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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. i climb until i hit branches if they aren't stupidly high up. trees just have to be reasonably straight. only problem with a small (lightweight) climber is you have to orient the platform pointed 180 degrees from the direction of slight lean otherwise you'll have a smaller platform and odd surface to lean against.
  2. honestly we have a pretty big flag flying on a pole that was used for sports field lighting. i don't how high it is. at least 30'. it doesn't get taken down for inclement weather. neither is it lighted. some stuff goes above and beyond what's practical.
  3. you think it was the "meth he brought to school" at 15, gang association later, or the swastika and white supremacist ink that changed his status as her role model/hero? at least by 30 he wasn't racist and just a heroin dealer, ruining peoples lives. no wonder she's a passive aggressive asshole. thought of her brother's path in life has to be a hard one to deal with.
  4. i've hiked miles in with my lighter weight smaller climber and it works well. gives you a nice seat at ground level if no tree is in a spot with good back cover. saddles can be noisy with tree bark and getting into position. don't like having the tether right there where it is either.
  5. different people have had gates here that have gotten plowed over. still i like the idea of them. it keeps more people than not honest. also there's nothing like having people open them up, only to find out we're up there. talk about embarrassed. also tresspassing citations are hard to stick but if they pass through a closed gate and likely cause property damage then it's easier, plus you make sure the judge clearly knows you want restitution for replacement. often that number is inflated. best of luck with the property and hunting this fall.
  6. i get it that it'll make her money through tons of endorsements now being relevant and with her recent accomplishments. i didn't know she existed before the cup contention and her pissing match with the President. still at some point you have to have a conscience that you're someone totally ignoring.
  7. nice rifle. should be fun to shoot!
  8. i'm glad USA had a great showing for men team and women kicked ass. i've also read published sources saying women's soccer pulls in more income than men's soccer. if that is or ever ends up being the case i think they should make as much, if not more than the guys. all that said Rapinoe admitted that our country is mostly great and has allowed her to do and achieve what she has. that means you stand and hold your hand over your heart and damn well mean it. standing up for what you believe is right and using your fame or notoriety to send the message is acceptable but don't be disrespectful and plain divisive.
  9. Foil serves multiple purposes. Also work as a halfway decent reflector for signaling. Also it can be wrapped around limbs for way point navigation to back tracking if need be. Especially with flashlights. Finally for some it makes a nice tin foil hat so the gobmint can't find ya. Lmao Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  10. looks great. i think the bear shoulder mounts with front legs are a nice choice for a mount. i'm still dumbfounded that i have not seen a black bear in the wild yet here in NY. they're all over too!
  11. with the new house it's low on the list. won't have a garden this year, but i do have a a couple pepper plants and couple tomato plants in 5 gallon buckets. hanging strawberry basket too. keeping them pruned and they're starting to take off. been getting strawberries for a while but we're not talking quarts yet.
  12. rape whistles count.... still a whistle that functions all the same.
  13. for those talking about heating up water so you don't get beaver fever. lifestraws are nice and especially bottles. that said nobody in their right mind will carry around a small pot camp, can of liquid fuel, etc. that's much extra weight. a 32 oz metal water bottle alone is a lot of weight. if you're not rountinely thinking about getting into a pickle, you can have a nicely folded/rolled up supply of commercial grade xtra heavy duty aluminum foil permanently stashed in a pocket. if you're careful enough you can form some of it into a small cup set in embers of to the side of your fire to boil water. a set of pliers on a multi-tool work great for picking it up to let it cool down. not something that's really reusable but a little water can go a long ways. nice 8+" relatively flat rock set in coals off to the side make a great cooking surface for venison or whatever meat too.
  14. i was talking about pine yea but i meant shaving from a live aka 'green' tree that's producing pine pitch/resin. if you're in a spot with pines that aren't massive tall mature ones then to what your saying the dead shaded branches still attached to the trunk underneath will have parts that are thin to make great dry kindling to go around and over those pine sap loaded shavings. birch bark is not as important to me because there's not as many birch trees around unless your in an area that was opened up by people, fire, or more commonly logging.
  15. you can also take a small rock shoved into the tyvek/tarp/whatever like you're making a ghost and then tie the cord tight around it. works well enough if you stay far enough from the edge.
  16. giving them a timeline is a good practice. text the time and "ok" at least. a friend is a trooper and if crap is going down on a call while he's on duty he'll even text "ok" periodically to his wife just so she doesn't worry.
  17. i've never done it but i know a lot of people that have made waterproof matches. i think a fresh lighter and a 35mm photofilm (do they make those still?) cansister full of vaseline loaded cotton balls works great. with a fire it's important to first gather wood for it. then when you think you have enough get more to have double what you've got. pine pitch and shavings from a nice young (thin barked) green tree is great for the center of your kindling pile. pine is everywhere here in NY, especially the dacks.
  18. nobody called Hawk stupid or illiterate. it was an honest typo and two light hearted individuals made a light hearted joke of it. I didn't even know who typed "manuel" versus manual to begin with when i made my comment. if we're being serious then so be it... first rule of survival and above all else: no matter how much skill or gear you have, you need to stay calm and not 'lose your cool'. if you don't, you'll be a statistic.
  19. biggest geographical obstacle when you're lost trying to get somewhere is flowing water or a wall like cliff. no brainer that Manuel has him covered. Hell all he needs to do is just sit tight. Manuel will likely be back with tax free wages and supplies. before you know it he'll be setting up shop where he's at in comfort. solid choice for survival kit IMO.
  20. if you find it on your property and don't have an urge to help yourself then it's absolutely best to tell authorities right away and just stay the heck out of the area. if NYSP or DEC picked it up from above or somehow already know about it, they might be keeping an eye on it or the area to build a case. You pulling it, setting up a camera, or doing anything around there can be construed as you tending to what's presumed yours.
  21. you really shouldn't call the cops that hunt your property stupid you know. they're just waiting for leg shaving day. gotta postpone the burn cruise until then. lol
  22. It's the off season so let's play a game. Great property from Hunterra maps with lots of options. Prevailing NW-W winds. Pick YOUR TOP 3 SPOTS for hanging a treestand, putting up a tower blind, or ground blind? Much more fun if you give reasoning and thoughts behind it. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  23. Last nights beer of choice. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  24. Wife's jetta is 15k per yr. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  25. it wasn't saying anything about your decision to get your truck. doesn't matter to me what you spend your money on. just stating you'll be driving around in a much nicer truck than mine. happy for ya. sorry if it came across any different. i mean seriously, if i did care what people thought of the truck i drove around in i'd be driving something like a new Silverado RST Z71. lol i could agree with the lease being a smart move under those circumstances of use.
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