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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. and it was probably legal back then. No debate. Doesnt make it right. GE dumped pcb's into the Hudson, allied signal polluted Onondaga lake, hooker chemical buried waste that resulted in love canal. All legal. You ok with these things now? Are you ok with the fact that they close beaches and limit the number of fish you should eat from the great lakes? yes it gets me riled up, because if there is any group out there that should be advocating for the environment it should be us. Except we're often very hypocritical and in some case the worst offenders.
  2. You're not as clever as you think you are. 360-1.7 is a subpart of solid waste management facilities 360. Nothing in there applies to you or your situation. It is specifically in regards to permitting of a landfill. So the exemption clause is in regards to permitted landfills. The solid waste management facilities identified in this subdivision that do not manage used oil are exempt from this Part: You are not a management facility because you cannot pass the first part of the legislation where it states it's illegal to bury garbage unless you are a solid waste management facility. Which we know you are not. This section is simply saying that any landfills on private land are exempt from the 1.7 regs. Not that they're exempt from the whole process. Trust me, regulations are ridiculous to read and understand. that's why we pay lawyers. there's some grandfathering here, but here's another for your farmers (2) Prohibited siting. (i) Agricultural land. The department shall not issue a permit for a new solid waste management facility or a lateral expansion of an existing one if the land upon which that facility or lateral expansion is to be located, was, or is proposed to be, taken through the exercise of eminent domain; consists predominantly of agricultural soil group 1 or 2 (Land Classification System as certified by the New York State Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets); and is within an agricultural district formed pursuant to the Agriculture and Markets Law. The department shall not issue a permit for a new solid waste management facility or a lateral expansion of an existing one within an agricultural district unless compliance with the requirements of section 305 of the Agriculture and Markets Law has been demonstrated.
  3. I'd be lying if i told you I've never had bad or tough venison. To expect kobe beef quality venison from every part and every deer so all that's needed is salt and pepper is also a little unrealistic. However, if you told me that every 2.5 and older buck you shot (using this example because you said you'd shoot the 4 pointer) was bad then I would tell you that you're doing something wrong. 90% of how a deer tastes on the table is how it was harvested. I've heart shot with a broadhead some deer and had them pump themselves dry. They are always the best tasting. Late season deer allow me more time to skin and butcher because of the temp. Early season bucks are more fatty and less stressed. Gut shot deer or poorly hit deer that take a while to die can end up tasting less than ideal. And this includes deer that sat too long after they died. Making a mistake during the gut process can cause issues. Hanging by the head and not the feet will allow blood to pool in the hind quarters. heck, some guys dont hang at all before they drop it off at the butchers. Not properly trimming wound hemorrhaging, leaving hair on the meat or silverskin can cause poor venison. And lets not forget taking your deer to a butcher who may not refrigerate the deer or take proper care of your deer can lead to poor tasting venison. There are lots of things a hunter can do to make sure his venison tastes good. Most of this applies to steaks and roasts. I can't think of a single rutty old buck I've eaten that had bad tenderloins and/or backstraps. And if you're that sensitive to the occasional tough or gamy piece of meat, call up Costanzas. You'll be lighter in the wallet but happier in the mouth. www.costanzasausage.com/home.htm
  4. I've read your stance on this a few times in the past. I've had some rough mature buck venison. It's hard to deny that it's a reality. Although i would argue that the time in the season is more important. The counter to that would be amount of venison. There are ways to prepare tougher meats and i'd argue that the extra meat on a bigger deer outweighs a slight disadvantage in taste.
  5. this from you is knee slappingly funny. The texas heart shot and 100 yard crossbow shooter. f'n gold.
  6. My bestfriends dad was a farmer. I farmed with them. I get it. I'm simply trying to explain to you that what is accepted doesn't mean it's legal. I pointed the whole site to the regulations where it states it's illegal. If you can show me the regulation where it says that it's ok for farmers i'll backoff. I know you understand how laws and regulations work in your field. If it's not written down, it doesn't matter. BTW, this same farmer would jack deer all summer without permits while sitting on his tractor. He had very justifiable reasons for doing it. But does that mean it was legal? He didn't have dmap's.
