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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I am not in favor of shortening the gun season like a few are suggesting here. Why should bow hunters get everything they want? With the average bowhunter killing 1 deer every 3 years they are far from effective in controlling the deer population as it needs to be controlled. The gun hunters are the backbone in controlling deer numbers and always have been no matter how loud the bowhunters want to cry about things.
  2. If I remember correctly I think you told us that you'll be working from home for the foreseeable future, Biz?? Why is it OK for you to work from home and not the school kids to learn from home??
  3. You need to visit the bigger cities and see if the latino and blacks will vote for him. Thinking that he will win the majority of latino's and get as much as 30-40% of the black vote is stretching it quite a bit.
  4. I think you are correct that the 7X57 will bring you more. I would try listing between the $800 and $900 and see what happens.
  5. OK, you just answered my question. That is a push feed. Will bring less $ than the pre-64.
  6. Is this Winchester a pre-64 type action or the push feed action? The pre-64 will definitely bring you more money probably by at least $300.
  7. These stories against Biden's son are only selling on FOX to rile up those who'd never vote for Biden anyway. They aren't even getting coverage anywhere else. People have made up their minds and these stories won't persuade a living soul to change their vote. Trump could murder his family and many would still vote for him, so exactly what is the point here? What I find amazing is that there are so many Trump supporters out there who think he will win by a landslide. He didn't win by a landslide last time, nor will he win by one this time if he wins at all. Being 9-10 points behind Biden on most every poll at this point in time isn't exactly great news for Trump. Statistics are generally quite accurate. They were last election contrary to what many think. Clinton was ahead by 3 or so % just before election day and she won the popular vote by about 2%. 3 or 4 percentage points is usually the margin of error. Trump being behind 9-10 points right now is well beyond this margin so this is not good news for him. He is also polling behind in all those states that put him over the top on the electoral vote side last time, so that isn't helping him either. If you want to see what a landslide looks like check out the 1980 and 1984 elections results where Reagan trounced Carter and Mondale. Reagan even won NYS in both elections as hard to believe as that may be. That ain't happening this election. Many think Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I can assure you he is NO Ronald Reagan. Even those who did not agree with Reagan's politics had respect for him. That surely isn't the case with Trump where even those who are voting for him think he's an A-hole. Enough said.
  8. That shower looks like something out of a horror movie. Some sort of human mutilations might have taken place on that slab.
  9. You let them beat you. You are exactly what they want. Your loss.
  10. I know my 80 year old mother will die of something one day, just like we all will, but I don't want to be the one to give her COVID that might do her in. This is the real issue with this disease. It probably won't kill us, but if you have any older people in your life you should be cautious.
  11. If you are worried about it, maybe it's best not to take the chance?? A hunting camp can definitely be close quarters. Maybe get a room in a nearby hotel or something this year? Maybe pitch a tent, although it will be COLD sleeping outdoors during the gun season.
  12. I'm sure that would work. Or one can go to a gunshop anywhere in the state, maybe somewhere in PA, and pick one up there. I've known some old timers that owned hunting guns in NYC well before the long gun registration law went into effect in the late 60's. Many of them never registered any of those guns and I have no doubt their heirs are in possession of them today without ever registering them. If you don't go flashing them around or cause crime with them, who the hell will ever know that you have them? Once you are out of NYC no one gives a rats ass whether or not you have them registered in NYC. NYC residents could even purchase long guns outside of NYC without the NYC long gun permit years ago, although it was technically illegal to bring them back into the city. Bloomberg made a stink over that and now most places, even Cabela's in PA will not sell a NYC resident a long gun without the NYC long gun permit.
  13. One might have some difficulty purchasing a rifle or shotgun in another part of the state with a NYC ID these days, but I am sure you can purchase an airgun without issue. How would NYC ever know you owned it? Not telling you to do anything illegal, but just pointing this out.
