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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. oh hell yeah I get where you're coming from. Sort what prompted the thread haha. But at some point if you can continue to push the button the thrill diminishes right? A bad analogy is getting married and sleeping with the same girl for the rest of your life. haha.
  2. that sucks. this could have gone viral if it was full of cool stuff. I blame the nurse. Nobody has an empty safe.
  3. I know you meant it as a joke, but it's sort of the same thing though isn't it? Would you feel as happy and would it be as rewarding? What you're really talking about is similar to just buying a cadged hunt haha.
  4. Sometimes hunting the wind is to sit downwind or cross wind because the big guys seldom walk without it up their ass.
  5. The part I find interesting is that people who use them and have killed a deer claim they work. But everyday plenty of deer are shot without them. There really is no way of knowing if that deer would not have presented a shot without ozonics. So I'm not sure we will ever have an end to the debate.
  6. I have the same climber. It's much nicer, safer and lighter than the field and stream i used a few years ago. I can't underline safety enough with climbers. I've hunted hang ons my whole life and climbers are a whole new level. My biggest issue is trying not to sweat my ass off. Agree with you completely on needing some decent trails for hiking with a climber. At the end of the day though, it is what it is and to use a climber in a hard to get to spot is still better than not getting there at all.
  7. I agree with you guys. The unknown is what gets me out there. I love "the hunt". This morning my alarm went off and I didn't sleep great. I laid there wondering what if today is the day a big boy walks by? The Bills being on a bye convinced me to hunt the afternoon instead. I know... I suck.
  8. Press a magic button if there was such a thing, that could predict if you would see or kill a deer. Prior to going into the woods?
  9. Who cares what you look like in the woods? Good lord
  10. what the heck are female hunter cosmetics? I have a reply to this if it is what I think it is, so I'm going to wait before I make myself silly to be sure.
  11. Geez man, do you have stock in the company or something? Pretty riled up over this. he's not the lone person in this thread who isn't in favor of it... it's a hunting forum...
  12. open hardwoods or field, i'd go blind. Anything other a stand is where it's at. Furthermore for archery I absolutely prefer a climber almost no matter what. Gun a nice blind is fine and sometimes better.
  13. i've never had a clean shot at a turkey with bow but always said i'd take it. Where do you aim?
  14. While many of us bowhunters also gun hunt, most bowhunters I know prefer to bowhunt 1st and gun hunt second. There are still far more gun hunters than bowhunters and now a lot of them are using a crossbow. There is a different mindset with how long a deer should go, should a shot be in the vitals, neck or head. There's just not the same thinking between hunters.
  15. i was watching a show the other night where the hunter points out that the deer scented his ozonics but wasn't bothered by it. It's too much $ for me and just another thing to lug into the woods. I'll pass, even it was free i think.
  16. You sure like to stir the pot. Thanks for telling me what gun I can use. I guess a really old article is all the proof we need.
  17. A buck on the wall is not like a buck in a pen which is not like a buck in the woods.
  18. that's how us husbands get a second tag
  19. there it is. took till the second page, but there it is
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