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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. I wonder if that's the guy that's always walking down ridge and other roads. I hope not because I hear he's a nice guy and I don't think there's that many homeless in webster...
  2. Agreed. Lots of fresh rubs has me thinking there was a big party last night and now everyone is passed out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. 4 non-shooters last night and a small doe this morning. And I don’t care, but sighting in your gun at your “range” in the freaking woods at 9am is a real dick move and super selfish Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Nice big 4 just came through. This may be the first hunt if the year that it’s finally dry enough in 8F to hear the leaves crunch Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. having some sweet land is also critical no offense intended, but it's true.
  6. a gut shot is just about always lethal, it's just a matter of time and hopefully if he stays bedded you can find him expired. Bumping gut shot deer is often the main contributor to losing them.
  7. exactly. for what it's worth you can kill deer a lot of different ways with minimal investment. But ignoring some of the advancements in technology that greatly improve your odds and experience is silly if your wallet allows it. I applaud guys like dinorocks as that's some really cool style of hunting and also appreciate that he doesn't look down or talk shit about the rest of us with all the latest gadgets. run what ya brung.
  8. I think gear is important. It's not important because it does anything to help you really kill anything, but it does a whole lot to keep you hunting. Most of us have stopped growing and if you start doing the math, you'll get years out of any good outer layer. So $400 / 10 years or so makes the price tag not hurt so much and it may just enough to keep you in the stand for the extra hour that helps punch a tag.
  9. it's never the size of the horns that should measure success. My favorite deer to date was a doe with the mz on public land. Way to go!
  10. ugh man this weather and forecasting has sucked. Hopefully we're a little past "tick season"
  11. there's a pretty good chance that if the intruder was close enough and had any kind of weapon you'll be ok in NY, but it's sad that it's even considered a question. I imagine if my wife shot 3 unarmed robbers while my kids were home that she would be fine. I'd imagine if I (white male) shot 2 minorities with weapons I'd still go to trial. Hope to never be in that situation.
  12. PS was a full moon last night on the way out of the farm which is never not spooky during scary movie season. full moons have never been good to me on following morning hunts.
  13. Uneventful sit last night. Windier than I would have liked in 8F. I was in the stand a little after 3, which was probably a little earlier than necessary but I had the chance to duck out of work (which is my home office lol) and figured I'd take advantage. Still a day in the woods is better than being in the office.
  14. oh cool, I see it was updated 3 weeks ago. Still not sure they can't combine the 2 apps. The NYFW guide is the one I'm refering to that has the season dates and regs all in a user friendly app format. HuntfishNY is the reporting and e-license app which the former even links too.
  15. i've heard tag soup ages really well. If you cut off the mold, the inside should be super juicy and delicious.
  16. nope and they say "iOS update coming soon" for like 2 months now. Used to be 2 separate apps. 1 was the guidebook and the other the license and reporting system. They archived the later and never fixed the NY fish and wildlife official app... for iOS at least.
  17. I have an older robinson outdoors "whitewater", which i think is now scentblocker parka/bib combo for cold weather that also repelss rain and wind. As buckmaster mentioned, anything goretex is good for both of these and look for brand buzz/marketing words about windblocking tech as I've seen that almost always means some sheating vs soaking. For mid/early season I run an under armour combo which basically employees the same tech. I think UA refers to it as storm and storm2 tech. storm2 is the one you want and is available in cold gear too. I think almost any brand these days is going to have some good camo that doubles as good rain gear and I'd suggest spending more on a do it all set then having 2 separate sets as demonstrated by unforcasted rain this last weekend... that way you're ready no matter what.
  18. stop considering the weapon and consider the season as culver mentioned. Where it does finally get a little hairy is with the regular season tag being viable mz season if one also possesses that privledge. Think of it like 2 bucks all year, but only 1 buck per season. However you slice and dice it between the 3 seasons, you can legally shoot 2, so long as you buy the right tags. Disclaimer for most of us upstate anyhow.
  19. also while the app could use some work, it's pretty easy to navigate the basics, like season dates that every hunter needs to know, every year regardless of how long they've hunted in NY. Me, I'm patiently waiting for the 30 minute minus and plus sunrise/sunset rule
  20. I'll be out this PM for what looks to be one of the only recent dry sits. Hopefully the radar doesn't lie like it did Sunday Morning.
  21. I think you're confusing some of us and maybe even yourself, and the concern we have is that you may be already hunting and not aware of the regs, which is not popular around here. All that aside and at the end of the day, I'd encourage you to visit the DEC website as they have pretty good info and answers to just about any question and THEY are the official source, not us jamokes. https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/68802.html
  22. on a side note, i'm not familiar with chucks. I've heard backstraps, chops, loins etc. Regional?
  23. i remember getting voided that day and checking cams to see that i could have killed a buck at just about any other stand haha. that's hunting my dad reminds me. doesn't make it better though haha
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