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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. well I went to Walmart and the kid started typing in all my info. so I said "shouldn't my info already be in there?" He said "no they did an update so we have to type it all in now." then got in there and he couldn't "Add" any of the hunting licenses only fishing. I think he screwed stuff up and didn't know what he was doing. got him to cancel and close out of everything. little annoying, more so than just taking a while.
  2. don't need pins... it's like throwing a baseball.
  3. yea lots of apples and good acorn crop. deer nothing more than the usual. one have out one cam though... more will follow. i don't weight sightings much before velvet shed and possible range changes.
  4. I'd think same situation we've got now. limited participation. hot days to me are just as worry worthy as cold ones. I've passed deer early season on a hot Sunday evening, because i don't really have time to deal with it right away and have to work the following day. early archery season is ample enough time for me to fill tags. i don't think it'd change my harvest numbers.
  5. first this isn't meant to argue... my post isn't in reference to massive amounts of product but probably a surplus of product at a location. chances are it'd take place before the "blow out sale" is put into consideration. there's a point before then where things just get marked down and sit. so now are you factoring in the cost in man hours to produce the ad/marketing material to get people to the store, in-store materials and moving it to a better location within the store, or even the time vested by upper management in pondering whether or not the item is to go on sale? with friend word of mouth there is none. no retailer would allow this to an extent someone would make a significant portion of a living off of. "traffic" also works both ways. most people shop around for a product either online or in the store. friend connection might eliminate feeling the need to shop around and therefore there's less of a chance the consumer will come make an additional purchase with some other place. your store is the one at the front of their mind and probably the first to consider when they need something else. again my whole premise of what i've said is in agreement with you... yes doing it not against management wishes. any response is most likely "fine, sure, or i don't care" not "great idea! go for it!". pretty sure big retailers like Cabelas and others aren't dumb and i think it's something that's part of their business model but not something they build around.
  6. said it earlier in one of these threads.... reg gun season antler only tag used as a conditional either sex tag but during the reg season not after. some will run out of time or lose interest and then, as the opportunity presents itself, decide to take a doe. some will never take a doe, but some of those who don't buy the full spread of available tags will then be able to use it. create more opportunity without burdening your most efficient hunters (those more vested hunting early or late season who take doe at some point throughout the season).
  7. not a novel idea to me. it does work well to get the point across. coordinated effort works best. within a given week for post marking.
  8. good post based on my experience. only other thing I'd add is i clear the ground of duff or debris under the hinge. also pick a spot that a deer will use as bedding like a south facing slope, ridge step, or saddle. hinge the trees into the wind. deer want to smell what they can't see coming. you're mostly doing smaller diameter trees, so a GOOD single handed pruning saw works great with more control versus over jealously using a chainsaw for those. use a chainsaw for bigger stuff. poplar and birch aren't really good i'll cut them down for low cover or to steer deer in an already traveled general direction. another thing, make some bigger for a small doe family group and then have a smaller one for a "buck bed" 10 yards or so away in sight or downwind.
  9. i need to get mine.... debating whether or not to get DMP tags for 4J. will have plenty without them which is the problem.
  10. hunter recruitment into early bow season would increase and more doe taken. makes sense. I know gun only hunters who would make the jump that otherwise wouldn't if crossbows had full inclusion.
  11. this is what I was originally thinking in my post. some companies gladly would clear inventory that otherwise would move very little. inventory takes space which is money. they could use that space for other product that would turn profit or better serve them. no retail store big or small holds onto something that's not selling. unless you're going behind the companies back and breaking what rules they had in place it's not going against ethics.
  12. my wife's bow is even starting with a 20 yard pin. usually 10 and 20 are close enough you can hold a slightly lower with the 20. there's less congestion of pins that way.
  13. same for fixed pins... 20 yards top pin, then in 10 yard increments after that. if you've got 1 - 4 pins then center the top pin in the sight window first and then sight in by moving the housing. then sight in the rest on your pins by moving them. it'll allow you to more view of your target with the pin you'll use the most, your top 20 yard pin.
  14. right now buck bachelor groups are still relatively together. which can greatly skew your ratio. keep checking into the first couple weeks of September once velvet starts to shed and before the hunting season is here. I definitely agree with you in that no reason to get extra tags if you're not going to fill them.