  7. The 3rd choice is to not buy the property. The 4th is to excavate it. Her choice she made was for financial reasons, not the betterment of the environment. Can we at least agree to that? Probably not as grow is citing texas law and still believes the link to the NYS law doesn't apply to her.
  8. I don't fully understand what you just wrote, but I feel compelled to address the comment that both you and grow have now made about farmers. Being a farmer and burying trash, burning it, dumping pesticides without a permit etc. is common yes. You both know that it doesn't make it right or legal right? Farmers get a pass by many authorities because they're a dying breed and it's much easier to go after corporations than a lonely farmer for pollution. But again, i promise you that the oil pit Farmer john has been using for decades isn't legal. Even if it isn't enforced. Just like the 100 threads grow starts about people sharing tags in her neck of the woods. Not legal, not enforced. Very different.
  9. you're going to contact monitors? who are monitors? do you mean moderators? what did we do wrong? PS you're showing your ignorance with the belief that burying something 8' deep is harmless to animals. You clearly do not understand the groundwater table. I spent no time on this debate with you. As i mentioned i've been trained in federal and state regs. I have them saved in my favorites. Furthermore a degree in engineering that you shouldn't need that explains how groundwater works. That's the point. Landfills are permitted and constructed for solid waste, and even then they leak. The point in this "fight" is that grow did what she thought she had to do, when in fact she did the wrong thing. When you buy property, you buy the mess. It was only her mess because she purchased the land. Nobody forced her to do it.
  10. i think for me it is this. And it's sort interesting that mother nature has always provided bigger racks, beards, weight with age to help demonstrate this. The counter to this is that a nany doe can be 10x harder to kill than a ruted up buck thinking with his other head. And here is where i'll be honest and note that there is a part of me that loves taking the picture, loves sharing that picture with this board, family, friends and facebook. Some may call this bragging, but i dont see it as any different than most other pictures we choose to share on social media. I would bet 95% of us have worked our butts off to get that nice buck, and are damn proud of it and want to share for those reasons, and not for trying to one-up someone else. Note, none of this applies to the outfitter/fence hunt. So yeah, the challenge is the main driver for me to hunt horns, but I'd be a liar if I didn't enjoy the horns on the wall which always leads to a good conversations starter in the barn/garage/den when drinking beers.
  11. I don't have the desire to go back and find when this became law, perhaps you're right and legally you are in the clear. It doesn't make it right. I can promise you that word of mouth even from a regulatory official does not leave you in the clear either, and the analogy i will use that we can all relate to is when a cop lets you off from a speeding ticket with a warning. It doesn't mean that what you did was legal, but it means he has chosen not to enforce the law. The officers you dealt with could have just decided your situation wasn't worth it, and it sounds like one was already annoyed at the drive to begin with. You can continue to try and find reasons why what you did was legal, that's fine. I'm not blowing you in. All I'm saying is that you started this post with the intent to shame liter bugs (you and I are on the same page here), but in reality, the burying of trash (specifically that which you did not generate so you cannot vouch for its contents) because it was "icky" and you didn't want to pick it up, has a far greater chance of being detrimental to the environment. Any nearby wells could become contaminated, nearby springs and tributaries could now leach into smaller ponds and lakes. A can on the side of the road sucks. It's not pleasant to look at. But it does not pollute groundwater. Burying garbage does.
