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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. To be perfectly honest, there ain't a snowballs chance in hell that my wife will allow a beagle in the house (or yard) but a guy can dream, right? When ever I see a beagle I think of years gone by and the fun I had as a young whipper snapper, hunting with a knot headed female beagle named Samantha that was chasing bunnies! Heck, I couldn't have been 12 or 13 at the time. We never killed a limit, probably not even close but we did kill some. That said, I love the dogs and, even more......I love the stories. I've laughed so hard at the tales you guys/gals have spun! Those pics are a hoot too. OK, the truth is out, I hope the stories continue though.
  2. A quick addition.......heck, you don't need a saw to butcher in the field either unless you want/need to remove a skull cap.
  3. Good looking but looks don't necessarily cut it in the field. If you're only field dressing a deer, a saw is never needed. There is no need to split the pelvis or brisket, IMNSHO. Most of the time, less is more when it comes to hunting knives for field dressing. Even skinning, quartering and boning out a game animal in the field takes far less blade than many think. Edge retention and blade geometry are paramount.......................
  4. Many call them "Mickey Mouse Boots" and IIRC they have been made by a company called "Bata". I've had two pairs over the years; one black and one white. Neither one thrilled me though and both were sold at garage sales. Keep in mind, they are rubber boots and would have suffered the same fate as your rubber boots via the brawny barbed wire. Oh yea......no liners in these babies.
  5. Keep 'em coming, I'm on the fence......
  6. Oh man........this is where the rubber meets the road! Larry, I have a picture somewhere I'll post tomorrow. I have to dig it up, then scan it..............stay tuned.
  7. LOLLOLLOLLOL Bustin' a gut here! Poor puppy..........
  8. So far, I'm thinking UGGH.
  9. Tell me about your beagles and if you hunt them......(anybody here that has one) Male or female? How well do they mind you? Can you call them off a bunny if they get to close to a road? How about in the house, easy to train? Good with other dogs? Me personally, I have only owned two dogs of my own, both labs. Perfect labs................... I'd hate to get into something I might regret as I get older but I'd love to hunt rabbits. Put up some pics please, hunting, loafing or any type of beagle pic!!
  10. I know a couple guys that have them but neither is around here. Supposed to be great shooters!
  11. Man there's only about 200 choices!! I'm sure others will chime in with great ideas. Wait a second................did you get any bunnies????????????
  12. I'll be dipped.........I bought mine on the 2nd day of gun season 1999, oddly. I walked in and Roy says "what the heck are YOU doing here?" LOL...I told him I was done with the recurve and longbow, wounded too many and just didn't have the time to practice as much as I needed to. It was about 12-13 years with the traditional gear, I killed a fair amount of deer with it but at that point I owed it to the animals to get my shiit together. Speed & hand shock +1
  13. Good game. Go Broncos.........................!!
  14. If you fish & turkey hunt, pay the difference ($230) between the Hunting and Sportsmans and upgrade to the Sportsmans License. If you don't have the money to buy the ML'r and Archery Lifetime Licenses, don't sweat it. You can do that at any point, just make sure you keep an eye on the system and watch for a upcoming price increase. Even with the Sportsman License, you need to buy a archery/muzzle loader tag to use those weapons. Congratulation on a wonderful score!! This link is pretty good......... http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/6099.html
  15. Hoping you get that feeling better soon. Back in 83 or 84 I was helping bale hay for some friends in Clarence Center and had something get into my eyeball. At the time I figured it had to be a from the bailing process as I was on the wagon lugging the bales then stacking them. I didn't think much of it and it appeared to come out pretty easy with a rub or two. The next morning I woke up and could NOT see out of it, the pain was intense when I looked at the light. I was just a young buck and thought I could tough it out, boy was I wrong. I drove to work with my hand over my eye and lasted 30 minutes before my boss grabbed the Yellow Pages and started looking for a eye doc that would see me. (no pun there) We found one in Amherst and I went over right away. It only took a few minutes after he numbed me up to locate something way down in me eye socket. The doc probes around and brings this ugly little thing out.........turns out it is an insect wing!! I was better immediately.
  16. Funny thing........I was only curious of "woodchucks" age, not the rest of you guys. For those curious, I'm 32.
  17. I'm not busting on you, I was just curious. Seems like the younger folks like to mix with a soda or juice and the older don't. It's all good!
  18. It ain't the size of the ship it's the motion of the ocean. (I think that's the old saying!)
  19. Buckstopshere................ I read your article in the current NYOutdoor News about the zip tied branch and how the little bullies push the big boys around. I think I'll try it regardless, some spots need some action BADLY.
  20. I bought my Darton Maverick from Roy and plenty of things over the years, he's a good guy too.
  21. I see the velocity listed for the 85gr Sierra load listed from hand load.com, what length was there barrel and what is yours ? Made any decisions yet on what loads to start the group shoot with? Any signs of pressure that your found such as tight bolt lift, cratered primers etc.?
  22. That's IT? You shoulda' moved to Depew when you had the chance......................
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