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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. we tried. it's a pretty hard on and off and it sits on the top near the stock. I'm used to the trigger guard ruger safeties that seem to be quieter and allow you to ease it in. I think they did away with the easing it off part to improve safety but like the OP mentioned, it's really not to groovy for a hunting rifle.
  2. You can always tell the bow from the gun hunters haha. Let the orange army invasion begin!
  3. why would you toss the deer? good hygeine says you really should be wearing nitrile or latex gloves while dressing/skinning anyhow. It's a few dollars at walmart for some thin plastic sheeting back in the paint section. Lay it down and do what you normally would and just make sure to watch your skin and take a shower after.
  4. from the website: Hunting-Related Bills that Benefit a Very Small Number of People
  5. My running rules have always been to leave well enough alone and only use scents, calls etc. if you're not getting them in to where you need them or not getting them at all. But generally I don't think a scrape hurts. Try to do them when it's wet and/or rainy though. I see doe hit scrapes all the time so it's not like it should scare anything away.
  6. my dad and i said the same thing about his 30-06 american. i think it was the only feature we didn't like on the gun. I don't know of a fix.
  7. love the last pick. i have one with my son from last year with my 8 (he was 1 at the time). it is one of my favorite pics.
  8. i don't think that's overcalling. when i stop calling is when i have action. then there's no need unless i'm trying to grunt a buck back in. generally i don't even try to grunt them in unless it looks like they're headed out of range. "blind calling" is what you're referring too and i dont think it can hurt unless maybe you're trying to just smoke a doe. They aren't likely to come into anything but a fawn bleat and more likely to avoid any buck/doe in heat calls. even see a buck chasing a doe? The doe never look like they're enjoying it. haha.
  9. One other that popped into my mind is the sunrise/sunset rules. I'd like to see the 30 min before and after added.
  10. So if we're speaking strictly about hunting politics and not other politics, then here is my response. I also hunt deer with gun, turkey, pheasant, squirrel and duck occasionally. 1. I think our seasons for most species are on par with most other states. I would like to see no season for coyotes and a shorter gun season, however the conflict of over population in some areas hurts that. 2. I do not necessarily agree with crossbows during bow season but I accept that our society has pushed for such a thing and they are now legal. 3. We have a generous amount of public hunting land throughout the state. 4. They have properly adjusted the setback rules to make sense. 5. They have begun to finally allow rifles in many counties where you previously could not use them. 6. I would like to see some reform with regards to limits/antler restrictions but I wouldn't say our state is doing anything grossly inadequate. 7. I think license prices are way too high. But again, this is NY. haha. I know you're into some bird hunting that may have some issues so I can't relate. But you must also accept that it's a real small population of hunters when compared to deer/turkey/fishing. So what's your list with what's broken?
  11. i end up hanging my fanny pack, binoculars and sometimes a grunt tube. At that point it's just easy to leave the quiver on. One less thing to bang, rattle and fuss with.
  12. good real sharp filet knife. It is something that's a pain in the ass, and there are some tips but not really any secret trick other than have a group of people to help haha. Silver skin is one of the leading causes of gamy tasting meat. Get it off! One of the reasons some people don't just mine paying $80.
  13. big boys are rarely out in the open anywhere. My dad's famous saying is "The easy part is pulling the trigger. The real work begins after".
  14. we've debated it many times here. In the end I don't think it can help. So if I can hold it I do. Ultimately, my comfort matters so I pee. They're only deer.
  15. do you really think there's enough fraud to make a difference in a liberal state? Some people spend too much time trying to justify the way this state is and figure out if there's a magic loophole. There is not. You live in a very liberal state.
  16. I'm not so sure there was a whole lot terribly broken with the DEC regs. Sometimes the monster you know is better than the one you don't. I wouldn't assume new heads mean we're getting something better...
  17. just bought one off amazon a few weeks ago. i think they're money well spent. I think it was a foodsaver brand. ~$80.
  18. 1. curse under your breath. It happens. You keep hunting. Especially during the rut. 2. ghillie suit is good. scent control is crucial. still important in the stand but even more so on the ground. 3. deer don't forget as quickly as fish do, but your spot isn't ruined, especially by a younger buck. Again the rut is a wonderful thing. But a mature doe or buck might start squirting it.
  19. but that's a liberal tree hugger issue, not a pro gun pamphlet.
  20. lol. 1. hood rats dont vote anyhow. If they did this would have been worse. 2. you can't vote without being registered. Don't be silly.
  21. but if you read any of the articles his top 3 issues do not mention guns. They were reducing taxes, becoming more business friendly and getting rid of common core. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I like guns. I own guns. I believe in the constitution and do not like, support or agree with the safe act. I'm registered republican and have always voted that way. BUT, If I'm looking at this election, my concerns are with the taxes and anti-business mindset of the state of NY. Guns are on the list, but much further down. I moved out of NY in January of this year. I headed south like so many New Yorkers have because of the lack of career growth opportunities in the area. The taxes in most other states are a fraction of what they are, the cost of living is much cheaper and there are more jobs. That should be your concern when you vote. NY is the last in the country for being business friendly. If it wasn't for a great health care network, good schools and universities and a huge metropolis of a city there would be no reason to live in NY. The population of NY has been shrinking for over 60 years as a result of this style of management. Businesses and factories are closing. Heck, your largest employer in a once booming city of Rochester is a grocery store and a University. That's embarrassing.
  22. No. Someone sent it to me. I don't know its origins. But my little guy does have a bunch of camo and a toy bow.
  23. I hate to ever say never, but if some of you thought there was hope you were blind. And while guns are important to a lot of us, they fall down on the list of important issue for most. Astir ink didn't even have guns in his campaign.
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