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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. I guess that's better than underpowered, but I'd be worried about losing a lot more meat than necessary. Good luck.
  2. I'm not a big fan of earn a buck. Because the first deer you see could be a buck. I also think it encourages someone to just take a doe and maybe not care for the meat. I also believe it removes the same freedom we use to have. But if doe truly are your issue, implement it for the start of the archery season all the way through. Meaning the gun only guy has to drop a doe too. Personally that's the only change I'd vote for. Because my real preference is no change at all.
  3. My "affection" for the crossbow is well documented. I would taken full inclusion in a heartbeat over this and I doubt anyone else would disagree.
  4. This will be my 8th season bowhunting. That's nothing compared to some of our vets. I've downright missed deer, hit limbs, been caught drawing. You name the newbie mistake and short of wounding and losing I've done it. We all have. 2 years ago I decided 2.5 and up with every weapon. Last year I didn't get a buck, but I did stick a doe. Thankfully, the year before that 2.5 did show up and that's good as I didn't see another buck within range the remainder of the bow season. I realize I could not have shot one regardless, but he was taken the first weekend. With the new regs I miss an opportunity on what most consider a nice buck to take with the stick and string. It's hard to encourage some hunters to keep hunting when they don't achieve success. So think about what this does for our youth? Our immediate gratification needed youth...
  5. why do they want them dead during archery? If they told us why; maybe I could get on board. It probably will stay the same. Most of us don't need more than 2 or 3 doe, if that in the freezer. I for one don't shoot more than I eat. I assume a lot of hunters are that way, so making me shoot doe only the first 2 weeks doesn't do anything to how many I will harvest that season because my freezer and family have not changed. If I get a good easy drag tits shot on a doe during bow I will probably take it. Traditionally I get a buck or 2 and then maybe if I need to I'll take a doe or 2 during mz. It's all the same. But what keeps me out during mz isn't the doe, it's a post rut buck. Otherwise I can probably poke a doe the first morning of mz. Fill my freezer and quit till next october. x2 everybody will bitch. that doesn't mean we roll over and accept an impossible task.. especially one where we don't know what our goal is.
  6. yet there is no explanation of why I need to shoot a doe then... if anything shooting a pregnant doe during mz is more effective population control than taking a pre-rut doe. A buck will just find another doe to breed. So explain to me stubby why a doe must die on october 5th instead of november 20th? Honest question, maybe I'm missing something.
  7. There are many who can't or wont leave NY no matter what SAFE Act and other penalties are imposed on us as citizens. But dollars talk. Those that can afford it need to start looking at more out of state opportunities. It's the best way to protest. Businesses have been doing it for decades now as the state's population outside of NYC has been steadily declining since the 50's. NY took 60 years to realize that being pro-worker and anti-business isn't going to work so they put some incentives behind businesses coming back to NY. Not sure how well the program is working, but I believe these new regs are just another "tough shit, you'll take it" shot fired by NY and nothing will change until we force it.
  8. I subscribe to less is better. In the heat of the moment, I want to KISS and take as much thinking out of the moment so I have a 30 yard pin and a 20 and under. It's worked well for me.
  9. I bet half this board would jump at the chance to get "access" to some of these areas. Hunters to these parts of the country are only the issue because most of the area is developed and unhuntable.
  10. Maybe you missed the several different posters who made this point. We bow hunters do shoot doe. Some during archery, some during other seasons. When you look at the survey on this site, although it's a very small sample size. It appears there are no "bow only" hunters, and of that group almost all of us shoot doe. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/28529-deer-weapon-and-style-survey/ So no, it's not a matter of us doing something we do not like. It's a matter of the DEC setting a goal (not telling us what the goal is) and essentially presenting us with an impossible task. How would you like it if your boss gave you a job to do, gave you guidelines on how to do it, but didn't tell you how to finish it or what he would be assessing you on? That's what they're doing. It's impossible to know how to prevent muzzleloaders in our season if the majority of our very small group of hunters already shoot doe and are told it's not enough.
  11. No. It's 1 single topic. Not 5 cut and paste articles a day about non-hunting subjects. Lets drop it and keep this thread on track.
  12. I guess we should go back to talking about liberals? It's one topic that directly deals with the subject matter of the site. Pass it by if you don't have an interest in it.
  13. Honestly I have no idea what or who you are. Like I said, your posts confuse me.
  14. always been a stander. most of my stands have a blind or rail that wouldn't allow me to sit. I've never bow hunted out of a blind but figure I'd start practicing sitting if I did.
  15. Just take your tags and money out of state. I did. Unfortunately I have some great land in NY and pay my out of state fee to come back every year and bowhunt.
  16. And you're only selectively quoting me when I also said "if you plan on doing this don't plan on keeping your job". You won't get arrested and there won't be a social media outcry which is typically associated with ethical issues. Big business didn't get to be big by not watching their own asses.
  17. It's an ethics question not a legal question. Ethically dicks isn't going out of business.
  18. A decade or more ago Mississippi was worried they had too many doe. They opened up the season with no bag limit. Before they knew what they had done the deer numbers plunged and buck became scarce. So bad in fact that they had to implement ARs. Take that for what it's worth.
  19. archers are only blaming the dec. some gun hunters are blaming archers. Do you see the difference? Your posts have me starting to wonder who your employer is.
  20. Don't twist the word hate with the term hater. Maybe it's a generational thing, but essentially it's a term for disliking someone or a group for who they are and usually linked with jealousy.
  21. I'm not skimming 24 pages to quote the "if bow hunters shot more doe it would have prevented this" there's at least 3 or 4 who said it. To me that's being a hater in the modern sense of the word.
  22. Read the Vaseline thread. Most are pissed. Some think bow hunters deserve it. At the end of the day it's creating a divide and we're not given enough info on why or how to stop further regulations before it gets out of hand.
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