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Everything posted by nyslowhand

  1. Especially bad during deer season when the days sitting in the tree all seem to run together. Bet there are a lot of the working class that wish they had this problem..? LOL
  2. Those old bones & muscles don't like the chilly temperatures. I have to be very selective about the conditions during the end of bow season when the temps begin to spiral downward. There are large heat patches that might help if applied to your shoulder before a hunt. I hear ya' about the Xbows!
  3. AWSOME!!!! 13 pointer? That's kind of unlucky, maybe you'd want me to ............. LOL Now all you need is some does going into estrus to get him to show himself in daylight.
  4. Apparently it's that 60 seconds of adrenaline charged excitement after days (or weeks) of tedious boredom staring out into the woods that does it for most hunters.
  5. I've had mature bucks charge my stand after using the big can. Think they are like rattling, works sometimes in certain locations for some bucks at specific times.
  6. I use strictly ladder stands, so this may only apply to them or possibly hang-ons. I put a couple of wraps of orange surveyors tape around the tree as high as I can reach from the platform. Couple of stands I've done this at ground level. Makes it a little easier to find for hunting buddies or rescuers to find the stand. Probably only applies to private or leased properties.
  7. I have a similiar Plano model, Pro 44. Decent amount of room. Great for home to hunting site. Not something I'd put on an airplane or travel with!
  8. More trivia; Twin fawns don't always have the same father (buck).
  9. That's really neat!!! Goes all the way back to post-Revolutionary War land purchases by speculators & grants to ex-military. FYI - http://www.leroypennysavernews.com/LynneBelluscioArticles/West_of_the_Genesee_River.htm
  10. You are referring to two distinctly, seperate age classes of female deer. Fawns were born this year and are ~5-6 months old. Yearlings are typically referred to as 1 1/2 year old does. This is generally their 1st go around with being in estrus & breeding. Have read where early born & well feed fawns could breed the same year, but a rarity.
  11. Understand & agree, but ..... just seems a little "fishy" to me!!?? Has to be more about the right to feed deer than helping this individual appeal his case, you think?
  12. Acually this was my 1st thought when I read about this case. Defendant couldn't pay the $150 fine + $75 court fee and had to make $10/wk payments. Suddenly he has an attorney to appeal the ruling. How can this be? What attorney is going to take on NYS pro bono? Be interested to hear what individual or company is 'footing" the legal fees?
  13. If you figure this out, you'll be a bazzillion-aire. Basically the difference in temp of colder classes & warm body. Also humidity in the environment or your breath will do it every time. Gotta try the "Cat Crap" though! lol
  14. Last year wasn't this a category with individual threads/topics on sucess stories within it? Then members can comment on each specific hunt! This single thread is really cumbersome and most members might not want to follow! We aren't really into the high success stretch (rut) and at 18pgs already.
  15. I've used heavy duty polymer signs and attached them to 2x2x6' pressure treated posts. Signs are self supporting & need no plywood backing. Little pricey, but mine have lasted over 6 years with no signs of deteroriation or fading. http://www.minutemansignsinc.com/
  16. The larger ones are louder & the sound carries further. The smaller ones tend to have a slightly higher pitch. I have both, but tend to carry the larger one only .
  17. Jim's Pro Shop is on Rte96, between the Casino/Race track & Shortsville. Owner is good, but only works weekends & after 5PM during the week. Very limited selection of new equipment & access.
  18. Isn't this a topic about grunting in a buck in early October & not about criticizing an individual for setting his own limitations?
  19. Great encounter & story. Thanx for sharing. Sometimes it's not about the head-gear, but the excitement of the hunt.
  20. Last year I had a buck come right under my stand where I had pee'd earlier. This week I had a coyote at 2 yds from the base of my ladder stand where I had pee'd. So, go in a bottle if you like, not me! LOL
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