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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. If i could sit and party with one person it would have to be willie nelson.
  2. Speaking from experience, I would much rather the ping pong ball.
  3. I have shot gold tips and am currently shooting easton axis ,no complaints about either arrow. I shoot a tru ball release which for me is very comfy.
  4. The wife threw me a surprise party last night which was a blast and we have a wedding tonight which I just may have a couple over my limit to celebrate another year. Thanks all.
  5. One thing you should absolutley do is ...
  6. I stopped shooting a recurve when I was 8. Dad got me a bow with "wheels" on the ends.
  7. The solid back wall is one of my favorite traits of the elites,the smooth draw and the ability to keep the bow dead solid and watch the arrow flight while still looking down the pin.
  8. I shot the 5 spot target today at 20 yards.
  9. I don't really have any friends anymore that i talk to all the time so i would come off weird trying to recruit a stranger to start hunting.
  10. Bummer ,i just ordered a string set from twisted archer yesterday. I'll have to keep them in mind for next time.
  11. I always shot gold tip but i switched to the easton axis ,so far they both seem like great arrows.
  12. Back in January i bought a new to me 2010 Elite Z28 . I have only heard good things about the bow and i had to have one. I have been shooting every night in basement at about 7 yards and i hit up the 20 yard indoor range once or twice a week. Today i went to the outdoor range at the club and shot 30 and 40 yards for the first time. I broke a nock at 30 and i had a really nice grouping going at 40 until the string caught my sleeve on the last shot but at least it still hit the target and didn't bury in the ground somewhere behind the target. This bow is amazing and the most quiet bow i have ever heard.
  13. Im all for it , there is probably 7 people total who actually use the archery range ,we wouldn't even get enough signatures to get us in the door.
  14. Im not sure it will be revoked ,however, one or more of the corners may be torn off.
  15. I thought the same thing about the broadhead burm. Closer to hunting season last year ,someone was leaving those cheap styrofoam targets there for shooting broadheads into. I can't shoot the synthetic bails they have there ,it tears my fletchings off when they pass through.
  16. I usually hit up the rifle range . Since i got the new bow in January ,i have been addicted to shooting archery . I was able to get my 20 yard pin dialed indoors but now with the warm weather coming i have 2 more pins to get dialed ,i'll probably be spending a bunch of time at the archery range.
  17. Sure do,it's my next favorite place to be other then a treestand.
  18. It's almost time to get out and do some shooting ,when and where are we gonna go? I thought about checking out the range at the club to see what shape it's in.
  19. Running boards and jeep ad for me. If I had been searching dating sites then I would suspect an ad for a dating site would pop up.
  20. Taking my wife out for spring bird , i hope we have a good day and she can take her first bird.
  21. I had to click on this thread to see what all the buzz was about.
  22. Open range,the final shootout scene. One of my favorite all time movies.
  23. All the piles that rupert left in the backyard are starting to reappear at an alarming rate.
  24. Write and throw left handed ,i shoot a bow and firearms right handed.
  25. Last 20 years building plastic injection molds , now i work as die maker in the auto industry.
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