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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. No we're saying that shooting the biggest baddest creature in the woods, whether it's a deer, turkey, bear or fish is a primal urge that goes way back. Yes we're all geared up and generally hunting for sport in 2017, not to feed our kids. But the source of this thread is "why". And like I just said, it's a sign of strength.
  2. 1. People take poor shots, i'm guilty. But even with the best intentions, sometimes these things happen. I really struggle to believe anyone who has spent any significant time in the woods has never had a mishap. 2. yes that happens. I think it's not very common anymore though other than maybe buddies busting balls. i see more trophy shaming in 2017 than i do bambi shaming.
  3. yeah they seem to be a late season crop and slow grower. When i lived in mississippi they grew so much better. I've heard that crushed eggshells mixed into the soil really help green peppers but never tried it. i had 3 small cantelope starters that didn't make it through early spring, but tried again and they're finally taking off. Thankfully this year we've had nothing but rain lol. i've found with mature gardens a good practice is to round up the garden. Till it, then round up again before you plant. Really helps with the old seeds that are germinating below.
  4. no contest in a boxing match. But i'm rooting for mcgregor. Not because i really like him or because he's white, but because floyd is a convicted woman beater who can't read. That kinda guy shouldn't have the kind of money he does... and he's boring to watch.
  5. a dressed deer tipping 200 lbs. will undoubtedly be a trophy though
  6. I'm not calling you a liar. There are exceptions to every rule. There's a good chance this buck was sick or something. These things happen sometimes. But generally speaking and from reading this thread it's clear that many of us have shot older bucks and had them taste just fine. So there's not a rule that they don't.
  7. wow. you're an elite hunter to have essentially never had a bad shot.
  8. I think you can go back to caveman and native american times. The chief always wore the biggest head dress, or wore the largest animal skin or had the biggest skull on top of his walking stick lol. It's a sign of strength, it's that simple.
  9. I don't think anyone has a problem with those who meat hunt. Although it seems only meat hunters are offended by trophy hunters, but that's another subject. The issue with your stance is that you will actively pursue the smaller easier to kill deer. And you MIGHT actually do that, who am I to say? But it's a head scratcher for a lot of us. If we a bb standing next to a 120+... we're shooting the 120+. Because yes the rack. But from a meat perspective it's not worse if taken care of properly and there's a lot more of it.
  10. https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/4/15919224/photobucket-broken-images-amazon-ebay-etsy-paid-update
  11. yeah sorry didn't try videos. you can dl albums though instead of individual pics. i had to move sub albums into one big one because the stupid site wont let you dl an album with subs.
  12. yeah because a liberal mag wouldn't be looking for a conservative country band that's anti trump... come on man.
  13. If you really wanna have fun. Cut down the tree and leave it. I've seen and done that a few times. Talk about sending a message lol.
  14. youtube for videos for sure. you can make them private.
  15. 2 nights ago i could dl everything.
  16. just want to add that it is July. Not a lot of us are in the woods this time of year, so lets not get too crazy with the timeframe. For me, woods work is late winter/early spring and then another pass late summer. No need to sweat and deal with bugs in July.
  17. ugh retired leo doesn't make it easy. if it's wooden and homemade they're not out money anyhow. cut it down.
  18. what was his reaction when you gave him 3 months? That would be part of how I play it. If he was immediately confrontational then you're at the point where you're not going to have a buddy, buddy relationship. You bought the land, it's yours and you were decent about it. If he wasn't confrontational than he shouldn't have an issue with you taking it down, as you said you would. I totally understand not wanting to ruin someones hunting, but I'm assuming you bought this land to hunt as well. So there's a point where you'd be affecting your hunting by trying to play nice. I think there are some things you can still do to show you're not a dick like agreeing to recovery rights and what not (assuming he still has "some land") to hunt.
  19. huge difference in home owner grade stuff no doubt. Home owners are also the worst offenders of not taking care of their stuff. Heck we wouldn't have home rehab shows if they were haha
  20. technically the rolex's time keeping system is superior. but that's just technically.
  21. i'm not saying this is the case here but some people dont treat their motors well either. You can't just buy and run into the ground. Read any manual from any piece of power equipment and there's some level of annual and occasional maintenance to be done. It's even more of an issue with the ones that sit for a while. And it's not just doing oil and using ethanol free gas. idk, it takes me a few hours each to put my snowblower and lawn mower away every year. Lube and oil all the suggested parts and bushing. clean and replace air filters and of course the oil. storing in a relatively moisture free garage/barn will also help things last. But i'm also the guy who keeps an excel file of his maintenance so maybe i'm just crazy. But it does come in handy when you own 3 cars, a motorcycle and at least a dozen pieces of equipment with a motor attached lol.
  22. what your "finance" sees is beyond me. There's nothing political here.
  23. interesting. I like enforcing the rules, but also that there is no skin in the game for these guys here. Except maybe endorsement deals or something.
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