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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. You better elaborate, because the above statement isn't always true.
  2. I have another new one, still packaged. North, central Wayne County. PM me!!
  3. Gorgeous photos!! Amazing detail!, a 12 or 16Mp camera? Nothing beats a digital camera tucked inside a homebrew trail cam!!
  4. Deer density populations will (& should) vary dramaticlly across the state depending on habitat & available food sources. Can't really make a generalized, optimum density for age structure. Then there is the hunting pressure on already low densities or some local farmers abusing nusiance permits. These situations can drastically skew age structure densities and make certain areas almost unmanageable. Assuming not a lot of people hunt areas (1sq/mi) this big, IMHO makes it kind of irrelevant and meaningless even if an optimum # were assigned. For conversation sake, assume we do come up with a perfect #, what's good for your area might not be ideal for mine.
  5. Pretty much sums it up!!!!!!!!
  6. I'd be more worried if I didn't get it! Hang-up the bow & take up bingo!
  7. Sure enough, right there on pg26. Learn something new every day!! Who said old dogs..... I usually have DMPs left, so using a reg season buck tag for a doe wasn't even considered (in SZ ML).
  8. Sure it was just typing dyslexia by Doewhacher.LOL. Fingers going faster than the brain, happens to me all the time!
  9. That's news to me. Is this a NZ specific tag carry-over policy? Wasn't in link provided above. Know an unfilled regular season (buck) tag can be used during the ML season in the SZ for a buck.
  10. Vitals: http://bowsite.com/b...r/deergeometry/ http://huntingny.com...shot-placement/ Deerpassion is correct. Worst case scenerio is shooting less than 10yds, where the 2 distances may vary a couple of yards. So, a deer right under the stand probably isn't a shoot you'd get or take anyways. The distance variation of the shoot isn't so much a problem as the angle & a good hit on the vitals. So before you release the arrow, just visualize the arrow's trajectory into the deer's body. The higher you are in the tree & the closer the deer - the more the angle is accented. Get some graph paper and make a stand & varied distances to scale. Or you can pay D&DH $20 for a shoot simulator.
  11. If that buck is going to be such an inconvenience for you, I'd be happy to.......... LOL
  12. You haven't updated you avatar photo yet....? Well worth numerous views!!
  13. Didn't see the GPS coordinates on the bottom of your photos?? LOL SUPER BUCK!!!
  14. Where do you donate blood? I want some with that great "anti-ivy" strain! LOL
  15. Doc, you either are missing parts of this puzzle or don't have your facts correct. The DEC wrote, put out for review, modified, public comments again and finally signed and put into effect - White-tail Mgmt Plan. The plan included the early opening for bow season in the SZ and amoung other things the Oct Youth gun hunt. All official, signed & enacted! The special interest groups lobbied for a Xbow law including not allowing any gun hunting during early bow season. Now that is what made the Oct Youth Hunt be in jeopardy, not the DEC. That's the bill the governor wants compromises made to before being signed. As much as I like to criticize the DEC, they actually didn't create this situation. The Youth season is scheduled as planned by the DEC, unless those special interest groups have their way. Not 100% sure, but I believe there is an Oct 5th deadline for this Xbow bill to be signed & over-ride the Youth hunt.
  16. Yes & No.... Cut vines, etc still have the irritating oil, but after a few months it dries up. Same goes for any equipment that has come in contact w/the oil. This is a plant oil, not a nuclear isotope with a half life ..........LOL Do what you want, but $30 for something OTC is comparable to the out-of-pocket Dr visit & generic drug (cortisone). My neighbor swears by a paste made of vinegar & baking powder as a poultice. Some believe your immunity wears off over time as you get older. Others say they build up an immunity....but chewing the leaves??? Is it mystical or evil, or both?? Is this stuff the "boggeyman" of the outdoorsman???????????? Makes me itch just thinking about it!
