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Everything posted by Doewhacker

  1. I hear camo makes everything look smaller, are you sure you want that?
  2. Thats cause you are fellow upstate hick and we can't spell good. The reverse is anything north of Queens is "upstate".
  3. The funny part is its only a brush burning ban, and clearly states you can still have camp fires but should be cautious when doing so. I guess that got over looked by those looking for a reason to get pissed off.
  4. So I take it you have nothing to offer in this thread then febble attempts at insults, let me guess next will be a "brown and down" comment, we already see the troll one. Hmm you must be just about out of ideas.
  5. A troll, like you the guy that hasn't posted any thing other than this in a long time?
  6. You mean like the facts provided multiple times by steve863 and I? Oh thats right you have tried to discredit the DEC report and the person or people that compiled the report because it goes against what you preach.
  7. Really? well don't go talking to some of the guys on this site then, they must be telling tales about the old bucks they have killed.
  8. yea why not, its not like you fellas kill a buck most years anyway? I think that they could properly control herd numbers that way like they try to with doe permits. Seems like that makes a lot more sense than taking bucks every single year, good or bad.
  9. haha yea clearly its all that Hursts fault that the DEC hasn't agreed with AR's for a few years now. Just keep ignoring guys, the next wave of restrictions will be far worse for you than I.
  10. "Going forward, we need to consider other approaches (e.g., mandatory ARs for part of the season, a one-buck per hunter limit, or other alternatives) that may offer more acceptable outcomes for New York deer hunters and stakeholders" By the way I would and do whole heartedly support these other ideas for AR's and even a more extreem one as Culver suggested of a buck permit lottery. Funny though I have rarely heard any AR fans say they would go for a buck permit system.
  11. Nope AR's made it in because public pressure and politicians backing it, and that is the only reason it is in. Do I need to re-post the part where they recieved many unsigned, undated form letters from sportsmans groups?
  12. "mandatory ARs are not biologically necessary to maintain a healthy deer population in New York. Furthermore, the yearling portion of total buck take in New York has been dropping statewide, without mandatory ARs, from greater than 70% in the early 1990s to about 55% in 2011" You pro AR guys can go argue with the DEC, the link provided previously and the parts of the document aren't enough for you I gather. Unreal. "Going forward, we need to consider other approaches (e.g., mandatory ARs for part of the season, a one-buck per hunter limit, or other alternatives) that may offer more acceptable outcomes for New York deer hunters and stakeholders" Maybe if I keep re posting it you will read it and actually understand it.
  13. Yea genralizations like that are no good, and yet you make one in the same sentence. lol Yea just like saying the majority of hunters support AR's, uh huh all 500 that were polled. Hey good luck shooting another 2.5 year old 5 point this year like you did last year. What an acomplishment after all of the smack you talked last year. I guess some can't walk the walk and talk the talk.
  14. Read the DEC's thoughts on all of this here.. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/deerregapc2012.pdf Here are some tidbits for all of the AR/Biologist arm chair quarter backs. "Many comments, from supporters and opponents, continued to reflect beliefs about potential outcomes of mandatory ARs that cannot be substantiated (e.g., impact on hunting safety) or were inconsistent with existing data from DEC‟s pilot antler restriction program (e.g., impact on hunting participation or purported increases in antlerless harvest). DEC„s previous responses to those comments can be found at the links cited above and apply here as well. Certainly, mandatory ARs will substantially reduce the harvest of yearling (1.5 year old) bucks, since the "3-points on a side" rule would make it illegal to harvest most yearling deer in southeastern New York. After a few years, and if the total deer population grows, hunters may take similar numbers of bucks with mandatory ARs as they did without. However, mandatory ARs are not biologically necessary to maintain a healthy deer population in New York. Furthermore, the yearling portion of total buck take in New York has been dropping statewide, without mandatory ARs, from greater than 70% in the early 1990s to about 55% in 2011 " Evidence from the pilot AR program revealed no significant changes in hunter participation for the majority of hunters, though overall participation by non-local hunters appeared to decline because of mandatory ARs. As such, no economic benefit to local communities should be expected in areas where mandatory ARs are enacted. We agree that unless overall populations are reduced, mandatory ARs will result in larger buck populations, potentially exacerbating concerns of agricultural or ecological impact in some areas. Though DEC intends to manage overall deer populations consistent with desires of local