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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. looks like it was a good turn out. great Dougherty was there. tillers seem to take a while but if you hit the sod with heavy discs then use a tiller it goes quicker. still a long time with a 4' tiller though. you could run an 8' tiller on 50+HP. it's probably around $5k though. more likely to find a 7'. I only get into sub-acre plots with anything else being ag fields. so a 4' tiller is fine for me. discs aren't practical then. looks like it was a good turn out. wish we could've made it but long drive, too many out of town, and too much going on.
  2. dbHunterNY


    here in southern Adirondack/eastern NY region they're boomin'. already have tons of apples dropping with a lot more on the limbs. acorns are pretty prevalent on the white oaks and red oaks. usually it's more one or the other.
  3. DEC making brain dead decisions to reach their harvest goals are one thing and their system and how it works is another. Nothing's been twisted or analyzed differently. That's the problem. They haven't changed anything in decades. It doesn't figure in well with selective harvest. Our co-op was told DEC didn't want all are age data for bucks because it'd skew the average. also 50% of doe harvest for 4C came from two QDM co-ops. Anyway, Grow asked how it worked so I told her.
  4. I've been thinking and working toward getting into reloading.... slowly. once I do i'll be loading 210gr Nosler Accu-bond LRs out of my 30-06 rifles. That'll mess a deer up out to 300 yards... further if you have some way to dial elevation or have elevation built into reticle.
  5. don't know if the carbon stock is worth it for a deer rifle that you'll treat like a deer rifle. finnlight is a great gun and I'd go with that. even there synthetic stainless isn't bad. your 308 is fine and won't shoot much less flat than a 30-06 in standard bullet weights.... that said ammo is a little crazy for availability as 308 is a "tactical" round. unless you reload, 30-06 is a little easier to come by. also if you reload you can throw in a heavier bullet and get more performance from the bigger case. I have a couple 30-06. 308 is inherently more accurate by design but we're not shooting paper at 1000 yards we're hunting and trying to knock things down.
  6. not really... 2009 was the best outcome in DEC's mind. DEC's doe harvest target of almost 9 per sq mile is based off the buck take objective of just under 5. You've exceeded the BTO by about 25%. Therefore they see that as they under estimated the population, and you're new assumed doe take should be similarly higher than the harvest goal they set for doe take (the red diamond). They will never come up with a current population estimate as it's not feasible and they instead estimate, in this way, what the population was and could be. Therefore, you've always been under satisfactory harvest for antlerless deer. ...this is my understanding in talking with DEC regional biologists.
  7. crappy reporting, fact that many cut up their own deer, and other factors are bound to cause an anomaly. must be they just don't get it.
  8. http://www.outdoorlife.com/articles/hunting/2015/08/best-broadheads-29-fixed-blade-and-mechanical-broadheads-tested I've got HellRazors for my trad gear and then Rage titanium 2 blade heads for my compound hunting setups. so i'll be using what I've already got.
  9. their system's back bone is the "buck take objective", that they base everything else, like doe tag allocation, off of. the citizen task force is who comes up with the number. while I'm not confident still that they'll improve, at least they're understanding that this first step needs fixing.
  10. been thinking about picking up some Goldtip Kinetic (200 spine) shafts for my primary hunting bow. a 100 gr head, 24gr accu-tough outsert insert, couple 50 gr insert weights for the back of the insert within the shaft, some blazers, and the shaft itself is 11.6 gpi. probably put me just over 600 gr I'd think.
  11. it's not the most accurate rifle without being finicky. It's light and handles great though. don't hunt in all out nastiest of weather otherwise I'd change out the stock to synthetic. nice looking gun but I use it just like any other deer rifle. it fits my hands like a glove and handles very quick with it's design and 22" barrel. I've shot a buck running through the timber twice with the second bullet anchoring it to the ground within about 40 yards. wasn't really that open either but I focused on sending it right to the same spot through the next opening I could find. after skinning it I noticed both bullets holes were behind the shoulder and just under 2" apart on center. I couldn't shot any faster on target (disregard accuracy) with the 742 semi-auto. it just handles great.
