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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by SteveB

  1. A truthful man. Who wouldn't shoot, really.Dave Me - and at least a couple others here. If I would settle for a great buck illegally, I would just take one of the several I have seen in the summer hunting woodchucks.
  2. All I need is a nail for the garage wall. Never had an interest in getting a mount done and doubt I will.
  3. If we do a seperate season, then let's rotate them all so everyone gets a chance to hunt there favorite weapon in the early season.
  4. How many can tell difference between 14 + 15" at even 25 yds let alone 100+ ? And 60 percent of the 1.5 bucks in my wmu are 6 pt or better. There are 2 other AR threads running.
  5. NYA - thanks for saving me more typing from the phone.
  6. What would a legitimate state wide qdm program consist of?
  7. If their home and dogs are being shot, they need to forget the DEC and concentrate on getting law enforcement involved. And keep going up the chain until they get the involvement need.
  8. They can hunt virtually any state with a bow. Don't need "special dispensation" - they need specific conditions set individually to not be allowed to hunt with MZ. If they are using or in possession of a firearm (MZ are not listed as firearms in NYS) they committing a felony worth at least 5 years I believe. Absolutely none of this has anything to do with the fact all bows should be allowed in the bow season with performance limitations if justification can be shown for doing so - like some states limiting let off, draw wght, arrow wght, broad head type etc. Trying to control criminal behavior by putting limits on the legal hunters is the same exact justification anti gunners use for their agenda. Or like outlawing forks to make Rosie O'Donnell lose wght.
  9. But of course reasonable people know it is not. Reasonable people understand that the bow must still be held like a bow, aimed like a bow, fired like a bow. Real crossbows are held like a gun, aimed like a gun, and fired like a gun. It seems pretty obvious that the vast majority of those who complain that they need a string gun because they can't draw or hold the bow back could use a drawlock....but still would prefer the more advantaged crossbow. So we are not to believe manufacturers claims? OK - apply that to all manufacturers evenly - like when NYB Mr Dente spews about the PSE. All the time ignoring things like the nearly $2000 cost - which I'm sure means it will be the most sought after crossbow
  10. WNY - you haven't learned that facts don't matter? Only manufactured fear and misdirection counts for some.
  11. Hmmm....isn't it funny that the crossbow pushers ignore the draw lock? A real bow....but locked back. Yet they still snivel that they need a crossbow, at the same time they claim that crossbows and compounds are "identical". Too funny. Drawloc - the impliment which markets itself as a vertical crossbow. ;D
  12. Except it was called a crossbow 2500 years ago - more the 2000 years before the first gun was invented.
  13. Hang around a busy proshop the last week to 10 days before the season opener. The overwhelming majority of people thru the door will be those needing work on dusty bows taken down for the 1st time since last year. Quivers with mismatched arrows and rusty broadheads. Last year a shop owner I know got a call at 10 pm from a "bowhunter" who had just discovered his string had broken sometime over the summer hanging in the shed. Wanted him to fix it that night and site in in for him as he wanted to be in his stand the next morning. Tell me again how buying a licence and a compound or recurve makes someone a dedicated hardworking serious bowhunter. I could use the laugh.
  14. Yonkers doesn't have a bow season where crossbows are allowed. So you have zero proof that you are justified in aggresively telling the non hunting public that crossbows in archery season will be dangerous to them and they need to fight the inclusion. I'll give you credit for one thing - that is certainly one of the most creative fabrications and tactics I have seen used by the anti crossbowers. And one of the most absurd - especially with absolutely nothing to back it up. There are other groups out there using similar tactics any who are feverent anti hunters.
  15. Spiker - how about backing up your agreement with Growsalot's allegation that crossbows in the archery season will be dangerous to both other hunters and the non hunting recreational population. Hint - proof would be case histories from states where crossbows are included and incidents have been filed. Based on your fears, there should be a great number of these. Perhaps Growsalot can furnish them to you.
  16. G-man, you have to stop. No room for logic and common sense in this discussion. Only fear, speculation, ignorance of even simple definitions (like posted by WNY) and outright fables are permitted. Certainly nothing as clearcut as posting the examples of how dangerous crossbows are to everyone when allowed in bow season - as claimed by a few - are allowed. Of course the last one could be because they don't have any. All this is supposed to demonstrate the strength of their principals. In fact it does.
  17. That's funny, Some here are so anti they admit to starting/participating in a campaign to create fear among the non hunting recreational public with imagined, irrational, non factual tales of a new physical danger to them if crossbows are included in the archery season. They cannot back these tactics with one bit of proof or they and the NYB's would be doing so and shouting it from the rooftops. Lying and fearmongering are about as low principaled as one get get. Doing so shows their true colors.
  18. I think Sunday hunting should be mandatory. Church service allowed only the fifth Monday of the month.
  19. Where 'Honesty' get's you!!!! My Favorite Animal Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, because everyone else in the class laughed. My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. Anyway, my teacher sent me to the principal's office. I told him what happened, and he laughed, too. Then he told me not to do it again. The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was. I told her it was chicken. She asked me why, just like she'd asked the other children. So I told her it was because you could make them into fried chicken. She sent me back to the principal's office again. He laughed, and told me not to do it again. I don't understand. My parents taught me to be honest, but my teacher doesn't like it when I am. Today, my teacher asked us to tell her what famous person we admire most. I told her, "Colonel Sanders." Guess where I am now...
  20. Sounds like someone wants to let Obama bring socialism big time to "redistribute" the wealth. How is it the republicans fault when NYS has been controlled by downstate liberal dems forever? Higher brackets and businesses do pay a higher % - that is why both are leaving NYS in droves to other states.
  21. The higher income people and businesses in NY pay some of the highest taxes in the country. I think the NYS education system (and the public sector in general) has huge amounts of waste including useless teachers that the unions keep on the job. And I don't want to pay for it anymore. There should be no sacred cows.
  22. Only thing to learn from ted is how to get paid for selling yourself. And how to cheat on your wife and avoid child support until ordered by the judge.
  23. Ted's deer can't get out of the fence to get hit by a car.
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