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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Playing hookie for a quick morning hunt. Super cold, but beautiful in 8F Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I'm sorry cynthia, I hate the cliche saying that when it rains it pours, but it often holds true. For me, the woods therapy is helpful, so I hope it is for you too. Stay safe and prayers sent.
  3. that's the point my man. Bob and I do know each other. I tagged him on your safety comment because I know he'd have a good chuckle given our shared professional backgrounds. What might surprise you, is that a lot of us know each other outside the website.
  4. yeah just paired with a monster by the name of gee IDK Ricky freaking Williams. edit i jumped the gun and i dont think they played together, but he did have lamar miller who ran for ~3k yards in 3 years and #8 all time backs for the fins.
  5. you're right. Tanehill's recent performance might just get some to rethink it though. There was a time not that long ago that no rookie QB started. Now it's abnormal for him to sit.
  6. the team is built around the run game and defense. neither of those 2 things require a 300 yard passer. To be fair, if he hit even 1 of those deep balls that would have been huge for the team. I'm confident he will get there and I'm glad they're not ruining him by asking him to throw 50 times a game. He will build skill and confidence. There is something to be said for the yards he gets on the ground too. Those are almost always big first down pickups on 3rd down that dont show up the same in the stat sheet.
  7. i got one of these with my last remaining dicks giftcard. About 3 times a year I take it out and plug it in for a day which evaporates the moisture in the beads. I don't know how necessary it is, but for the price it's worth the peace of mind i think https://www.amazon.com/Pro-Breeze-Renewable-Cordless-Dehumidifier/dp/B01DCF0T1Y/ref=sr_1_24?crid=KYYKWUKFRAWP&keywords=gun+safe+moisture+absorber&qid=1576003479&sprefix=gun+safe+mois%2Caps%2C219&sr=8-24
  8. hmmm. Well we're not discriminatory here. So you decide what gender that buck falls in and you can remain or leave. All are welcome
  9. yep. I'm real hopeful with Allen. Very few QBs are pro bowlers in their second year and even those who have started hot regressed some. He's got the overall feel for the game down and the touch on the deep ball will come. A healthy line and a clear #1 receiver and we're rolling.
  10. the one time I think I've missed JP Losman lol. That guy couldn't through a 5 yard out, but could drop dime deep balls all day.
  11. ugh I can't believe I'm entertaining this, but I did answer your point. I do wear orange in and out or whenever on the ground. I also hunt private land. With regards to your "safety comment" I also responded and asked you if I should wear orange during bow season too then? You know... just in case I fall then. It's not like my family knows every approach trail and which stand I'm hunting or anything... or that I have a phone which my wife can track my coordinates on or anything. You're a joke. I've disagreed with many members in my time here, and never blocked a single one, but you and Bill are on a whole other level. To get "deer hunting" advice from you is a personal attack in itself.
  12. promoting a conservation organization? Jesus man, don't you hunt public land? What is going on in that head of yours?
  13. I dont think it affects deer. But it does sour the hunter experience and can be a risk for tracking depending on how hard it's raining. Also be careful with black powder in rain, be sure to tape the end of your barrel and try and keep your gun as dry as possible if not in a blind/shelter. I've sat in some snow storms with the smoke pole and have been able to keep my gun in my lap with my parka draped over the trigger and receiver section.
  14. i weigh everything as we keep records. 140 is a very big mature doe for sure. Average doe being 115 or so in my area. A good doe being any over 125.
  15. going on 10 or so years using the cva "glue stick" and never had an issue. Very easy to just run around the threads. https://cva.com/product/breech-plug-anti-seize-stick/
  16. who said I didn't take a deer? I can't even comprehend what you're saying. Sorry, I really tried, but I do wear orange in rifle, just not 25' in a tree and I'm not sure what your quote has to do with the former.
  17. shameless plug for backcountry hunters and anglers. You get a shirt and the proceeds go to supporting public land access for hunters and anglers. just sayin
  18. or perhaps, and here's a thought. Read the very first link that google provides, which addresses brownfield sites, CERCLA, superfund sites what RCRA is, what hazardous waste is vs toxic etc. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/toxic-waste/ I just want you to be educated man. I cringe thinking you might be at a bar in a camo hat spouting off nonsense. because then people lump your dumb ass in with the rest of us and that's why we get the elmer fudd or billy bob hunter stereotype attached to us.
  19. hell man so do I. It's freakin awesome stuff. In doses and in it's proper place.
  20. there is no such thing as a toxic waste dump. You've seen too many movies. Dont get me started again about waste disposal...
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