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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Listen fellas, it was YOUR beloved Trump who sealed his own fate and legacy. Pointing fingers at Biden, Pelosi or anyone else has nothing to do with how Trump will be perceived by history. He will go hands down as the most INSANE president this country ever had. You guys can hem and haw that it was all the media's fault when in reality it was Trump who brought all this crap upon himself.
  2. What would make me feel at peace would be to have Trump and Giuliani be roommates in the looney bin. Don't know which one of them is more f----d up in the head.
  3. Pence and Republicans should have denounced many things Trump said and did the past 4 years instead of constantly kissing his butt, but better late than never I guess. By them finally speaking out it might be a death blow to Trump and hopefully he can disappear from the political scene for good. Unreal to see this in this country. I tried giving Trump the benefit of the doubt the last 4 years but the guy is completely insane.
  4. Just heard one report that someone was shot inside by law enforcement.
  5. He went ahead and started it up. Video below. Burt, are you OK??
  6. Looks like the prototype to the Hiroshima A-bomb.
  7. I surely do not trust everything China says about the COVID situation in their country at the moment, but please post some sort of evidence from any reputable source that their situation is anywhere close to what ours is right now? I have no doubt that it's nowhere close. We are doing worse than freaking India for crying out loud. For a country like ours that is supposed to be an "advanced" nation our numbers are pathetic any way you want to look at them.
  8. I don't think China ever denied its existence. Hell, they pretty much put everyone in Wuhan under house arrest to stop the spread and it sure looked like it worked for them. Wearing masks to stop the spread of colds and flu in countries like China, Japan, Korea has been the norm long before COVID. We on the other hand are definitely deniers and all we care about is ourselves and could care less if we might spread it to someone it might kill. We even had a president who fanned the flames of ignorance. We consider something as simple as wearing a mask in public as an infringement of our freedom, so what more can we expect than to have this pandemic rage on for close to a year now while China where it originated seems to have things under control.
  9. Why don't you tell Adirondack gun hunters this. Maybe Catskill hunters too, where AR's are the rule and few doe permits issued. You are obviously lucky to hunt places where you see lots of deer. Many others aren't so lucky. Plus, many hunters have only weekends to hunt so even with a 23 day gun season they may only get a chance to hunt 5 or 6 days in total. In my opinion the way NYS has it set up satisfies most. If you are such a great hunter and can kill your B&C buck in three days then all you need to do is clean your rifle and sit out the rest of the season and let others hunt the way they want the remaining days of the season.
  10. I checked the numbers in the 1950's and the harvest totals were around 60,000 to 80,000 in those years. I couldn't imagine check stations checking the 230,000 plus deer that get killed these days. NYS can't even fix our roads and you think they will give one hoot about checking each deer that gets shot? No way! Will never happen.
  11. Absolutely true. Only hunters obsessed with antlers will put value to them. The rest of humanity could care less. You could have the world record deer on your wall and it would impress very few.
  12. I agree. The state shouldn't be in the business to cater to trophy hunters. The purpose of deer hunting is to control the deer population first and foremost. Those who think that NY will go to a week long gun season from a three week long season that has been in effect for decades are dreaming. Will never happen and rightfully so. Why the hell should gun hunters have only 7 short days to hunt deer? From what I see plenty of people end up taking big bucks in this state even with the "long" gun season so why change things? Same goes with AR's and check stations. A complete waste of time and money that wouldn't better the hunting in NY in the least
  13. Prayers for your wife, you and family Moog. Wishing that your wife receives the gift of renewed health this Christmas.
  14. You need to enter that in the "This seasons score" thread.
  15. All the justices are Anti-Trump. There is no doubt in my mind that each and every one of them think he's an idiot. They are all too intelligent not to realize this.
  16. I guess I'll give you guys credit to put up with all this nonsense just so you could hunt these places. I sure wouldn't even if they paid me. Hunting isn't supposed to be this complicated. I'll put up with crowds of people trying to cut ahead of the line at Walmart, but surely not in the hunting fields.
  17. Pompeo said that there is no doubt it was the Russians and now Trump is pissed at him for saying that. Trump is instead claiming it was the Chinese. What freaking American president has defended the Russians more than Trump? Putin must have some big time dirt on Trump. He's had Trump scared $hitless where Trump feels the need to kiss his a$$ at every opportunity to spare himself from something. I hope the truth comes out one day.
  18. Looks like the only thing you are guaranteed to walk out of this shop with is COVID.
  19. I've long felt that the presidential election needs to somehow be nationalized. None of this BS where each state has it's own rules and ways of running a presidential election. Of course the republicans would be the first ones against this since it goes against their philosophy of states rights.
  20. Because I knew the drama queen Trump would use it to cry foul as soon as he lost the election. He acts like a third world leader so for someone like him we need an election where everyone shows up to vote and then the voters have their fingers dunked into an ink well so that they can't show up to vote again. That is probably the only way that Trump and his crybaby supporters would ever believe that the election was legitimate. Of course they'd only believe it if he won the election. If he lost they would have sent Giuliani to court to claim the ink was easy to wash off and that there was photo evidence of people in the same type hoodies voting numerous time. LOL
  21. Yes, I believe it. As someone else said the mail in voting had a lot to do with it, and for the record I was never in favor of mail in voting, but the states agreed to have people vote this way so there isn't much that I could do about it. Second reason is that people were very passionate about voting one way or the other this time out. Plenty of people passionate about Trump, while more were passionate about showing him the door. End result MORE people voted.
  22. Looks like plenty of $hit just came out of your mouth. Maybe you should have told your favorite President Trump to stop spewing $hit from his mouth and maybe he'd still be your president.
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