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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. noun, plural sportsmen. 1. a man who engages in sports, especially in some open-air sport, as hunting, fishing, racing, etc. 2. a person who exhibits qualities especially esteemed in those who engage in sports, as fairness, courtesy, good temper, etc. Feel free to change the definition from the dictionary to meet your opinion.
  2. I couldn't find that definition anywhere . Can you shoot me the link please. EDIT: I was doing 2 things at once ,i was looking at the definition of sportsman.
  3. Baseball uses a ball and is hardly a sport.
  4. I asked my dad to get me a flyrod and teach me how use it for my 14th birthday . We camped next to the genesse river, just outside of wellsville (Shongo) . Probably my most memorable camping trip my whole life.
  5. Try to find one with IR searing burner , they are amazing for cooking steaks .
  6. I just talked to my brother . He was unfamiliar with the assignment process of the white house detail. He closed by jokingly saying "I only know how to take out bad guys and radio for air support."
  7. I'll text my jar head brother and see what hes heard.
  8. Ya ,its super nice when the sun is blazing too . i still haven't gotten my new key card to sign in , i went a couple times without it and its really frowned upon to not sign in.
  9. I'd love to shoot the bow today ,the only range nearby is always booked with kids and leagues on Saturdays.
  10. I tried to get out and enjoy the nice weather we had during the week. Of course I have the weekend off to sit inside and watch it rain. What do you guys do when it rains out ? I've already picked up all the kids toys twice .Wednesday was a good day for a walk.
  11. I have the booner buck ,it's held up really well and doesn't have those crappy plastic legs most companies like to use.
  12. Sooo... I think the question everyone wants to know is , who did you end up giving that dime to?
  13. They always had some of the fastest sleds ,I think it was because their chassis were so rigid ,good for speed,bad for longevity.
  14. Just keep riding the Cat around a little longer ,when stuff starts to break/fall off on trail ,you'll be cured.
  15. The first time ,they asked me if I would have a problem awarding Ms. So and So a large sum of money if they could prove fault in some big traffic accident ,my response was " I'm not sure ,let's give it a try". Shortly after,they told me to have a nice day,thanks for coming in.
  16. Never been on a jury ,been called twice,once the asked me some questions and let me leave ,the other time I just sat there all day .
  17. So many jokes come to mind right now , i'll keep to myself.
  18. It was divided before . Did you ever take a pacifier from a baby ? Obama was the cry baby lefts pacifier .
  19. For a split second i thought " O crap,is it April already"
  20. I remember seeing the same name as mine a few years back but haven't seen any postings in awhile .
  21. Happy birthday Jeremy k ! I like the name by the way.
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