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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. everyone does. Except the 3 or 4 holier than tho members on this forum.
  2. what are you even talking about? My screw up? By finding a deer who would have died within the hour and speeding up the process is my screw up? Get off your freaking high horse. Hope you're in compliance with the safe act. Can't pick and choose your laws right?
  3. calling out a sub-culture is not a win for the anti's. It's an attempt to police ourselves before they have to do it for us. You can deny and act ignorant to the fact that there is a different breed of hunter who enters the woods for 1 or maybe 2 weekends a year. Often with a hangover and a cigarette in his mouth. If you believe it's a shot to all gun hunters then you're being silly too. You know who it's aimed at and why. it's no different than a sports team trying to weed out their bad apples before they make the rest of the team look bad. I'm sick of the stigma a sub-culture gives the rest of us.
  4. Sweet rack. Congrats! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Gun hunters... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Family did really well in 7j. Couple 8s and many passes on yearlings. Very homesick right now
  7. I missed an 8 once and he went 5 yards and I hit him the second time. It is odd but happens.
  8. i believe you cannot have a firearm on you in the dark. Obviously someone can clarify but I don't recall if it matters if it's loaded or not. Obviously a silly rule.
  9. I hear you and I now hunt some public land down south and I realize how spoiled i was with private land. I just don't agree with your comment regarding you paying and being able to do what you want. Without the correct management program eventually we all suffer. Lord knows the poachers do enough damage. Doc you're being silly. The state is already split with ARs and weapons and even seasons. It's really not that complicated. If you can't understand and read your annual rule book which is mostly unchanged you shouldn't be in the woods*. It's no more evident then with the safe act and the results of the recent election. Look how divided we are. *exception with crossbow regs. those are confusing and were rushed.
  10. ? yes. we can buy the guns we want and our gas is $2.35 a gallon. Look up Oxford and see how it compares to most areas of NY.
  11. I put an animal out of his misery. Slap the cuffs on me officer. Nobody could have "claimed" that deer. He was on private property. And if you're the kind of guy who picks up other deer in the morning that were clearly harvested the night before, than I hope we never cross paths. Would be an interesting conversation as I approach my evening kill the next morning and you're their gutting him.
  12. the answer i was hoping for
  13. bow numbers have been up in NY... so why not add crossbows? haha. One thing we often forget when we talk hunter numbers is that upstate population in general has been declining. Hard to grow numbers when your people are leaving.
  14. my argument was more about hunter numbers. While I know that there aren't ARs everywhere, people hunt the midwest for their big bucks. If they have big bucks because of their land and crops that's great. That's something that NY, Michigan, OH and PA all struggle with due to population and urban sprawl. So in my opinion ARs or reducing tags is the way to go. I believe you will not see license sales drop. With bigger buck I believe you will have more sales. Regardless of how you get there. Michigan has increased 4% in the last few years where ARs have been implemented. In addition their herds have grown giving hunters more opportunities at doe. I can't link to the D&DH article, but for those that subscribe you can back me up.
  15. I edit a lot because i type fast then reread to fix a typo or grammatical error. we've beat this to death. My post says what it says and if at on point it didn't, I edited it to make it say what I meant. If you want to call out my integrity now we're in a whole new arena. I do not lie, cheat or steal. I AM passionate about deer hunting and will get in arguments over it. But I'm always fair and have never called names or broke rules on this board. So again, I do not recall changing that word and if I did it was changed because it was not what I meant and has nothing to do with me trying to win an internet argument.
  16. it was 2 days later but a family member of mine just found a real nice buck that was liver shot and jumped by using crows. Shame that he lost the meat, but it brings closure.
  17. he's now left the area as you're walking around in your blue jeans!
  18. exactly. the deer dont vanish. They may be a little smarter and harder to kill, but after a few years of ARs you will generally get better deer. It's been posted 100 times so I figured you'd have read it. I know you may believe they have an agenda, but until someone else puts out a report with license sales and harvest data this is all we have http://www.qdma.com/corporate/whitetail-report nobody said state wide. Would be horrible for some areas like the daks and others that generally have overpopulation.
  19. can't shoot a doe? would rather shoot a spike? that's what I find troubling. If you're hunting for food the horns shouldn't matter. And if you're 70 and a long time hunter, do you really need another fork horn on your cabin wall?
  20. i think this is like a csi episode and we can't see the evidence. You should have fragments or something inside if there's only one exit. i also think it's a little odd he didn't spook much from the gun shot.
  21. wouldn't call it a pre-hunt song but this one always gets me going
  22. i believe you can carry a firearm on saturday obviously, but i would not put an archery tag on a deer with a gun whole in it. If you find it dead from a broadhead I would put my archery tag on it.
  23. Why are Hunter numbers increasing in states with ARs in the Midwest? Frustrated hunters or great bucks to hunt?
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