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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Are you serious? So you are telling me that a piece of property has everything a doe group could ever want..Food,water and safety and they will pack up and leave because they dont have a..Trophy Class..buck to service them? If you really think a doe will not stand for whatever buck is there and the most aggressive to do the job then i will leave you to your way of thinking. There will be no Help!
  2. So where did all the does and young bucks go that were in those populated spots? Trophy guys shoot them?
  3. Well ya if a person is happy shooting baby deer and pretty much anything that walks it will change. You could not have done crap to stop trophy hunting. You telling me they just dont come on your land any longer or is it that just nobody can shoot them. Our property is only miles from you and i can show you evety age class of bucks and i can show you piles of ladies and kids in the fields even today in the middle of the season and i can show you the now alot smarter trophy bucks that are still there just by the grace of trail cam's. I dont care how good someone thinks they are you are not going to even get a quarter of the trophy mature bucks of of a good well managed piece of property that is of good size and can be controlled. When they have everything they need at home they dont have to leave and then they dont get shot elsewhere. Pretty simple stuff really! When you have all the pieces of the puzzle!
  4. Wow...You are worse than i thought. You must have some pretty shitty hunting in your area. Learn deer and breeding and what goes on on a managed piece of property and then come see me. Everything i do behind my fence i also do on hundreds of acres. Yea a deer is a deer regardless of what side the fence it stands on!
  5. So True! Thats because the Trophy hunter with Trophy lands does not pull the trigger everyday and mess up the land and hunting. We see 2-3 little bucks and 10-15 does and fawns in the fields and woods we hunt about every day. This year we even had a mature 11 and 8 pointers going at it in a wide open pasture at 10 oclock in the morning. Not many places you can see that going on. Dont shoot every deer you see and you will continue to have great hunting.
  6. So Ny is going to push to have whitetail deer urine banned from use in Ny woods because of the CWD farce. One that they have no science to back themselves up with? What are your thoughts on this matter? There is a public comment period until the 23rd.
  7. You said a mouth full when you said...You can not kill off the best of any species every year....You are 100% and this holds true 10 fold with whitetails. You can try but you never will and the best of the herd will still do the breeding. In a wild situation there is always another so called trophy or Big Buck per say to fill in on the breeding when the top dog gets taken out. We had 4 top dogs breeding on the farm this year and there were 20-30 does in the fields every night. In most places there are a lot more trophy bucks doing the breeding that people never see and most never get killed during hunting season.
  8. Makes a difference when they are living on Bark or living on Alfalfa.
  9. I would like to see what this little buck looked like. A yearling...Kinda doubtful he was pushing 160 even with his guts. You took that shot at this little buck knowing you very well may ruin the biggest area that carries the most amount of edible meat? For The Rack?
  10. Thats because deep down they want to kill a big deer but do not have the will power to hold off the trigger. Now make it a law and that problem is solved. Cant tell ya how many times i hear the same thing from other hunters. Thought he was bigger or he was running or a million others. Your right that if thats what they want then do it but when they make an excuse for doing it then that shows a whole different picture.
  11. Because if they dont and they dont send back those umused tags they dont hunt the next year. We hunt Letchworth and they have for 15 years, Give or Take, Make you send back a report of deer killed. You dont and you dont hunt the park the next year.Would not be a real tough thing to do at the DEC dept. One person and a computer and its done. Pretty simple really, and you know as well as i do that some wife or kid standing in front of someone in law is going to crumble when asked about the deer they killed. Like..Tell me the story? Your first deer? How many times you shoot it? Stuff like that would stop the guys that kill 6-8-10 a year with others tags and i can promise ya 2 things. 1 it happens a pile in Ny and 2 most of the deer these guys kill are baby bucks and baby button bucks.
  12. Because they dont use rifles...Because they dont use guns during any part of the rut....Because they dont have 6-8 week gun seasons...Just for a few. I would love to skip the Ar talk and implement all these rules into our state. No North and South..Just a Ny season with the same dates and rules. Then add in the doe tags as needed per area.
  13. And this is happening in areas and why mandatory check in would be better than Ar! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Sure it would. When you have to have that wife or kid standing in front of a DEC officer while checking in that deer. A one buck rule would not hurt any law abiding hunter and manditory check in with unused tags having to be sent back in would turn that sh!t around quick. A wife is going to tell her law breaking husband to screw off when she has to stand in front of DEC and lie about her hunt and the DEC would see right thru it.....
  15. The problem i have is the other outcome for the deer in 90% of the other incidents of guys taking this shot. Not pretty for the animal we all say we cherish more than most any other animal!
  16. North Country Scents in Lyons Ny. Cant beat the product called Top Shelf and its 100% drawn during her 55-63 hour breeding window. John will hook you up right!
  17. 1800 big ones is a good chunk of change for many folks. They will see in the end how much all that extra shit you did for them costs in the long run thats for sure. My problem with it is that some stranger to this guy did not just ride down the road, see deer in a field, pull over and hand them cash or a check for the 1800. This was done elsewhere and this people know who these guys are very well and worked out a lease.
  18. In our case a buck like that is few and far between really. Most that reach maturity also reach 120-150in. We only shoot mature deer and thats what our deer seem to be when taken. One of of ten may be sub par. I saw a big old crotch horn taken this year a few miles away. You could just look at that buck and see his age. I would have love to see him a couple years earlier. Doubtful he had that same looking rack but sure is possible.
  19. We have one of these also and he likes to run around with a 120 and 130in plus bucks. For every 1 of these bucks there is a half dozen that are book deer in the same herd and area. Givin time most of Wny bucks would grow to trophy proportion.
  20. This is sad. 4:31 is just crazy as far as having to stop hunting as its far from being dark. Many things went south here and its just to bad. A scope and plenty of light just adds up to not knowing your target.
  21. What does a hunting preserve have to do with anything? I see many, many hunters hunt deer rich state land and come out and make a statement that there are no deer. Then another goes sits and see's 5-10 every sit. Ya still have to have a clue on what your doing and most important what the deer are doing every part of the season. I would guess that most state land has a population of deer and hunters that know the game will find them most times.
  22. Well surly all public land is not the same but just as not every hunter is the same. Some hunters could be put on deer rich property and still not kill a deer.
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