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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. I'd agree with that. It's based on where he lives. But I don't agree that he's a 2.5 in any shape, form or location other than maybe 4 seasons pen
  2. according to papist, i have several mental disorders, and I'm a stalker. I'm also a liberal which is odd because I've never voted anything but conservative republican.
  3. I know this site hates labels and buckets. But I'm curious as to what sort of results this poll gets. I'm assuming most hunters who join a forum are pretty dedicated already. For the sake of the poll, apply it to your favorite game.
  4. the difference on private land is you can make an approach trail through that area so you're not so noisy. And honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about noise on private land. Get in at the right time and it wont matter as other hunters will push the deer to you.
  5. great piece of advice I forgot. Bowhunters have pretty free access as it is, and after the first weekend or 2 of gun, the pressure drops too. However, the deer are pretty spooked then. When I first started public land hunting I hunted a few weekdays that I saved vacation for and had much better experiences. I also didn't believe the advice of hunting from 10-3. I overslept one sunday and got in the stand at 7:30. 90 minutes late. So I stayed late and shot a doe at 11am. go figure.
  6. would you rather we be talking about isis or hillary clinton? if you're not interested don't click the thread.
  7. This weekend is the second time they're offering the sportsman tax free weekend in Mississippi. They started it last year and people love it. This state I live in is far from perfect, but they do at least listen to their citizens. So all labor day weekend long anything to do with hunting, fishing and all guns and ammo is tax free. win.
  8. he was essentially purposing otc doe tags. which would mean no limit. And why I have to pay for a doe tag (which used to be free) for the states goal is also baffling. Nobody will argue hunter access. It's the first thing I brought up with the season change. I left my house in the burbs this morning. Big breeder doe and fawn in my front yard. Head to the huntable hardwoods and barely a sign. Problem is that the DEC can't really solve access issues as far as I know. So they come up with nonsense just to tell the boss they did "something". I see it all the time at work. Some action is better than no action they say. I disagree. I'd rather you do nothing, than do the wrong thing and make it worse.
  9. part of me also thinks not all hunters are "good hunters". And if the guy next door shoots 20 doe, and you're a newbie you might not get any at all. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but some sort of limit is needed.
  10. i must have misread I'm sorry, I thought you did get one.
  11. Undecided. On one hand, like many have pointed out with the new late muzzleloader season. If I shoot a buck in early archery I'm pretty much done for the year. I may go out to pop another doe or 2 to put in freezer meat but the excitement is just gone in areas where I hunt. I can see doe every sit, so I get excited that the brown I see coming through might have horns. Just my .02.
  12. fwiw, that city generates a lot more money than the rest of the state combined. Their lifestyle isn't for me and their way of thinking generally doesn't mesh with the rest of the states. But it's the only part of the state where the population isn't shrinking.
  13. agreed. don't get sucked in by the hype. I myself will admit I'm a gear junky. But most of it is really just to make me more comfortable. Most of it is intended to make me more successful and I don't think any of it really does. Heck you really don't even need the scent free soap if you play the wind, but for $10 it's a good idea too.
  14. I probably would have took the stand home and left a note on the tree for them to come get it. just leaving it there seems kind of like garbage/litter.
  15. Ha that reminds me that I bought some too. A used harmonic stabilizer lite for my Mathews too. I'd really like some warm weather muck boots but the price is steep.
  16. she should have kept going in the first video. I enjoy my me team. I'm a solo hunter. Only person I'd hunt with would be my dad or sons.
  17. What's on your list for this season, or what did you add to your collection? I think for the first time since I started there's nothing I really want or need except for a quad and that's not happening. If you're not in the market, what's on your wish list?
  18. I bought a cheaper mono-pod. Redhead I think. It's all you really need if sitting in a blind, but I wish i spent more for the primos as it's only adjustable at the bottom. If you don't have a level area and not a lot of swing in your range it works though.
  19. actually seems most of us do hunt those areas. It's like saying the safe act is a done deal. Just take it. Let the government just get away with stuff because it's easy is not the correct route.
  20. no disrespect that goes against anyone and everything any hunter will ever tell you. Ignore sign because they're there at night? I can't even count how many deer I've shot over scrapes.
  21. 50's just a good even number. that would be their argument. Plus 2 more senators etc. etc.
  22. Great idea, but the powers and money to be will never let it happen. Has just about enough chance as Texas seceding.
  23. This is the kind of stuff I was hiking through Sunday on public land. Was checking out a funnel between an outlet and a ridge. When I got there the sign wasn't great and thinking about dragging a deer out of there was more than enough for me to check out another area. In the other area a jumped a young buck and it had good sign. However, it was easier access so I'm more worried about hunter pressure. see if you can spot my dog in the first pic seeing this was kinda creepy too
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