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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Funny. Maybe the republicans have finally figured out that America has had enough of Trump's antics and don't think he deserves them fighting for him? They were scared shitle$$ of Trump the last 4 years maybe now is payback time?? If any other republican had been in office the last 4 years and had acted half way like a president should they would have easily won this election and there would have been no reason to cry fraud. Trump blew it big time.
  2. Would depend if I already killed a deer or not. If I did I surely wouldn't fight 30" of snow. Even if I didn't kill one fighting 30" of snow might not be worth it. All it will be for you when you get up there is LOTS of work before you can even think about the hunting part.
  3. Biz, you should stick to gun hunting. As you see here Bowhunters can be a bit crazy. LOL
  4. I've been deer hunting since 1979 and sat thru some bitter cold days but I don't think I've ever needed anything close to these Herman Munster shoes that you are wearing. LOL
  5. Good question. There has never been a losing card player in recorded history who whined like a second grade school girl so it's hard to know how they would have handled it. LOL
  6. And what about Trump's negativity? That didn't have any impact, right? You see only what you want to see and that's why your posts are worthless.
  7. Where is it written that she needed to resign already?? Pence stayed in as Indiana Governor until his term expired on January 9, 2017 and took over as VP only two weeks later.
  8. As long as you know what's going on, everything will be fine and dandy.. LOL
  9. It's the typical rhetoric of today. They always put the blame on the other political side. People should look at themselves in the mirror once in a while because many times you don't need to look any further.
  10. Who is doing this gouging?? It's our fellow gun owners that's who. People blame the anti-gun crowd for these shortages when the reality is that some of our fellow gun owners are creating these shortages so they can profit off of us. Lots of bad apples on the pro-gun side, too.
  11. Just another reason I could never get into bows or crossbows. Everything is so ridiculously overpriced. $150 for a string sounds outrageous.
  12. The SCOTUS didn't act because they think Trump is an a$$clown and won't give in to his lame conspiracy theories. Like I said in another post, no matter what political side they are on the justices are way more educated and intelligent than Trump and won't stoop down to his level and rightfully so. Trump thought he had them bought just because he nominated three of them but instead got a rude awakening.. LOL
  13. Belo, I don't know how far away you are from properties that get leased by timber companies, but maybe you could spare yourself a LOT of headaches by leasing yourself a small chunk of their land. I leased two years ago and I consider it the best damned investment I ever made regarding hunting. I get year round use of it, even camped on it this summer with the family. I practically feel like I own it. Hardly anyone hunts in the surrounding properties. The hunting may not be as great as hunting agriculture land but I managed to fill my freezer with venison the last two seasons nonetheless. Now that my son is old enough to hunt the investment is even more worth it. Worth every cent I spend on the lease and in the scheme of things it really doesn't even cost that much. I wouldn't trade the aggravation you are having for the money I pay for it, that's for sure.
  14. And all the folks here panicking before the season that there would be tons more hunters out this year. LOL. Since the hunter safety courses were given online this year, the only reason those additional licenses were sold was so existing hunters could get their hands on additional DMP tags. Most folks are just as lazy as ever and the last thing they want to do is get up early in the morning to freeze on a deer stand, so I couldn't imagine an influx of hunters just because hunter safety courses were given online this year.
  15. At the $500 asking price it's still probably for sale. LOL
  16. Why does it sound crazy for the hunters next to your property to shoot the fawns if the had doe tags? Would it be more acceptable if they shot the mother instead? I think either way, the surviving deer will go on living. I haven't seen a mother looking for her young, but I have seen fawns come looking for what must have been their mother when a big doe was shot from a group of does.
  17. Don't try climbing into it with a firearm in hand. Not even a bow. I can assure the NYPD is not pro-second amendment.
  18. You aren't a bowhunter unless you hunt wearing only a loincloth and barefoot. OK, moccasins are allowed if there's snow on the ground. Otherwise you are a lame excuse for a bowhunter.
  19. Maybe true for some bowhunters, but I am typically highly skeptical of those who continue to claim that they are the ones with the superior ethics, sportsmanship and keep telling me that they are the better hunters in general. Most people who boast about themselves are far from what they claim to be. Sorry that I have such little faith in my fellow man.
  20. And you know that it's your deer that is ending up in your freezer when you do it yourself. It does take some time but I wouldn't have it any other way!
  21. To hell with that deal. That's the reason I think many of you bowhunters are so full of it. A rifle hunter should only get 5 days to hunt while bowhunters should get a month and a half and many of you would want even more. It's not all about bowhunting.
  22. It's quite simple really. The "something" is that many of you "bowhunters" are so full of $hit.
  23. I have zero interest in crossbows, but if made legal I'd be the first guy out there with the 06 during archery season and wouldn't apologize to anyone for it. I get tired listening to bow hunters thinking that they somehow have better ethics and sportsmanship. They are legends in their own minds and that's about it in my opinion.
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