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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Exactly Don't be silly... There's not a member here who wouldn't agree it's a common phrase/slang. This I agree with. I guess all I'm saying is I understand why the "wounder" feels that way. Like I said earlier, I'd be bothered by mounting those horns. It'd be a reminder of my failure. But that's me personally, but I can understand the other side of it.
  2. I'm not even saying I disagree with you. I guess I just understand wanting the horns. *insert meat guy who says "you can't eat horns" here*
  3. I'm not saying poaching isn't an issue, but it seems so many guys instantly blame their neighbor for their lack of success. I hear it from EVERY hunter. "If my neighbor stopped shooting doe" "my neighbor is brown it's down" "they shoot spike horns" "they drive the hell out of the property" "he invites his whole family to hunt that small plot" "I think I found a footprint on my posted land" "my neighbor walks their dog/rides quads/target shoots during bow season" "i know he uses his wife's tag" The list goes on. At some point, you do your best to control what you can and go out and just enjoy the woods
  4. the word you censored me for is plenty appropriate. If it can be said on cable tv i dont see an issue. or if in referencing exhibit A below
  5. in this case though sounds like cape and everything was salvageable. i dont put that in the "decaying" category.
  6. no man's "man cave" is complete if he has antlers on the wall without a bear **** bone to stir his drinks
  7. I think that's the point. It's hard to prove anything worked for sure and it wasn't just coincidence or a combination of things. I believe that's what fuels the scent control debate the most. What I have proven is that doing the wrong thing can screw you. I've had unseen does freak out while trying to grunt in a buck. I've had does blow when using urine, i've had bucks avoid urine. It's what makes this sport such a challenge.
  8. i tired a gopro. really doesn't work for hunting. spend the money on 3 or 4 game cameras. Then you'll know if you're just hunting a good trail, food source, bedding area etc.
  9. it's the inner bone, not the dong itself. And yes, knowing where it's origin is some pretty primal cave man **** right there. there's a few comments here that seem to think anything penis related is gay. That's just sad really.
  10. Well if we're looking at it from any sort of legal standpoint, even a freshly killed deer is still the "property" of the land owner regardless of who shot it. From a technical standpoint I disagree that they're sheds. Shed's aren't connected and they're natrual and I've never met a guy who mounted a shed. However, I know many who have had the unfortunate circumstances where they recovered the deer after the meat had spoiled or coyotes had done their damage. Several of those were still mounted. Me personally, I believe that's a personal choice. I might be bothered everytime I look at that mount knowing the outcome. I still at the very least would still cap the horns and put them up in the garage. I don't believe there's a right or wrong, but I do not put it in the same category as a natural process like shedding.
  11. for gun hunting yes, and I know that's the subject of this thread. As a bowhunter, lack of pressure is your best friend. It's really funny how different the seasons are.
  12. were the tarsals stinky or something? haha that face!
  13. That actually sounds pretty awesome
  14. Time will tell. I'm not disagreeing with you, just noting that until the scientific method is used you cannot be certain it was the reason you harvested the deer. Please don't take my comments as challenging, I just don't want you to think that calling is a large factor in hunting whitetails like it is with turkey. It certainly has and can work.
  15. One can only assume if you quote a question that you're responding to them. Thanks again though for still not answering my question.What did I tell him to do?
  16. welcome. father and I had the same conversation. Old school gun hunters poking around their lot are a thing of the past. Too much info and also the newer hunter, or the hunter who is left is smarter. has his treestand picked out, understands that drives aren't good for the land. and the end result is we see less deer.
  17. never used the word entitled. but again, if he shot it, has some trail cam photos and his story checks out then I dont have an issue giving to them. I'm certainly not mounting them, so why am I keeping them?
  18. but that's not why guns were invented. stop being silly. you quoted his response to me. answering my question or stop derailing the thread.
  19. you're not required to keep your tags with your mounts anyhow. just with the meat as far as I understand.
  20. great to read. i wonder if they'll even touch the adk park though.
  21. glad to hear you enjoyed it. You'll enjoy bowhunting even more, it truly is in a league of its own compared to gun. I would not call you any names regarding your gun comment. However, the feeling of violence that comes with a gun is normal. It's a tool with 1 goal. To kill. It should always be respected for that and if you're bothered by it, that's fine and I'd encourage you to keep bowhunting.
  22. I'd have zero interest in hanging on to antlers that I didn't harvest myself. Can't say I would just toss them, they'd find a spot in the garage... but if another hunter presented some good evidence they were his? They'd be his for free.
  23. because none of you 3 musketeers seem to have an original thought. It's all just copy and past recycled internet garbage. It's so easy to just click a few things and post. What's really hard is to actually pursue change, to actually stop with the hate and fear mongering. You, aren't as bad as papist but I guess I just don't understand the point of all the posts. You're not changing anyone's mind. You're preaching to the choir. You're not going to change my opinion and I wont change yours. Why can't we just stick to hunting? It's always just one hot button to the next. Guess what, they still have billboards up down here protesting and protecting the state flag. Yet here all the wannabe southerns have since moved on and are no longer flying their confederate flag avatars. It's just all talk.
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