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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. http://www.isidewith.com/ Pretty good quiz and shows you results of what they agree with you on. You can also weight things that you care more about. Some will surprise you to reconsider them and others you'll verify you never want a chance at office.
  2. DEC distributes far more DMPs then their goal is. They've said they saturate area with DMPs to account for the fact that every year only a portion of them are filled. So you can't go by DMP allocation and 100% success rate as their target.
  3. definitely a lot. we've been telling our hunters to use DMAPs first over other tags. figure it gives DEC a better idea of what's going on and we know they'll all get reported. I've heard the three year deal will be them giving you the balance of what you didn't fill and then once the tag is more than 3 years old it'll be no good. It'll make our lives crazy ensuring we keep track of hundreds of them and impress the need on hunters to not loose them. I'm sure it saves DEC money as they're not producing so many though, so I'm ok with it.
  4. I just saw a fawn with spots last night. it was more than a week old though.
  5. I don't think I've ever felt a doe was harder to butcher. butchered a button buck once because it got hit. though understandable that was a waste of life. it was tender but similar amount of work for very little.
  6. looks like I'm first up.... answered with the best choice. I use bow, rifle, and ML though. I have no preference. in the past I used muzzleloader during late season alone to fill the freezer and in recent years most are with a bow during early season. any antlerless tag carrying into regular season would be a DMP or DMAP and that gets filled asap. usually fill 1 or 2 at most with the rifle that way.
  7. not familiar with those areas but that 1 hour closer would be more taxes and higher price range. sounds like he's looking for safe keeping investment, not profit. land is one of few things where more of it isn't made every day. some can see potential in what hardly anyone wants at the time.
  8. my point was it's usually not worth it to get rid of it. I fully believe Phade has a good point. I and friends would be calling DEC everyday, filling up voicemail boxes, asking what the target doe harvest is. if they don't have a really good idea, I'd bet after a while of harassment they'd come up with an answer. then educate others of this info, spreading the word, like I know you do with everything else. that's what I'd be doing first. just had a meeting last night and doe harvest was hot topic... passing bucks wasn't even a discussion. our next public meeting we're hoping to have our new region 4 biologist at to explain some things applicable out this way. not that we're even slightly in the same situation, because we're definitely not.
  9. it's like a car.... lots of depreciation. "anything" being relative. same with bows and others stuff unless it's something truely collectible.
  10. the problem with the study is that genetics were based on an unconfirmed common belief and never truly setup as a control. in my mind they were an uncontrolled variable the whole time.
  11. there's some other great advice related to experiences of deer reacting to the shot in some MidwestWhitetail.com videos, but it might take some digging. ....you'll sit definitely learn by shooting a deer best but this stuff will hopefully lessen the learning curve.
  12. best of luck.... here's a good link. click on each picture to pull up an individual article. http://www.fieldandstream.com/articles/hunting/2015/07/shoot-like-a-champ-levi-morgans-tips-for-better-bowhunting-accuracy ...those who are good shots are always working to improve their shooting, versus simply going out and just flinging arrows. if you can find outdoor 3D shoots in your area they're fun and good practice too.
  13. all when you won't be noticed. I've had to watch deer come straight in a 100+ yards and then completely pass by before drawing to shoot. also depends on what bow I'm using. if I've got my recurve with no let off I don't have a choice.
  14. I practice shooting on very uneven ground, sitting, standing, and even twisted around. I know some that are very good shots that do well in competition standing there but ask them to do anything different like sit and they can't hit anything. good advice!
  15. i do understand. that wasn't my point. encourage others to chip in (including those with a gun) and it'll all go away. heck I'd even ponder not shooting any doe with a bow and shooting them all with a gun to get a point across. encouraging others to do so as well. that goes against my better judgement of knowing it's best to take doe early before phases of the rut kick in. anyone out in the target WMU start an online petition yet even for their primary WMU?
  16. no sir. you get top honors. mine's blued.
  17. you'll read somewhere in these forums it was still in velvet. he had to mend one of the antler points. tine was so long it could've poked him in the eye. no laughing matter.
  18. his posts near and dear to his antler breeding heart usually get trampled over. is their a difference? in all honesty it's been a long day and I've got a meeting in my thoughts tonight to decide on how to ruin a few townships' deer seasons.
  19. i don't condone it but i know first hand 5 figures in taxes every year makes a man think crazy things.
  20. I don't think participation in the doe only periods will be high. probably drop a bit, more so late season. some are righting it off because they can't hunt a buck late season. not everyone is a landowner and gets dmaps and other tags some get DMPs. i think many will still buy the privilege to get the flexibility of an additional tag for bowhunting. places here in 4C have enough deer to create ample opportunity. yet hunters go through seasons passing doe left and right. especially once phases of the rut kick in. stuck in reg season with some tags burning a hole in your pocket and then late season is here before you know it. those determined to fill the freezer will do so early or get bitten by procrastination. offloading gear like a muzzleloader doesn't make much sense because you'll get nothing for it. even if you've bought a "whacko" TC prohunter like myself. might as well keep it. DEC is so off the wall they might flip things all together in a couple years and you might need it anyway.
  21. a small portion of your sole has to be lovin' the heck out of this uproar right now.
  22. apparently I'm apart of a club and didn't even know. if I down grade my scope, ditch the easy loading power rod, and JB weld the 1/4 turn breech plug will I get my sanity back? I've had thoughts of a spot I region 8 that I wanted to go back to and hunt with it.
  23. na.... they don't value your opinion as much as someone's at Cornell. extrapolation of what you say doesn't work for them. they'd rather just tell you what to fill and you do as you're told. lol
  24. wasn't telling you to go give orders. those like you who try to do their part just got screwed over by those less educated in the topic at hand, that might not know any better or don't do anything to help the situation. now DEC thinks they've got to do drastic and ridiculous things to fix it.... I realize this all just came to light but now the question is what do you intend to do about it? you just gave your answer, which sounds to me like screw it all and walk away. nothing wrong with that it's your decision. phade brought up a good point that it's not apparent yet what DEC's goals are for doe management in the target areas. I'd be calling up once everyday until they answer. if the region 8 biologist's voicemail fills up everyday from people asking the question, even if he/she doesn't know the answer they sure as hell will find out.
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