stakeholder task forces, mandatory ARs may invalidate the primary index (bucks killed per square mile) used to monitor deer population trends and will reduce DEC‟s ability to identify when a population is at objective levels As for the future, DEC has no plans to expand mandatory ARs outside of these areas, but we have begun developing a more systematic process and criteria for determining when and where mandatory ARs or other strategies for reducing harvest of yearling bucks may be warranted. The ongoing debate about mandatory ARs has caused many hunters to view that as the only option for reducing harvest of yearling bucks. However, there are other approaches that may deal more effectively with diverse and often competing hunter values. Yearling buck harvest strategies involve significant tradeoffs among hunters who want to increase their chances of taking (or seeing) older bucks, hunters who want the freedom to take a buck of any size, other stakeholders concerned about overall deer populations, and DEC managers who must balance these competing interests and who have concerns about impacts on their ability to reliably monitor and manage deer populations without excessive cost or complexity. Going forward, we need to consider other approaches (e.g., mandatory ARs for part of the season, a one-buck per hunter limit, or other alternatives) that may offer more acceptable outcomes for New York deer hunters and stakeholders. " There is a glimmer of hope that the DEC may someday return to making decisions based on facts and science instead of making them as a result of political, monetary and group pressure. And to all of those who tout that survey conducted by Cornell, do tell how many hunters were surveyed..I believe it was around 500 response's they had wasn't it? And lastly to all of those who say simply go shoot a doe, well gee I would love to but there are zero permits for my area. I hope all of you boys in western NY are ready for steve863 and I, we are pulling up stakes and heading your way.
  15. Ahahaha I qouted you before you could edit your stupidity. If you knew how to work a computer you would see a post near the bottom of page three where I explained things for you. Bubba you are a hero, thank god for you and your third grade humor. So sorry I beat you up.
  16. English please, I don't speak moron.
  17. Huh? Listen you fat old man I think you should take your meds before they take you away. You must really be upset with how life took a dump on you or something. You dont know me at all tough guy...lol Funny how you try to put some one down who is doing good in life because you veiw them as a threat.
  18. You take up spots one and two.
  19. The only one argueing is you fats. Reread my post I said you were stupid and later on I said Christallmighty you guys are up tight. I know you are wide enough to count as more than one guy but that should have been clear indication that I was speaking to more than just you imense one. The reason you will not see a PM from me is because I am not a 12 year old like you. You were the one implying that I don't own anything and some how owning things makes you superior some way but what ever.
  20. You started the attacks fatty so stop getting red in the face. Did I directly name you as supporting Ted stupid? I have watched you try to push people around here for a long time and trust me you are the one who always comes out looking stupid. At no point have I condoned or approved trespassing, you assume I do because I don't see it as the end of the world just like the land owner in this case. Not a good thing but nothing to get rabid over. Now lets get that damn kid brought to justice like he so deserves.
  21. Keep going Bubba, you really have me pinned down whimpering in my boots. Your attempts at bullying are weak at best you fat moron. I know some like you cannot understand anything other than grunts and whistles but maybe you can go back and reread where some folks want to throw the book at the kid and call the cops and dec. As far as what I own, I would be more than happy to compare net worth with you any time idiot. What a blubbering child like dumbass you are. Have a blast getting yourself all worked up.
  22. Bubba you are as stupid as you look, when did I condone it? Same old crap on here I guess, its better to go for blood then it is to actually talk to your neighbors and it is ok for some of you to do the same thing as kids but thats because the other generations were so much better and never did anything bad growing up. What a crock of s$&@! If a kid rides his bike through the woods on a trail one time I don't think we need to warm up the electric chair. Christ allmighty you guys are uptight. The funniest thing is if Ted Nugent breaks a law you run to his support but a kid on a bike needs the sherrif called on him. Doewhacker out!
  23. You mean like Woodstock and the entire decade of the 60's or before that was any better? Yea things were really blissfull back then and no one ever broke a game law or tresspassed back then..nowadays the attitude is to convict some one of crimes instead of trying to talk your neighbors and figure things out. Thank goodness its not like that where I live, we all know each other and would talk face to face before calling the cops.
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