  12. Now I actually did go through a good many of those subparts and the code numbers ,Mr smoke and mirrors...that talk of hospital waste and radioactive wastes...ex:https://govt.westlaw.com/nycrr/Document/I4eabd99dcd1711dda432a117e6e0f345?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default) Now lets go with this one as well from your above post: https://nysaswm.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/1.-NYS-REGS-LANDFILL-DESIGN-CLARKSON.pdf Face palm. The subparts are just that. Subparts to the overall clause, they address more specific types of solid waste. They don't need to be specific to what is allowed as it's very black and white. The subparts address what some landfills can and cannot accept, but overall it's saying that if you're not a landfill you can't dump and bury waste. You know I do this for a living right? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks for saving me the effort. I'm not sure where the radioactive tampon came from but I think that law is pretty straight forward. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. i think the issue was the pot calling the kettle black. i have a camp in the Adirondacks and i pick up plenty of trash. litter bugs piss me off too.
  15. here you go by the way (this is from the dec website) https://govt.westlaw.com/nycrr/Document/I4eaaa12dcd1711dda432a117e6e0f345?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default) here are the fines http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/68439.html and here's where and how anybody could easily report your violation http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/393.html
  16. you're a trip. Your argument is that it was there when you knowingly bought the property and inherited the responsibility of the property and because you did your best to truck a bunch of stuff off, but didn't want to pick up piss bottles you're in the right. did i get that right? That's your argument of legality?
  17. I'm sorry Grow. You're right and we're all wrong. It is legal and actually a good idea to bury garbage.
  18. when i hunted public land, there was nothing better than my garmin handheld gps.
  19. I had some great growth the previous 3 weeks, but this latest lack of sun and cool weather has hurt. Spinach never took off, but have harvested some. Lettuce is kind of the same. Peppers and green beans are growing but struggling. Lost some c antelope early and had to start over. It's still not doing great. Cucumbers and squash are the only 2 that i would consider thriving.
  20. it is 100% illegal to bury trash/garbage. Even more of an issue if there are any kinds of chemicals. Passing an illegal oil pit investigation does not mean you are in compliance with federal and state law. i can present my certification for NYS hazardous waste management if you'd like to argue further.
  21. I think we will have to agree to disagree. However you saying you want us to do everything we can to see preserve this earth and then going on about why we shouldn't because it isn't fair is vary contradictory. When someone does everything they can within their power, fairness and equity aren't part of the discussion.
  22. You are entitled to your opinion, and I've never disagreed that the agreement wasn't completely equitable. I do, however find it interesting that a bunch of so called outdoorsman care more about a few oil workers in texas and coal miner in west Virginia, than polluting the globe. Fair or not. BTW, I'd think some of our very prominent anti-Muslim friends on this site would be all for reducing our dependency on foreign oil. It's literally all they have besides opium that is funding their efforts. P.S being the founder of a tv station doesn't mean you're a scientist or do you know what you're talking about. It means you're a businessman.
  23. Your cost estimate is false. Your source might be the same sources Trump continually cites which have been debunked over and over. Heck, he denies global warming. That's all I need to know. I don't think there's a president in history who has cited more debunked studies than him. That's what's scary. The guy reacts like a teenager who just had someone make fun of their momma. I dislike Obama, but at least that guy maintained his composure. and make up your mind. Are you pissed about the cost or are you denying it's an issue? I've followed the Bills for 34 years, but that doesn't make me eligible to run their front office. I literally studied this stuff in school. Wrote papers on it. 97% of scientist far smarter than I agree that it's a reality. But you followed this and spoke to some computer guys so we should take your word for it? Do people do bad things? yes. Have studies been doctored by both sides? probably. Doesn't throw the whole argument out the window.
  24. I don't see the cost as anything that is going to "make America great again" no. The economy of smaller countries who may benefit from fossil fuels will not impact US jobs. The real concern is China. No doubt. But what are we going to do? My suggestion is trade. Not just "hey no fair you're polluting". Drive change where you can. There are no scientist who deny that earths climate isn't cyclical. but 97% agree this is not the result of cyclical change. And honestly the 3% are paid off, just like the scientist who scoffed at the negative affects of leaded gasoline. I'm not here to argue whether it's real or why it's real. That is a ship that has sailed for many of you and you won't change your mind. I do ask that you read a scientific paper on it though, not an online article. Yes scientific papers are boring. But then you can really make up your mind.
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