the field and 5 doe all at the same time,the bucks were next to each.other and didn't give a rats about the doe. I'm gonna set up a climber where those bucks are making an entrance into the field. Past Saturday was a complete bust .
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