  17. Fasteddie has another topic about the oak variety & I didn't want to hijack it, so..... My property is an abandoned farm that is totally overgrown with poison ivy. Not just ground cover, but up to 4" diameter vines growing 30' up the trees and occasionaly to adjacent trees. At times I have to look closely to make sure it isn't simply grapevines. This crap is nasty, but I have no way to avoid it. Thought I'd pass on some of these lessons, nothing scientific just things I've learnt the hard way. Itch, itch, scratch, scratch, .... It's basically the oil from the vines or leaves that cause the skin irritations. I've also gotten it from the pollen while ripping vines off the trees. After any suspected contact, you have (up to) a couple of hours to get it off the skin before it enters the pores. If I'm sure I've come in contact with it, I'll immediately wash hands or arms with a rag & gasoline. Afterwards, dispose of the rag!! When you have water available - wash skin area with a strong detergent (like Dawn) in cold water, repeatedly. Warm water opens the pores & forces the oils into the body. One of my favorite all time bloppers - swatting mosquitoes with my work gloves on! That's about it for the obvious skin contact! What everyone forgets is the not so obvious places or things that contact & hold the oils. Your pant legs & socks are prime candidates. Laundry needs to be done in a STRONG detergent in warm water, otherwise the oils are simply spread over the entire wash load AND the inside of the washing machine. Gives me nightmares, so I'm overly careful - don't wash your Fruit of the Looms or Tee shirts with the contaminated pants. Your boots/shoes and the laces are another place the oils easily collect. Not much you can do about that, other than wash hands after putting on or unlacing boots or any footwear. Sure, rubber boots. Last thing I want to put on when it's 80+ deg & bone dry. Now for the items I generally get my skin rashes from that most people don't think about. Any cutting tools, clippers, chainsaw chains. rakes, trimmers, mowers (and blades), pole saws, etc. Guy that sharpens my chainsaw chains routinely gets it off the customer's chains. Typically get 3-4 mild cases a year on my wrists from removing & putting on my work gloves. If I weren't so frugal, I'd change out gloves more frequently. Think everyone has heard the horror stories of burning the crap & what the smoke will do to your lungs, eyes and skin! Don't burn it, unless you light the fire and then retreat quickly a substantial distance upwind AND stay away from burn pile while there is still smoke.. Sure the oil from the plants/vines will eventually dry up and not be caustic. Haven't read anything about the time requirement... If I contaminate a new pair of leather work gloves, I set them aside and use the following year. The leather palmed, cloth gloves are a different story. Not sure how long before the oil trapped in the cloth takes to dry up..? It's a lot like the Dr. Seuss book where the characters are chasing a spot from place to place. Only for us it's the irritating oil! Oh yeah, if you think you dodged the bullet - wait! My outbreaks don't show up a couple of days. So you have a skin rash - the pink calamine works pretty good on milder cases. FYI - for whatever reason or difference in ingredients, the clear calamine doesn't work as well. The intent is to dry it up, so medicated lotions (anti-itch) aren't much help. Ok, I'll admit I've tried the $15 Tecnu products. At least for me they were a waste of money! More severe case? Prescription Prednisone (cortisone) works great, within a couple of days its' getting better!!! Usually every other (severe) outbreak my physician will call in a prescription for me. Even w/o drug co-pay, it's fairly cheap. You decide if it's worth the office visit, $$. Getting rid of it - a losing battle!!!!! Bought that $25/bottle brush killer that makes a few gallons of spray, works great. Problem is it's a vine with runners and it reemerges the following year. You'd probably have to plow, disc, disc, spray, re-disc, respray to have any chance of controlling it - if at all. Wish the deer liked the damned stuff like they do the corn fields...
  18. There are worse dilemnas in life to get stressed about. lol
  19. Elmo, agree with you 200%! That's the absolute #1 pitfall of novice deer hunters. What is read in a book, shown in a video, dipicted on TV or discussed in a seminar is one person's experience, generally in a specific area and not always applicable to where & how the beginner hunts!!!! What the novice lacks is the ability to sift through what is being read/shown and sort out what's applicable for their situation. Easier said than done with limited experience or real life hunting situations. This is where a mentor can relate years of experience in a matter of weeks to the beginner and usually in an applicable hunting environment. God knows the more you hunt, the more mistakes you make and the more you continue to learn from them. The learning curve for hunting (or fishing, trapping, etc.) is steep & a mentor can make this process much less frustrating and get the novice to a point where it is enjoyable quickly.
  20. All very interesting techniques, to say the least! Not so sure about the cow patty thing.....? I don't believe I'd want that odor around my stand for a long sit! But - to each, his own!
  21. Okay, so I can see the pursuit for perfection in your equipment and bow/arrow setup! But - how much effect does that have on the overall deer hunting scenario? 10%, 50%, 80%...? If you have an older bow, set at lower poundage, "whatever" arrows & broadheads that work and you consistently get deer - is fps that critical?
  22. See, you can tell by all the responses that you really don't want to know. If your current bow, arrows and technique kill deer - Don't try to fix what isn't broken!!! Just one of those questions you really don't want to know the answer to.
  23. Not a frequent visitor to that site, so I don't know how sucessful the matching actually is...? PMed the HuntingNY forum administrator about the idea and as of yet haven't gotten a yeah or nay. I've dropped the ball, but will eMail the DEC regarding the old "Apprentice Hunter" program this weekend.
  24. Takes an administrator or moderator to start a category. Which I asked to have done. Within the category topics can be added by members loking for or offering mentoring services. Hunting buddies would be a good add-on also from the link I found earlier. Out of state link, but decent idea & format: http://www.jesseshunting.com/forums/forumdisplay.php/344-Hunting-Mentors-amp-New-Hunters.-Need-A-Buddy-Hook-Up-Here
  25. Here's where the HuntingNY forum falls short... First response from someone (Moog5050) looking to be mentored and no where to put his/her posting. Like I mentioned before, the forum needs a category for mentors wanted, available or hunting buddies wanted.
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