We logged our hardwoods 2 years ago and have a few patches that would be ideal for small 1/4 acre food plots. The spot is pretty deep in the woods and we don't really have the desire to invest in equipment. Is throw n grow any good? Any recommendations?
very few people need to shoot 70. And even someone like myself who is pretty physically fit would never claim it's "easy". It was a silly comment by a guy who thinks crossbows are harder than compounds. Enough said.
We're 16 pages into topic number 642 about crossbows. It makes no difference. But I'll take it from your failure to respond after being asked 3 times that you feel it DOES matter, or you'd have answered.
No. They had her winning states like Wisconsin. Which is why she never even visited the state. She herself admitted this failure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
you missed the point. polls are not always reflective of reality (or Hillary would be our president). You could even argue that this poll on this site is flawed. Perhaps more tech savvy folks are interested in crossbows. Tech savvy folks are more likely to be part of an internet forum (and active during the off season). These are all things to consider (mostly talking to wolc here) when touting surveys as fact. And some crusty old bowhunters who are very anti-crossbow (like my father) who don't even own a smartphone... but are some of the most dedicated and passionate hunters you'll ever meet.
so it's the same? Nobody is answering my question... and hanging their hat on it.
I thought half the argument was for disabled and elderly... but it's the same level of difficulty?
i never saw this poll on this site or heard about it, never saw an alert from NYBH. The fact that you know about it has me thinking it was sent to nycc members and probably similar to a fox news poll and its membership.