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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Nice! Hoping to get out this weekend with my boy. If you have any good squirrel recipes please pass them along.
  2. I suggest you read some of the comments below the article in that link. Will tell you all you need to know on who frequents that website. Just mind boggling how many looney tunes we have in this country.
  3. I've always said that if some of the guys here were deer (bucks), they'd get shot at sun up on opening morning. Quite easy to pattern many folks around here! LOL
  4. If a mob that had just listened to a speech given by Trump a few blocks away comes crashing thru the Capitol doors with many of them chanting "Hang Mike Pence" exactly what should people consider this? Was this the mobs way of coming over to invite Pence out to lunch? You call everyone else ignorant around here when it is YOU who is ignorant beyond hope.
  5. All together now! Kumbay-aaaaah my Lord Kumbay-AAAAAAAH
  6. Trump would have absolutely loved it if the mob dragged Pelosi, Schumer, even Mcconnell down the Capitol steps. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise. He didn't mean a word of what he said on that video he put out the next day. That was his staff and the Republican Party talking to save face, and not Trump.
  7. Don't know how true this is but rumor has it that Trump was watching the riot on TV back in the White House and was giddy with excitement to what he was seeing. Practically cheering them on. As if he were watching a WWE match. Staff members were said to be looking at each other in disbelief. Knowing Trump I wouldn't doubt this to be true.
  8. The double standard by some here is incredible. They just see what they want to see and can't for a minute look at it from anyone else's perspective but their own.
  9. Well, Trump calls everyone and his "uncle" all sorts of names and you guys have no problems with that.
  10. No, not a good start at all for him. He shouldn't acknowledge those two clowns in any way. This will only rile up the nutjobs on the extreme right even more. The same with Twitter closing Trump's account. They shouldn't have done that. Will only make the nutjobs even more nuts. They let Trump talk out of his a$$ thru twitter for the last 4 years so what's the point in shutting him down now? Let him talk. He only makes a fool out of himself anyway.
  11. I will not speak for his politics but my boss who is CEO of our company and her husband, a former Army ranger are both graduates of the University of Delaware and far from being left wing liberals . They've been the guests of Biden several times at different functions and even dined in his house. They consider him to be a very decent and respectful individual who from their observations has the uncanny ability to remember people and their names even if he's met them only once and many years before. My boss is surely not complimentary of just anyone she meets, I can attest to that, but I'll take her opinion of Biden's character before I'll take opinions from anyone on this site who has never met the guy.
  12. So exactly what cards does Trump have at this point that you need to get the popcorn out? Pardon a few more people? He's powerless otherwise. Any outrageous orders he'd give would be totally ignored by military, staff, etc. By the way I am against any impeachment or invoking the 25th amendment at this point. Wouldn't solve anything. I'd let him huff and puff and romp around the White House for the remaining two weeks and then he'll be asked to leave and he's done.
  13. The right would say that anyone who would dare vote for Biden is a total communist so how is that any different than Trump voters being called terrorists? Both sides are completely F*%^ed up and neither one realizes it.
  14. The rumor has been that he's sick but I think he's still kicking.
  15. Dude, are you married or ever been in any sort of relationship? You've never found middle ground?? If you haven't the relationship sure as hell didn't last long.
  16. Excellent post. Unfortunately, everyone has "it's either my way or the highway" mentality and you will never get anywhere with that kind of thinking. How many marriages survive if it's only one getting their way all the time?? I tell you, years ago all you saw on TV was a 1/2 hour evening world news and then the local news and a few political programs on Sunday morning and that was it. Now you have cable TV with the talking clowns on both sides of the political spectrum going at it 24/7 with their bullshit and all they do is brainwash the gullible society. Lets not even get into the crap on the internet. Society has completely been brainwashed on both sides. The more technology we've been given the dumber we've all become. Just look at people on the street. Constantly glued to their freaking i-phones like it's a part of their body. It's unreal.
  17. This picture is freaking HILARIOUS! Kim Jong-Un is beside himself that he's no longer the biggest nutjob on the globe! HAHAHA
  18. You telling us that Trump had no part in the riot and about $4 will buy me a hotdog and that's about it.
  19. You won't get much support from anyone here including me that the BLM is this "worthy" movement you claim it is. They are a bunch of thugs who have extorted millions from American corporations. It came down to you either give them money or you are labeled a racist. I say BS to that. They also label me as white man as someone who enslaved them 150 years ago. Again, I say BS to that. My family was nowhere near the United States in that period of time so I'll be damned if I will feel guilt for that just because I'm white. And I am someone who has said very few positive things about Trump in this thread.
  20. This dude must be one of those black and latino's Trump has been bragging that he's brought into the fold. LOL
  21. I have Sirius radio in my vehicle and among other music I also enjoy listening to "Willie's Roadhouse" which plays the old classic country songs by singers like Johnny Cash, Charley Pride, Patsy Cline, Marty Robbins, etc. They had such recognizable voices and memorable tunes. I simply can't get into any modern day country song or performer. They all sound the same and I can't think of any tune that stands out like the old ones did and still do to this day. The new stuff is nothing compared to the old.
  22. LOL, you must know the only 45 in the force ever to believe what you do. Even going back 30 plus years most NYC cops would have preferred that no one had a gun. But go on know it all, keep amusing us.
  23. Tell that dude to get a haircut and maybe then I'll listen to him sing. LOL
  24. I dare you to go down to NYC and ask the cop on the street what his opinion on guns is. If he'd be happy having more citizens armed. YOU will be the one in for a surprise. You need to stop talking about shit you don't know a damned thing about. You may have had some NYC cops supporting gun rights years ago, but them cops are LONG gone. It's a relatively young force and they don't see things the way you think they do, this I can assure you.
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