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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Never really had a personal issue with him, other than his behavior was disruptive and seemed to be intentionally derailing. I've butted heads with a few but for reasons that were core to who they were. Storm just seemed to be disruptive for the sake of it. What is known as a troll. And that's when I could understand what the heck he was saying.
  2. made a quick day trip to west palm beach on monday and got back tuesday. Wore my Bills hoodie for travel and met some other fans. Love being a member of the mafia. the love is real and most other teams dont hate us... dolphins territory though so that was kind of fun too.
  3. Well the freezer isn't empty, but I remain a member of this club until hopefully sometime in 2020. Glasses up and toast to those of us that hunted hard and passed the little guys or hunted hard and never got the opportunity
  4. that's a cool pic. is the one guy not sure if it's snowing or not so he mixed his camo? haha jk
  5. You're hitting the south right during the rut. It's an odd feeling to have christmas and the peak of deer season hit at the same time. My advice is to hunt the deer the same way you hunt them here, but don't misjudge them. They're a lot smaller. I shot a 3.5 year old buck that weighed 115 lbs. and a 2.5 year old doe that weighed 75. I can confirm the ages as I hunted public land that required jaw bone aging. Anyhow, deer are deer. Be sure to read up on the regs, there can be a lot of differences such as blaze orange, shooting hours, antler restricts, baiting and dogs and you should be prepared for those as ignorance isn't an excuse. again, can't stress misjudging a "good deer" based on size.
  6. Yeah and there are no leaves on your trees or bushes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. If it’s that green in November, then that’s not NY lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Intentional or not, that there is awesome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. the thought man has had since the dawn of time, and what most historians believe is the only reason at all that we left africa
  10. it's also basically 100% airtight. A good wrap is just fine too, but subject to human error and not as air tight.
  11. I don't know any other way to do it then just walk up and shoot em so that's what I did. pow right in the paunch... or so i though He's runnin up hill. that aint good MOTIVATIN freaking head me in tears
  12. was that around the time you were going after the daughters of this forum? i do remember that ban though
  13. I got a real kick out of this and thought you guys would too
  14. oh man don't remind me. Even if you're a blue collar guy, if you added up your hourly rate and the vacation time you took to hunt and divided it by pounds of meat... and that's just the value of your time and not including gas and equipment. Oh lawd have mercy the price of all the equipment. sobs quietly in the corner
  15. eh. I'll take a nice filet and crab. I love wild game. live off the stuff, but I'm not a fool either.
  16. this is what I own. I bought it last year after using the cheaper model for years. For me, the built in bag cutter is non-negotiable, it's a huge time saver to cut and seal separate. nice 2 handed press too and a fair price. Did 3 deer last year, 2 this year and a bunch of kings over the summer without issue. https://www.foodsaver.com/vacuum-sealers/foodsaver-fm5480-2-in-1-food-preservation-system/FM5480-026.html#start=3
  17. I had a day like this last year after my grandfather passed. It was a beautiful fall afternoon during archery. It was great for my soul and had I seen a deer, like you I'm not sure I would have had any interest in taking one.
  18. well I got down around 9:20 so I could get to the office on time for a meeting. I have good gear and definitely put it to its limits this morning. Another hour and I would not have been comfortable. Was a beautiful morning, birds and squirrels were out, but no deer. Still time well spent in my book. What I really have to laugh at is heading to work around 11 and driving south on five-mile road in webster and as I approach plank (right near Bauman's farm) a smaller 8 comes sprinting out of the christmas tree farm lol. I watched him cross and continue on into the woods. You just have to laugh sometimes.
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