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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by SteveB

  1. Simplier for me - 2 seasons - bow for all archery and gun for all gun.
  2. Feel free to mention if you think it's me - cause you would be wrong.
  3. Observation here: If we can't accept the 45% stat as reliable, how can we accept the claims of 60% + of the 1.5 bucks being taken every year? Same formula used for both? How is one any more accurate then the other?
  4. I am as well. I just don't see the value of online popularity contests and choose not to participate. I don't know any of them and with my luck would end up supporting an axe murderer.
  5. I know nothing about any of them. Why would I possibly have any interest in a hunting glamor contest?
  6. 60% of the 1.5 im my wmu are at least 3 on one side. What would targeting them accomplish? About 40% of the wmu's have no or low chances of getting a dmp - which means using your buck tag there for antlerless would lower the herd even more. How is that a good thing?
  7. Been said before, but bears repeating when the "just want it easier" false logic pops up - effectively dismisses in it a non closed mind.
  8. So when Fred Bear and others sought to take some of the traditional gun seasons for bow, they where outlaws?
  9. No deposit - the hunters who play by the rules should not be penalized for doing so.
  10. Modern steel barrels are nothing like cast iron - they cannot be seasoned. Bore butter is a rust inhibitor, not a rust preventer. Unless you clean your barrel down to bare steel with scalding water, the borebutter will build up, possibly trap moture and will eventually effect accuracy.
  11. Great post (cause it's my opinion as well) I wouldn't spend a penny on the commercial blob names.
  12. Another email picture with legs. Saw on a couple forums where it actually is from somewhere in the west/midwest.
  13. Mix of 2 and 3. I just can't objectively listen to anything ted says because of his hypocracy in everything he does.
  14. While the Weathermen and others were operating, Ted passed on his chance to be the patriot he claims to be now that he can't serve. His opinion on anything has less then zero value to me.
  15. I read where you implied he was doing so - I think it would be you who would back it up.
  16. Bubba, you're as full of shit as they get with your replies. Well thought out my friend, but you aint pullin' the wool over woolys eyes. ??? Then you should have no problem posting his replies showing he has done something illegal.
  17. Sounds like some one trying desperately to find justification for their own actions by claiming everyone else does it. Possible feelings of guilt?
  18. Point is they shouldn't need the "help" and blessing of a self serving group representing 1% or less of the states bowhunters. Keep in mind this is 1% in spit of recuiting hundred's of new members every year. Has to be a reason they struggle to maintain a status quo membership level even with a lot of new members every year.
  19. NYB protects bowseason and bowhunters. They are the collective voice of bowhunters in NY...whether you like it or not. NYB tries to protect their own personal interests, not what most consider to be best for bowhunting or hunting in general. If they did, they would have more than a couple thousand members. They only like to think they speak for all bowhunters in NY, and they may have gotten away with that in the past. Now days, all one has to do is shoot an email to their representative, much more simple than sending a letter in the past. Now days, bowhunters can easily speak for themselves, and they are doing just that. Dont believe it? Refer back to the meetings last year about crossbows, where the reps clearly stated that the overwhelming majority of email and letters coming in favored crossbows. NYB is cutting their own throat with their anti-crossbow stance, they are showing their true colors. Its obvious that the majority doesnt agree. Great post! See my signature - I'm not the only one that refuses to let them be my voice.
  20. Someone joining a forum to simply to promote a commercial business and get free advertising will never see a penny from me.
  21. We understand - taking a deer illegally does not bother you and is something you are proud of.
  22. Why is it that because someone can justify their own willfull breaking of a law, they think everyone else must do the same?
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