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Everything posted by steve863

  1. True, but the safe act wasn't nearly as stringent as this law. All guns don't need to be registered or all long gun owners licensed with a psyche evaluation required. Plus, the safe act was in enacted in liberal NYS which has never exactly been a gun friendly state. This law would be a nationwide law and states that don't have nearly the strict gun laws like NYS such as Texas, Wyoming, Arizona, you name it wouldn't stand for any of this. Any congressman or senator who would vote for such a law would be history in their next election. It would turn the house and senate republican in the next election and democrats over the years have learned a thing or two to protect their own hides first.
  2. As much as people complain about gun control our gun laws are the least strict anywhere on the planet. Yeah, maybe NYS, California, a few other states are stricter than the rest of the country, but in general people can own just about anything they want in the USA. With that said, does anyone really think we can easily go from people owning practically anything they want with few questions asked to the stringent regulations in this bill in one sweep? I can't see it happening. How in the world would the government even implement the things in this bill? Government can't even balance a budget, come up with ideas on improving our healthcare system or protect the Capitol building from a bunch of dumbass thugs and then do we think they could successfully implement something like this? No way. This bill was written by someone who knows absolutely nothing about the number of guns in private citizens hands and the logistics involved in registering every freaking firearm in this country and licensing every owner of one. Absolutely will never happen. Plenty of democrats in congress and the senate would know that their asses would be on the line if even a fraction of what is in this bill would get passed. Plus the supreme court would take this up with deliberate speed and rule it unconstitutional. I won't be losing a wink of sleep over this because it ain't happening. Do I think some new gun laws will pass with a democratic president, house, and senate? Probably, but this ain't going to be the one.
  3. The planning part shouldn't be to monitor ones 401K gains or losses daily or hourly, but how one lives their life. Americans have this need to buy every damned contraption that comes down the pike. Much of it is a complete waste of their money. People would be wiser to either save that money or put it towards their retirement. That is pretty much all the planning they need to do, yet most can't even do that.
  4. My $5 gain remark was surely an exaggeration. And other than my monthly credit card balance which I pay off promptly each month I have zero debt. Even for $5K gains or more I am not going to spend any of my time with this stuff. I am not wealthy but thinking about money and how much more I could potentially have is not what I want to worry myself with. What will be, will be.
  5. That's Cuomo for you. He is the same crap as Trump only from the other side of the aisle. They both can't function unless they are in the spotlight flapping their jaws with some nonsense and then listening to the fools who keep cheering them on. That's music to their ears.
  6. They are ALL idiots. Cuomo, DeSantis, Trump, Biden, McConell, Pelosi, Schumer, and many, many more. All they do is dig in and talk out of their asses thinking they know everything when in reality none of them know jack$#i+ about anything. All they do is cater to the one segment of society that will vote for them and then give the finger to everyone else. That is not what elected leaders are supposed to do. The sooner people realize this the better.
  7. I don't think I am an exception. I think most people don't monitor their 401K as much as you guys seem to. Heck, many don't even contribute anything or very little to it. I know this because I've seen our companies payroll records for the last 27 years. The key is to contribute and then let it work. My balance is close to $1M at this point and I'm not retired yet. I can live simply so this is plenty good for me along with my other savings, IRA, the SS I should be entitled to, so I won't obsess over any of it.
  8. You guys seem obsessed with this stuff. I've got more in my 401k than anyone I know personally and other than make my 15% contribution per paycheck barely ever look at it and haven't moved anything around in years. There are more interesting things in life than wondering if my investments made an extra $5 today.
  9. I was only commenting on someone calling out Biden for being "petty and vindictive" which happen to be the exact same traits that made Trump a hero to many. I was not referring to this executive order.
  10. You are saying that Versatile has two accounts he posts under? What is the other name he posts under??
  11. The course was given on Long Island in an indoor shooting range. One of the instructors did show a few of his own firearms with different action types, but none of the students touched or handled any gun real or fake.
  12. Yeah, sort of like both sides claiming that the other guy wears Depend's. LOL
  13. Isn't it funny how Biden gets condemned for these traits while the same traits made Trump a hero to many? Unbelievable! People see only what they want to see.
  14. I sat in on the course my son took two summers ago and there was NO shooting whatsoever. None of the students even touched a gun. There were two instructors and honestly they were terrible. My daughter took the online course this summer and she absolutely learned more going page by page online along with the numerous videos they make you watch than she would have if those two clowns were teaching the class.
  15. This is absolutely true. I would bet the majority of the time the online course was taken was to get the extra tags for someone else and not because that person really wants to hunt. I don't think this matters to the DEC one bit. They are making more money with the online course and with the more licenses that will get sold so all is fine in their eyes.
  16. According to this link it doesn't sound like they are getting rid of the general hunting online course. They say that in-person courses will start again in the Spring of 2021 but they don't say that the online will go away. The DEC is good at double talk so who knows what the plan really is?? https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/92267.html
  17. Who the hell bitches and moans more than you do?? I don't know of anyone.
  18. Go find one post of mine where I claim that Biden will make a great president. I only try to tell you clowns why your beloved Trump lost the election. You guys think it was just fraud that lost it for him but I can assure you it was for other reasons. You guys just can't accept anything else unfortunately.
  19. You are surprised that I think that?? Well, that's because you know $#IT about me. You only assume that everyone who doesn't agree with ALL your bitching and bullshit here is automatically a bleeding heart pinko commie. That just proves how ignorant you are.
  20. Canning him from here would be similar to Trump being canned from Twitter which many of you were pissed at. So what makes you better than the liberal biased media who likes to ban viewpoints they don't like? You are the same $#IT. Both sides are so F---ked up that it ain't even funny.
  21. Would you say that at least 75 million didn't think he was the greatest and he was NOT what they wanted? Or do you think that ALL the votes against him were fraudulent? The republicans lost the popular vote in every election since 1992 except for G. Bush in 2004 so was fraud involved in all of those elections, too??
  22. I for one never supported him being banned. I'd let him talk and continue to make an idiot of himself. Are you guys going to be bitching and moaning like this for the next 4 years?? Holy Christ you guys seem to have gone completely off your rockers. Did you ever think that another sane republican might have actually WON this election without all this controversy??
  23. Only in your minds does he have the support of the majority of Americans.
  24. Do you really think the 75 million who voted for Trump all love him dearly, don't think he's an assclown and believe all the crap that comes out of his mouth? The majority of the 75 million voted for him because they didn't like the alternative and not because they'd walk over the cliff for Trump like some of you here would. The 30 to 40 million diehards he has is far from a majority of voters in this country. I actually do wish he'd run again in 2024. You guys would finally learn how little support he really has. Maybe he's dumb enough to run as a third party candidate and then you guys would surely have another 4 years to bitch about the democratic president in the White House. If Trump was so great he would not have lost this election, fraud or no fraud. He's just a dumbass who blew it big time.
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