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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Like people who can't think for themselves? The ones who go and get reprogrammed every sunday.
  2. The only people I know that are dead set against same sex marriage are the same people who need that little book that tells them how to live their life.
  3. The tree sprouts or the tennis ball?
  4. 2 silver maple in my front yard,damn helicopters everywhere. My trick is I hook up a piece of pvc pipe to the shop vac with a couple 90s at the end fit loosely, it takes me 20 minutes to walk around the house and vacuum the gutters out ,the best part is the clean up afterwards, there is none.
  5. I sold the scope off my favorite gun to pay for this wedding.
  6. As of june 15th ,buttermilk falls state park is closed til further notice ! WTF !
  7. The wife and i are leaving on saturday for an almost week long frolic in the adk. we'll have to check out buttermilk falls , we don't have a lot of set in stone plans due to her pregnancy sickness phase still kicking in. Hopefully find some creeks to play in and some nice trails to hike on.
  8. Woah now,there is nothing obnoxious about the sweet sweet sounds of a dirtbike in the hands of someone who knows how to ride . Now Harleys are obnoxious 2 wheeled vehicles.
  9. Paradox lake is amazing ,I stayed there a couple years ago with the wife and her family ,we rented a cottage on the water and brought the boat. It's not a far drive from there to alot of other nice spots as well.
  10. Nothing serious,just a text book hy-jack ,sorry OP.
  11. I ended up with a 465 , i forgot my binoculars and some of the targets i had no clue where to aim. scored a double 5 on them stupid pink flamingos and the bat creature in the tree was another 5. The growling wolf that was at 35 yards downhill was a trick shot, i ended up hitting him in the spine because of the drop off before the target . I can't wait for the next one,i think ill do swain this year.
  12. How did you shoot ? We went up saturday morning and shot , i thought it was a nice course ,we got held up a few times getting stuck behind larger groups.
  13. I can tell you first hand that they won't find any antlers in that area.
  14. The news said that someone saw 2 men walking down the train tracks ,those tracks run through my buddies property , i have seen people walking down the tracks on numerous occasions especially during hunting season. I have a feeling this is gonna be a dead end search ,unless the police know more then the news is telling us
  15. Just heard from my buddy,helicopters flying over his house. I'm so glad my dad and I didn't go move treestands today!
  16. My best friend lives in friendship. He has no TV ,i just texted his wife to see if they have heard the news.
  17. I didn't have a alot of girlfriends around that age, a few I guess. I never had any girls father's come across as over protective . I would introduce myself when I picked them up first time and always got along good with their fathers. I think most father's can spot a bad egg before it becomes a problem.
  18. Maybe that dim wit coumo will let this one through to try and take some of the heat off of him that is closing in fast.
  19. So ,I'm standing in line earlier this evening and I notice the dude in front of me holding a 12 of PBR. I laughed to myself and figured I would snap a picture.
  20. I would also like to know,I am curious about what the best way to buy a phone plan is for such a camera.
  21. Hipsters don't drink PBR, college frat boys do. Hipsters drink microbrews and that horse piss guiness
  22. The problems associated with lack of compression will not come and go. Im not sure how much you want to wrench on this truck yourself but if it was mine i would get it up to operating temp and hit the exhaust manifold with a quick shot of wd-40 a properly running cylinder will just vaporize the wd-40 and a poorly running cylinder will leave a wet mark . Determine which cylinder is running bad . Switch the coil with a good cylinder and repeat the spray test . If that doesn't work then swap an injector with a good cylinder and do the spray test again. If nothing makes a difference then you can start checking further down the line . Did you happen to notice it running poorly after it rains out ?Possibly could be a moisture problem.
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