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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. my opinion is emotional yes, but I have a long line of teachers in my family, which also has a long line of gun loving outdoorsman. I feel my feelings have some merit to them. You're correct that we're not far apart. I too have gone through background checks. To the length that I can't even talk about it. We are not anywhere near that as a country, and that's probably my biggest rub with the NRA.
  2. you're supporting arming teachers correct? Your argument is basically stating that law abiding teachers with proper training should be allowed to concealed carry? My argument is that I would not want this in the classroom and support armed and trained guards instead. The analogy I'll use (that you wont like), is that even those who legally own and posses a weapon can go batshit crazy. Case and point, the recent school shooter and las vegas shooter all obtained and possessed their weapons legally. So if you'd like to go down the path of arming teachers, you also need to agree to step up our background check and vetting programs to obtain and carry firearms. Or, and I promise you, eventually there will be an incident with a teacher in a school. As far as small sample size, my link showed you how few states and by percentage of population even allow this legally, let alone where it is actually used. to double down on my point. Even trained military personnel can go off the deep end. Why are teachers infallible? http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fort-hood-shooter-obtained-weapon-ongoing-terrorism-investigation/story?id=9058803
  3. didn't see it. And I think you know your case doesn't hold water. Your sample size is tiny. https://www.citylab.com/equity/2015/10/where-guns-are-allowed-on-campus/412708/
  4. if you can swim, it's one of the most joint friendly exercises one can do.
  5. anyone who shoveled that heavy ass snow is also probably feeling it. no need for stones on friday! haha
  6. uhhh like 3 days ago https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/28/us/georgia-dalton-high-school-teacher-gunfire/index.html
  7. No. That's not it and you know it. There is something to be said as a parent (not sure if you're one) that when you send your kid off to school to be looked after and cared for by others that they will come home safe minus the occasional bully and fight. Adults make their own decisions, taking a risk to go anywhere in public, take public transportation or even drive down the road is a choice we make. Children MUST go to school.
  8. did squats yesterday. I've haven't been skipping leg days but I've been opting for leg press and other wussy exercises the last few weeks. Struggling just to walk today lol.
  9. Not sure they understood my request to cancel lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. i lived in the south for 2 years and that's all we shopped at (it's basically wegmans). I had no idea they even sold guns. Must be a few mega stores like walmart out there.
  11. the whole thing is also a very nice smoke screen to the russian stuff.
  12. this might be an interesting poll. I bet it's not as pro gun as you think. I don't know where I land, but I do know I could only archery deer hunt and be happy. Now of course turkey and birds require a gun... and I'm not sure I could ever give up the right to protect my family. interesting though.
  13. Understood. I just don't want to see other hunters beating up on each other because one is in favor of better background checks or doesn't feel strongly about saving the AR.
  14. it always comes down to the lesser of 2 evils. I didn't really like voting for him the first time. But it was better than Hillary. If it's Cuomo vs trump in 2020 are you still not voting for him?
  15. whatever is providing you wifi. if it's through work the firewall is probably slowing you down. Or it could be that your 2ghz band is overloaded.
  16. that reminds me of the busbice scandal with the elk. Can't buy any of their products either!
  17. long guns only. when i look back at the boating accident i would say more of my firearms were not big box than those that were.
  18. In fairness, many, many hunters do not own AR style rifles. I know I don't. I am still very much on the pro 2nd amendment train. But I do not think it's fair to say a hunter has to be super pro gun. I'm the only one in a long line of hunters who even has a pistol permit. There are many outdoorsman and hunters who are the same. They own a few long guns and that's it. again not saying that's how I feel, but i also don't think it's fair to assume a hunter must be all on board either.
  19. it's harder and harder to shop today lol. I can't even keep track of where I'm supposed to shop anymore. walmart was always pretty good, but they don't pay their employees? target removed boys and girls toy sections so i'm supposed to boycott them? dicks and field and stream are one of the last brick and mortar hunting stores. they support olympians and help advocate for hunters but I can't shop there now. chick fil a and hobby lobby believe in jesus so that's bad i guess lol. i can't fly delta, united or basically rent any car. nike uses sweat shops so that's bad. most food is engineered with monsanto products so that's bad flu shots are mind control so that's bad. NY and Cali are liberal bastards so you're not even allowed to live there what did i miss?
  20. probably the whole discrimination thing. i agree with you, but not sure this is a battle we will ever win.
  21. I was thinking about where my long guns have come from. With the exception of my last ruger 30-06 which came from gunbrooker. I think almost all have come from big box stores. Dicks always had good deal on the ruger 10/22 and that was my birthday present at 12 from my dad and my first firearm.
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