  15. I know the guy that helped develop the first version of that. it's called Cyber Deer Hunter Education software. we just using it this weekend. I've got an app on my iPhone from Deer and Deer Hunting. fun to play with if you're a new hunter. I'd recommend downloading it to your phone.
  16. sooo... the quiz is good. my wife and I have slightly differing views when it comes to handouts but guns, immigration, etc. we're very similar. Both of us got Rubio for top spot... me at 82%. I was surprised. Here's my order based on the quiz and stance on issues.... Rubio Santorum Huckabee Cruz Bush Carson Perry Walker Paul Jindal (Below 70%) Kasich Trump Graham Christie Fiorina Sanders Clinton O'Malley
  17. if the employer doesn't have any rules against it then it doesn't matter I'd think. if they do then obviously don't do it. the only way I see it as unethical is if someone is set to buy something from the employer but then you say I can get it cheaper for you buy it from me. otherwise a sale is better than no sale at all. even as an employee with a discount they're aren't giving it to you at cost.
  18. I know many of those people out this way. they say just what you typed. they're only shoot a doe as a last resort, but would rather fill all their tags they can with bucks. the opportunity is less so they feel it's more of an accomplishment. some simply don't believe in shooting doe but freezer needing to be filled trumps the reluctance for many, especially come late season with a ML. the amount of procrastination just depends on the hunter and how many deer that freezer needs to have.
  19. exactly same bowhunter, he/she just now has a gun. still taking deer so you can't blame the "bowhunter". dead deer is a dead deer. I feel their reasoning is opportunity will be there again during the long deer season, it's warmer to the point meat could be a worry, etc. multiple reasons people have told me. it's better to take doe early though.
  20. I've had crazy amounts of success harvesting doe early in specific areas and then backing right off with the pressure to allow the lesser number of doe to be at ease and draw in bucks during the phases of the rut. the October lull I feel is a myth as bucks first really start seeking doe, but the buck to doe ratio is so messed up a buck travels very little to find one and the next one and the one after that. then the chasing phase kicks in (with added hormone levels) and the doe can't stand the harassment. tries to get away and the deer move more so you see them again.
  21. there's nothing to debate. we're all on the same page. you and others are really comparing the implements but wording it to compare hunters. people are taking it the wrong way.
  22. what I feel the study did prove is that nutrition is important and can have a big impact you can see second to age. many already know this though. think about it. many people have bucks that are the same age on their property season after season yet some are bigger than others. despite a specific deer will have a taste for food differently, bucks are eating relatively the same food as one another on a property. all deer eat what's best for them given the chance. we can't just throw out a pile of great foods here in NY year round to supplemental feed. it takes ridiculous amounts of money AND sweat equity to put in a diversity of food plots to serve deer throughout the year as well as timberstand/habitat improvement to have the nutritional benefits seen in this study. it is possible though unlike genetics. genetics you really can't change, even with selective buck harvest and intensive doe harvest. huge ranches under intensive trophy (not quality) deer management still only see the slightest changes in antler genetics of at least a decade or more. that's where the "cull buck" term comes from that's not applicable to us less fortunate landowners and hunters.
  23. most bowhunters I know of take doe more so than bucks. you can't compare bowhunters with gun hunters as most people who hunt with a bow, hunt with a gun also. you can't even compare hunting implements, bow and gun, because the useage isn't the same. pretty sure anyone looking at this thread has figured that out. otherwise they're illiterate. they should've just made the regular tag a conditional regular season either sex tag based on WMU you're in, similar to how it's used in the late season. weekend warriors that run out of time to hunt or lose interest would then, as the opportunity presents itself, call it a season and take a doe. any false reporting and taking of a doe that way in close areas of neighboring units would be chalked up to not much of a loss. not like you cross the invisible WMU boundary and suddenly see a ton of deer. it's common sense that people will get upset if you restrict their harvest but immense if you take away chance completely. DEC should've known.
  24. I'd swear they were the off-spring of a fisherman. that one bass is a nice one. deer stuff can be time consuming. good see priorities always in order.
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