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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. My dad and i both shoot BH209 and our loaders shoot the same ,dirty or clean ,cold or warm. 100g of BH ,federal shot 209 primers and 300g shockwaves. Question for the OP - Are you getting any blow by from the breech plug ? Maybe the first shot is sealing up the plug ? Just a thought.
  2. I saw a good amount of deer this year and like always i pass on the questionable ones early and then when it comes time to get something instead of nothing , i couldn't get a shot. Like always, i had a blast hanging out with my dad and goofing off on the 2 hour drive to and from our hunting area . Im sure gonna miss his company in 2 years when he retires and heads down south.
  3. The liver is an easy one , open the lid on the trash can and drop it in , that's it , done.
  4. Wow! My dad told me a story very similar when they used to hunt in angelica, except the story ends with a guy that was friends with my uncle from Vietnam caving the guys face in before he could even leave his bar stool. I guess the guy was a real crazy SOB and just didn't want to get over the fact that earlier in the day he was basically held up at gun point and had his deer taken from him. This was back in the early 70s.
  5. I think the activity has been the same for us this year where we hunt, maybe a touch better then years past, we contributed it to nobody on the 300 acre lease next to us this year . Next year might be diffrent now that 12 guys went in on the lease. I still feel like outside influence is a huge part of hunting in NYS , it's also something that you really can't control.
  6. Super BS call on the unsportsmanlike conduct .
  7. For the heck of it I looked at my garmin and the recommended hunting time for today is midnight to 2 am. How stupid.
  8. Been in the woods since 6:30, no action yet. The leaves sound like broken light bulbs.
  9. My days of visiting the barber are long gone.
  10. Didn't you shoot the neighbors dog?
  11. Seems to me from what my ears have heard that people are already going 30 minutes before and after legal hours.
  12. Hunt deeper in the woods and let him drive the deer to you.
  13. Not yet, I always put it off and then it gets to close to hunting season and I don't want to hunt with a bow that I haven't had a chance to get comfortable with.
  14. I wanted a bowtech for the last couple years, i decided when i do get a new bow it will be an elite , i would even be happy if i could find an older Z28.
  15. Have we ruled out bigfoot? I mean all the signs point to a bigfoot attack.
  16. I was saying that perhaps the OP unknowingly spooked someone in the process of doing something illegal and they took the blaze orange off to assist in a stealthy get away.
  17. Im thinking that YOU scared him off ,lose the blaze orange so you won't see him sneak off.
  18. Nice , i was just thinking i should get my dad a gps for chritsmas to replace the old magellon that beeps constantly and he is deaf to that particular tone. True story , we were walking to our stands and it was going off and at first i thought he was joking ,eventually i said "are you gonna turn that f!@king thing off ?" He turned and asked as serious as could be " turn what off" Thanks for the heads up !
  19. My dad hunts with a colt .38 special that was his fathers.
  20. I used to win my age group every year, too many dirtbike crashes have kept me from doing much running anymore.
  21. Working 7-3:30, we don't eat til later on anyways and can't pass up the triple time.
  22. Never saw one while hunting,as a kid our scout master took us to the garbage dump to watch the bear fights.
  23. I would say as the others have noted,check the plugs first ,swap out the fuel and use an additive to help with todays corn juice. Make sure nothing built a nest inside the exhaust pipe outlet.
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