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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. but the dec does say it's ok to kill all the skunks, mice, red squirrels all you want right? So your barometer of morality is strictly based on a NY law? A law that in many states doesn't exist. Where you can kill yotes 24/7 without bag limits. They're not native. They're invasive. How do you feel about boar? Many states have no bag limits or seasons on them either. NY, the same sate that wont let you own an assault rifle. How about California? All of their game laws are perfect too? The same state that supports illegal immigrants? remember you're dealing with new yorkers. There really isn't much to be afraid of in NY despite a rare black bear encounter. I agree with you, after living down south for 2 years, there's a very different mindset to predators.
  2. i only posted those drama videos as a counter-point to the cute and cuddly pictures. Do you dispute that they are capable and have a history of attacking animals larger than them and are capable and have attacked children? That was my only reason for posting. I do hope you would at least admit they're capable. And we can both agree on that, and just disagree on what chef should or shouldn't have done.
  3. I agree. There just happens to be one member here who keeps waiving a victory flag for some reason. Too many factors in polls to consider. Technology minded individuals might be more inclined to favor a crossbow, age demographics of an internet forum user, being a hunter who is so into hunting that he/she joins a forum, might mean he/she is more willing to spend $1k on another weapon etc. Statistics can be boring to some, i tend to find them fascinating. I think they're important for all of us understand though, as the media uses them a lot to explain how wrong, or in the minority some of us are... especially when it comes to gun control.
  4. ahh good catch. i just googled hunting numbers and didn't realize the first was fishing. correct percentage is 0.013%
  5. pygmy... i know you've been around long enough to know that it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. My domestic golden is 85 pounds and would be destroyed by smaller yote, let alone a pack (which is how they hunt).
  6. ultimately that seems to be the biggest contention in this thread. I for one don't view it as my place to decide what another man views as a threat so long as it has no bearing on me and my family. The other small percentage who seem to take issue are those who never took a puff of green, waited till midnight of their 21st birthday to try alcohol and never break the speed limit.
  7. i don't think you quite understand statistics. You have a poll on a site with pretty low membership relative to number of hunters in NY (nearly 1 million btw). These 72 represent 0.0098% of all resident license holders. https://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/26368.html
  8. you think protecting your garden is the same as protecting your kids?
  9. in the spirit of this thread you need to be careful with such posts. You should never even joke about breaking the law! Doewacker will post your phone number!
  10. many have taken a "leave of absence". I know I have. If you don't take the arguments/debates to heart it's good entertainment. But honestly what always had me coming back was the wealth of local knowledge on so many topics and updates. I've learned a lot and hope i've helped pass on some wisdom myself.
  11. in the spirit of fun. and because this is how the media spins us tales. I counter
  12. i think too many of us are looking at this through a hunters eyes and not that of an average parent. To answer your questions, he was never trying to hunt the yotes. He wasn't planning on retrieving the bodies, skinning and selling the fur. This same act could have been carried out by a non-hunter and some may look at it completely different. Typically when someone jacks a deer, they're after meat or horns. This was not what his intentions were. He was simply taking steps (we seem to all disagree if necessary or not) to reduce the risk of an encounter with his family and pets. And that's the best way to look at it. Not as eliminating a threat or being scared. But simply reducing the likelihood of something bad happening. If there were a rabid deer behind your house, I'd have no issue if you went out back and shot it.
  13. you should double check the use of the word cum... especially when following up with a beaver reference.
  14. no. most out of hand was the guy who quit over the sasquatch thread... where literally all we were doing was joking around. Bill i think his name was.
  15. on a side note. whose breaking out their snow cammo for opening day of turkey
  16. some of yawls interpretation of nastiness is pretty funny. A bunch of ned flanders up in here.
  17. Looks like you shouldn’t join or if already a member, quit the nycc. Because they feel differently. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. i hope he does. I didn't see him or his friends come september in my stand. lol
  19. you were running all over the woods when you were 1? Again as a father of 3 under the age of 5. I support his decision. If my kids were older i probably would have left it alone.
  20. nope. but the kids were sent inside the camp... because it is a wild animal.
  21. clearly you don't know squirrels. those bastards chew threw metal. and that bin is actually a covered bin. with empty beer cans and bottles lol.
  22. my point is that knowing something is dead/no longer a threat can be important to a father. versus assuming and hoping.
  23. lol what? legally carrying and/or having a gun in the cabin is a bad idea? I don't think you'll get a lot of support there... as for inventing problems, I've never shot a bear. But I was a boyscout. So I'm always prepared.
  24. heck a sawed off is a heck of a lot easier to conceal than a full AR
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