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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. too many memories with my buck knife. If I ever lost it, I would literally cry. I also use the gloves. Inevitably they tear somewhere and i still get a little bloody but I don't get as messy and I too use the bags for the heart and liver.
  2. It really wasn't meant for hunters. Other activities? It does awesome with
  3. I don't think there's a wrong way so long as you dont cut the stomach. I guess I've always started at the junk and cut up. Use my finger below my knife edge to keep it up high. Lately I've been cutting the junk off in the field as well. I can't remember who or where I was told that was a good idea, but I do it.
  4. There's some good meat in the neck and if he's a mounter, I'm not about to risk the cape
  5. very cool as always. that's a shooter buck right there.
  6. congrats. my oldest boy will be 3 in august. I too am anxious to get him into the woods, but I don't want to rush these years either. They're fun!
  7. I haven't. I know they make bow mounts. What I realized was, killing a deer is hard enough. It just added variables and I don't think the rewards outweighed the risk. Where I see them on hunting shows is usually to give a look back at the hunter. And I could really care less about that.
  8. I too had a neck shot with MZ last year. It wasn't intentional. The doe ran up on me out of nowhere. She then b-lined behind the tree I had my climber in. I had to turn 180 and used the tree as a rest. She was quartering away and at only 40 yards and worried about her bolting again I made a quick shot. It was much higher than the vitals I was aiming for, and I was lucky. She tipped over like a tree in the forest. I would never have aimed for where I hit. a few inches to the right or left and she probably dies miles from where I shot her and ends up being yote food.
  9. it's not so different than a warm spring turkey or early season bow kill in NY. Us southerns deal with it all the way up through mid October. You get the deer gutted quickly and cut it up quick. If you're not prepared to butcher or want it to age you quarter it and pack it in a cooler but don't freeze it. Good quick, clean ethical kills are even more important when it's warm. There's pros and cons to hot vs cold hunting. Your muscles stay loose, less baggy crap to hit your bow string, but you sweat and stink more and bugs can bother you. At the end of the day you get out there and hunt because you want to, not because the weather allows it.
  10. here's the link with the pdf's available for download if any of you are curious. makes me wonder if we should do more of this on the island and some of our cities in NY. http://www.oxfordms.net/living-here/deer-management
  11. my money would be on a run in with a yote.
  12. the gopro is not what you want for hunting. Great cam but when you start wearing it and realize how bad it messes with your hat, facemask etc, the extra movement, the weight... it just doesn't deliver there are 2 clips in the video below. One is shooting out of my old barn. Targets are 15 and 20 yards. the second is in the woods with a deer at similar range.
  13. we are cut from the same cloth doc. I may give it a whirl to fill the freezer, but that's about it.
  14. wasn't trying to get on you. The OP's attitude was a little bothersome to me. Comes on here thinking he may get some support for his choice, and then when he doesn't get it, he calls us out for telling him it's not a good idea. We don't do any hunter a service by condoning a hunting method that can lead to wounding deer. We have enough barriers to overcome as a group. Saying it's ok to take neck shots with lower than desirable calibers is not what we should do to help our cause.
  15. For $30 it's probably not a bad idea if it doesn't work you're not broke. There's plenty of good free exercises too. Talk to you PT they should have some for you. My wife's a PT and I can ask her if you don't have any luck. Let me know.
  16. We have close to 30 on about 200 acres between 2 properties and 7 hunters.
  17. They need to do even better and allow the purchase of mags over 10 rounds like the rest of the country.
  18. I love everything you said... Except shivering. Definitely don't like shivering.
  19. I don't know why but the picture you painted really made me chuckle. I just see this guy in the woods stretching and doing push-ups and then he pulls out his gun and shoots a little.
  20. Limiting yourself to a small caliber and small vital is just silly is what the point is. Step up a little in power with not a huge noticeable kick increase and shoot for much larger vitals
  21. I think it's great all these big box hunting stores are coming to NY. It's funny when you hear all the doom and gloom about license sales. Makes you wonder if they know something we don't?
  22. it's during regular season which starts 10/1. Easily in the low 80's with some 70's and 90's sprinkled in. It's all about limiting sweat down south.
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