  14. BS! All it is is a money grabbing scheme by the city. Unfortunately, there are too many liberal judges in the lower courts for the NYC gun laws to be reviewed by the higher courts, but if they ever were they'd all be ruled unconstitutional. No where else in this country does someone need to go thru such a process to simply own a long gun to hunt with. It's ridiculous.
  15. Many state troopers don't know the first thing about hunting regulations. A DEC officer is about the only law enforcement officer you could expect to know anything about them and maybe some forest rangers.
  16. For those who think the deer in their area don't have ticks, I would suggest they put the head of their next kill in a trash bag for a couple days. Good chance they'll see some when they pull the head back out.
  17. I almost find it hard to believe that some have never seen a tick on a deer or elsewhere. Granted, some places in NYS have a lot more ticks than others, but I know that ticks could be found in most all regions within the state. Years ago they were virtually non-existent, but these days you will find them just about anywhere in the country. I think the suburban areas are the worst, but if you look hard enough I'm pretty sure you'll find a few ticks on most deer. And I do know the difference between a tick and a ked.
  18. Wouldn't be the first time that the DEC is BS'ing us. I was out this weekend and it was youth weekend wasn't it?? Barely heard a shot, and it was probably someone shooting their pistol. One would think that there would have been lots of youth hunters out there this year if what the DEC is telling us is true.
  19. I scratch my balding head when people talk about "orange armies" and that opening day will sound like a "war zone". I sure as hell haven't seen or heard any such thing in well over 30 years. Where I have hunted on opening days over the last 10 to 20 years you could count the shots on one hand on opening day or at the worst two hands. Far from sounding like a "war zone". 30 plus years ago maybe it was closer to that, you had way more hunters both on public and private lands, but there are fewer and fewer hunters out hunting each year from what I've been seeing. Thus, it would absolutely amaze me that now all of a sudden, just because NYS has online hunter safety courses you will be seeing a mass influx of hunters. No way in my opinion!
  20. You are panicking for nothing. Just because people took the online course don't mean we will have tons more hunters in the woods this year. As I said in another thread, people are just as lazy as ever before and awful few have the patience and will power to sit in the woods for hours waiting to shoot at a deer. Just because hunting classes were online now everyone want to become a hunter?? Come on. The majority of those courses were taken by friends and family member of hunters for the sole purpose of getting extra DMP's.
  21. Maybe if you get to hunt in someones back yard where rabbits frequent you might get to kill a couple with a bow, but hunting them in a wild habitat will be challenging enough just to find them. Hard enough to kill them with a shotgun or .22 without a beagle. With a bow I can imagine it might be next to impossible.
  22. If it's named after him it's got to be the greatest park in NYS if not the country. Just ask Donald. He'll tell you.
  23. No! Folks don't get a deer consistently because they don't know how to hunt, can't shoot, don't have patience and many other reasons. None of which have to do with developing loads.
  24. Yeah, so "thinking critically" in your mind is to swallow everything the media, celebrities, black lives matter movement, etc. are telling you, right? We now have to erase everything from our history to make them happy, give them jobs that they aren't even qualified for, pay them money because their great, great, great grandfathers were enslaved. This is all BS of the greatest magnitude. If you can't figure any of this out for yourself without falling for everything you are being told and hearing in the media, then I feel sorry for you. These people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and not just cry victim for everything they haven't achieved. I know PLENTY of people who arrived in this country with one suitcase and were NEVER on welfare and were able to buy a home, cars and live a very decent life in this country. They did it through hard work and didn't expect handouts from anyone or think they were entitled to anything like many blacks who have been here for generations. It really doesn't take a lot of critical thinking to figure out what's going on here.
  25. What do you find simple about what he said? I agree with Uncle Nicky 100% with what he said and I'm far from a diehard Trump supporter. I have absolutely NOTHING to apologize to blacks for. My ancestors were peasants in Europe and didn't reach these shores until the mid 1900's, so I owe them NOTHING and I'll be damned if I will apologize to them just because I happen to be white. If you can't see our point of view then you are the "simple" one here.
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