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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. very interesting point. it's sort of like wearing a nice suit. It doesn't change who you are but it does help the confidence.
  2. Should have figured the resident nut jobs would be upset. Give it a rest.
  3. ok. i'm sorry i thought tiger stripe was a well known camo pattern so I couldn't tell. My first ever deer at age 17. Reversible walls cotton jacket (christmas present) and hand me down vietnam tigerstripe pants over the top of the famous red wool pants. In fairness, this was on a drive but I don't think he cared I wasn't matching
  4. i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious.
  5. Like many of you I received the bass pro new camo catlog yesterday and had a chuckle to see they have some new camo patterns specific to the south carolina region. Now I'm a camo junky don't get me wrong, but now we're getting a little ridiculous. How many of you buy your gear to match your other gear or specifically choose a mossy oak for early season and a realtree hardwoods for after the green is gone? And more importantly, if the deer can't see my bright blaze orange...
  6. Placid and George are nice places to vacation. Good family spots with plenty to keep the kids busy and happy. I would not lump them in with what a lot of people are looking for when it comes to camping/hiking in the daks though. They're nice places and i've enjoyed times at both but if you're looking for a quiet get away then I'd say look elsewhere.
  7. damnn commies taking over our board! where's Papist when you actually need him?
  8. This would probably be considered deep in the woods by most peoples standards, but again any rifle will travel so us and the neighbors can hear it all too well. What makes it worse is that it's become a place to go and shoot for all their buddies. So yes, it's at least a few hundred rounds on a saturday and normally not just pistols. We site in and pattern our guns a few times a year. I don't believe most people mind that. It's the "gun club" range that becomes an issue and I'm not sure my father has any legal recourse to stop it. so now we get to the root of the discussion. What is sweet, sweet harmony to one person is nails on a chalkboard to the next guy. I think that's really what this all boils down to.
  9. we're remote, but it doesn't stop the noise from traveling. Normally it's not a big deal but I recall specifically a family bbq where it was pretty obnoxious. It would have been obnoxious whether it was fireworks, guns or dirtbikes. It honestly boils down to a respect thing.
  10. let me ask you this and I know the can of worms it'll open. I've bitched on here a few times about my dad's neighbors who built their own personal gun range. Perfectly safe and they're good law abiding gun owners. BUT, when you start at 11am on a saturday and don't quit shooting till dusk? even worse when they do it during bow season? then tell me this. What's the difference?
  11. I've been going to my grandparents cabin north of old forge my whole life. Old forge is a quiet little town with enough to do to keep you busy, or enough not to do so you can relax. At least 4 or 5 low peak mountains within 30 minutes. I recommend bald mountain to start. You also have inlet and Raquel lake near by. There's everything from camp grounds to houses you can rent.
  12. Quality was always good. Trigger speed was what bothered me.
  13. Yeah I know, you'd think a safety leader would know better? Haha
  14. A field point does the trick too, the point I'm making is of you have a less than perfect shot. Let's not pretend it doesn't happen.
  15. And I agree, but it bothers me I can't decide. Should my arrow fly off course, it's a personal opinion of mine that making an x with razor blades provides more opportunity to slice something vital. I've nicked a few hearts in my day and wonder sometimes if that 2 blade was 180* if i'd have still recovered the deer.
  16. i have some older spypoints. I want to say 2008ish? Not a fan, just never did a great job compared to some moultries i have bought during the same time.
  17. I like loud guns, loud cars, loud bikes and explosions. I have subwoofers in my car and in my home theater. I love a good action movie. Do I care why I love these things? nope. I just know that I do. With that said, I can relate to the random summer weekend night. Woke a colicky baby up a few nights and I swear I could have knocked a mother f'r out. Leave it to a few saturday's a year and be done with it.
  18. like hey, do you think i can jump that bet you cant hit that how high do you think that is bet i can beat you trust me and the list goes on
  19. my worst safety experience is probably when my cousin thought the best thing to do would be to burn any evidence in the camp fire. ha. you can guess the outcome.
  20. falls under the same argument as legalizing pot. People who want to do it will drive to the borders and do it anyhow. Might as well save some people gas and time and keep the money in the state. It's basically 1 day a year and as a pyro i love to drop some change on some good boomers. Lately all i will buy is mortars though. Anything else is junk.
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