  12. don't have a camp... all hunting locations within a 45 min drive. I've got a few deer rifles. Not really purpose built but mean something. Winchester Model 94 30-30 lever action. dad, little brother, and I all took our first bucks with it. I've got a Remington 742 Woodsmaster 30-06 from my grandpa that I've taken many deer with. My primary gun though is an impulse buy that I just seem to like. it's a Browning Abolt II Stainless Walnut stocked 30-06 with a detachable mag and a short throw bolt, and a nice crisp trigger.
  13. sounds like an inverter. don't use it without the gator running though or you'll kill the battery.
  14. a real living, breathing, hot, doe. I've used Tink's and some other estrous scents. don't use them much though.
  15. jeez.... must be that obvious the triggers on these guns are horrid! haha I think it's the only thing holding back my dad's 7600 I've used countless times. you learn to live with it but it'd like to know the contact info too.
  16. 150 feet from others? that'd be a ***** if either of them changed their mind and knew you needed permission.
  17. those of you who can make it whether or not you're currently a QDMA member should make a serious effort to go. Regardless of your experience you always learn something new. by the looks of it, you'll be learning from some of the best. you'll learn more in that day than years watching TV hunting shows and reading a mag like Field & Stream (not to nock it).
  18. keep it dry, don't leave it in your car at all unless you're driving somewhere, don't set it next to a heat source or on a heater, don't take it from inside to outside or the opposite if there's a difference in temp enough to cause condensation.... finally get a hard case for it. even if it's a cheaper one. then open it up every so often to make sure everything is alright or to actually practice shooting it.
  19. my daughter is almost 13 months now. changes so much in the first year. both grandparents lives now revolve around her. haha congrats!
  20. worn my targets out.... only have a bag and a block target now. Rhino block will last forever so will probably get a 3D target next to add to it. probably a competition one built to last. had that Shooter Buck as my last one and it didn't last long at all.... even with field points. I do have a luxury of a club range next door where I can shoot out targets in increments of 10 yards out to 60. Bugs aren't scarce but it's covered.
  21. yea some portion of pointed north helps. if the corn is still your property maybe put it at the edge of the corn and zip stalks to the stake. I wouldn't do this if you're not the one cutting the corn though.
  22. DEC has nothing to do with habitat in the Daks like that. it's land protected by law beyond DEC's reach. I agree it'd probably do wonders for some areas though. takes a lot to keep them under control though.
  23. I have yet to witness someone coming to the farm and offering to fix fence or unload hay bales even a few times during the summer to hunt the farm. recently re-posted it too and had a guy on one boarder notice the signs. then told my dad that he didn't understand and we needed to let him hunt the farm. sense of entitlement rubbed my dad the wrong way despite dad was still polite to the guy. had a guy and his son roll up on an ATV, with a dead squirrel strapped to the rack then asked to hunt deer and turkey! He didn't have permission to be there to begin with. I was polite but told him no and gave him multiple reasons unrelated to his obvious screw up I didn't point out to him. Had a guy out of the blue hunting up on the farm with a buddy he brought. came in from the back side. he asked once to hunt about 10 years ago and assumed he still had permission without any other contact with any of us. others who have permission questioned him being there and he had an attitude. multiple times have had a truck full of guys in camo, first week of regular season, and that we've never met show up asking to hunt. tell me that's a good use of time, as their burning time during the season and not in off season. ...I've got more as this list is long. people have gotten permission to hunt and have had success hunting on the farm. most don't get the fundamentals like what's in that original post. all is not lost. ask right and you could seem like a breathe of fresh air to a landowner.
  24. it's non-biased as it's composed of deer hunters from all walks of life. it's free and gives you the pulse of deer hunting community as a whole. it's not to be confused with specialty groups like QDMA and others. not sure why anyone who hunts deer (not just whitetail either) would pass on it.
  25. While CASH does work especially in a lot of the whitetail destination states. I know many landowners in the area that tell you to take that CASH else where if the things in the article don't follow suite. Heck one neighbor to my parent's farm won't let you hunt no matter how much cash you've got unless you're a local. CASH can create huge access problems and I'm glad NY is less like other states so heavily leased.
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