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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Do as the owner of the property has said . You can never go wrong doing it that way in such a circumstance.
  2. We should eliminate all yotes ,everyone deserves to have rat Infestation.
  3. Hang on stands for me are just the ol man roost ,nothing fancy really.
  4. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/08/coyote-america-dan-flores-history-science/ Here is another great read on Coyotes written by Dan Flores who is an outstanding writer and researcher . He has a really good book out also on the history of animals of north america ,I cant recall the name offhand.
  5. South of wellsville, like shongo? Nice buck.
  6. Is that fiberglass decking? I built some catwalks with stuff that looked just like that .
  7. A wonderful brand choice.
  8. I followed 2 doe yesterday over the hill ,the wind gave me all kinds of advantage ,no bucks were anywhere to be seen.
  9. If it's graphite ,it's probably used for laying out or marking steel.
  10. Not sure ,I don't react to it that I know of . My brother in law breaks out within a couple hours when he gets near it.
  11. How'd you make out from the poison Ivy experience?
  12. Hopefully he just got turned around .
  13. I don't smell any fumes with my heater buddy , not sure what the deer smell though . Keep in mind ,that kind of heat on a really cold morning is going to travel straight up before the air cools it ,who knows how far it will travel before coming down to nose level . Like a portable thermal.
  14. I've only shot one deer with that load and it was a double lung pass through at 50 yards ,the deer went another 50 yards . Judging by the exit hole ,it didn't expand very much if any at that close distance.
  15. I was doing a bunch of reading at the time and came across that recipe on a muzzloader website that a bunch of guys were using or really close to it . The Blackhorn is really an awesome powder, I tried some other stuff when I first got it and couldn't even go 2 shot in a row with pushing a brush between shots ,I've shot 6 times before using a brush with Blackhorn.
  16. For what it's worth , myself and 3 others are all using the same load in 3 different CVAs and they all shoot great. 100g Blackhorn, 300g shockwave ,federal shot primer for ignition.
  17. You HAVE to be safe from falling trees now in that spot ,ain't no way it could happen twice.
  18. You should have picked a different spot.
  19. Got some out right now ,haven't seen any deer before I started to use it and haven't seen any deer after I started using.
  20. I had small bucks walk right by like it wasn't even there.
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