With all the hand tools I see on the road. Intersections, on-ramps, intersections etc. are littered with hand tools.
Over the years I've picked up (WHEN SAFE) a kinds of good tools and some junk that I wished I didn't stop for.
My best score was a Mac 3/8" drive spark plug ratchet. Box ratchets, pliers, screw drivers (SnapOn, Mac, Craftsman etc) plus other odd ball stuff like gasket scrapers, hook tools and pry bars.
It's fun scouring the edges of roads for all the odd treasures. I know for a fact I have found in the past 25 years 4 wallets (and all returned to their rightful owner within hours) and countless cell phones, also all returned to owners.
What's your best find on the roadside?
(EDIT TO ADD.......I know of two tools right now, one at the intersection of Maple & North Forest and one on the 290 that are too dangerous to grab. Make sure use your head if you want to grab some of these goodies!)