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Everything posted by steve863

  1. That's what I thought, too! LOL He seems like a nice kid so he'd never do such a thing. Don't have a clue who that idiot in the blue shirt is but I have a sneaking suspicion he's a Trump supporter with the red T-shirt underneath. LOL
  2. I will agree with you that he was under attack. CNN, and all the other liberal networks could never say anything positive about him. The problem was that he opened himself up for many of these attacks with his stupid comments and childish behavior. Plus, he is an instigator with everyone where he thinks he needs to get the last word in and knows more than everyone else on every topic. Lets not even get into all the bragging and self-adulation that comes from his mouth. The media will come after you if you don't give them anything to come after you for. With Trump, he gave them plenty of reasons to mock him. So whose fault was that??
  3. As imperfect as Gore was, he did not have the reputation that Trump has made for himself with his false and contradictory statements, conspiracy theories, tweeting in the middle of the night, etc, etc. Trump has made his own bed and now he's got to sleep in it.
  4. When the hell did Trump think any election was fair? He even bitched about losing out on emmy awards for his reality show calling that system "rigged". He was calling the primaries "rigged" back when he first ran in 2016 and every election since then. Like I said in another thread. A swindler thinks everyone else is a swindler and that everyone is out to get him. That's part of his psychosis and you guys buy into it hook, line and sinker. If there were any election irregularities, miscounts or whatever in this election I highly doubt it will change the result of this election. He now lost the popular vote both times so he has little to complain about. If he would have won all those votes some of you claimed he'd get before the election there'd be no arguments here, but obviously he fell far short.
  5. He owned his own business so he could talk out of his a$$ and not get fired, but if he had worked for any other organization or if it was any one of us talking like that at our workplace we'd be shown the door very quickly. When he became president he started working for someone else, (the United States of America) for the first time in his life. He continued talking out of his a$$ and thought he'd get away with it. Now he's finally learned the consequences of doing that.
  6. If I remember correctly the candidate who was contesting the results in the 2000 election ended up being the loser. The same will happen in 2020. With Rudy as Trump's lawyer I'm sure the case won't go anywhere other than the twilight zone.
  7. Do you guys realize that the democratic candidates in presidential elections have won the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections? Was fraud involved in all of those elections, too, since the democrat somehow MIRACULOUSLY got more votes than the republican?? Typically the guy who gets the most votes will win the electoral college, too. This tells me there is no shortage of democrats out there. Seeing Trump flags in rural America doesn't represent ALL of America. This needs to be kept in mind.
  8. If he would have been behind by 20 million votes nationally he still would have made the same stink. That's his nature. Can't fathom that he could actually lose. Plus, swindlers and crooks which many who have done business with Trump claim he was always think that everyone else is a swindler and crook so this was to be expected from someone like him.
  9. I'll be damned if I will be arguing with someone like you over this, Phantom (Stormy). All I'll suggest is that you check with your health insurance provider to see if they provide substance abuse coverage. Have a good day!
  10. I agree. For all the people that adore Trump in a cult-like fashion, I think in the long run Trump may have done irreparable damage to the republican brand. Or at least it will take a good while to erase his name and image from the party profile.
  11. And you've obviously been brainwashed by a snake oil salesman named Donald J. Trump. Look, I have little faith in Biden, most especially that it very well might be President Harris in a year or two. I am not happy that they will be running the country for the next four years, but it was Donald J. Trump who has made this happen. Any other sane republican would have won this election easily. All he had to do was show a bit of compassion through this Covid drama, not mock people for wearing masks, etc. and not contradict experts at every turn and he would have sealed the deal. But NOOOO, Trump has to show the world that he is the one who knows everything.
  12. What drives me absolutely insane is when I read some of the comments from the rabid Trump supporters under the articles on the FOX website. Many predicted that Trump would win by a historic landslide like never seen before and many were also predicting that Trump Jr. or Ivanka would be elected in 2024 and 2028! For Christ's sakes what were these people thinking?? Are they for real or what??
  13. Trump and his sons have been freaking out that most republican congressmen and senators are keeping mum on all this voter fraud talk. The Trump's think that they should all be screaming and yelling FRAUD just like they are. They are getting a rude awakening I guess. I've always said that most of the republicans that hold office in Washington can't stand Trump, but have been afraid to speak up to preserve their political careers. They were afraid of the political damage Trump could cause them, but things are a bit different now. Trump has pushed them around for 4 long years, so don't be surprised if they now stick the knife in his back to finish him off once and for all and finally have the last laugh. If these lawsuits would somehow end up in the supreme court, the same thing will happen. Trump thinks the justices he appointed will automatically cover his back. He will get another rude awakening. The lower courts have already been ruling against him. Even FOX news who in the last 4 years were Trump's biggest propaganda machine are asking for Trump to present some real evidence instead of only shooting his mouth off. Last but not least, there are now people that voted for him who are becoming appalled by his whining and behavior through all this. He is quickly losing much of the support he thought he had a firm grip on. It ain't looking good for him. Like I said in another post, the only person or thing he has to blame is Donald J. Trump. He could have easily won this election if he just acted like a sane human being.
  14. Rudy is an idiot. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid that these guys spew. And NO, Nixon did NOT complain loudly. He thought there might have been some fraud and there very well might have been, but for the betterment of the country and to save it from scandal and a long drawn out battle, Nixon, like a man and patriotic citizen conceded the election to Kennedy. Not something you can ever expect from someone like Trump who just has to stir up $hit no matter what. He could lose by 20 million freaking votes and you'd still hear the same $hit from him.
  15. Seriously. He was a half way decent mayor of NYC but he has gone completely off his rocker in recent years.
  16. That is it right there. The only person or thing he can blame is Donald J. Trump. Can't keep his big trap shut if his life depended on it. Maybe close to half of the voters love him or can at least tolerate him, but obviously the other half has no use for him. Seeing all those Trump signs in rural parts of NYS and other states was a big deception. Go to the suburbs and cities ( where voters have just as much right to vote as elsewhere ) and you can ask them what they think of Trump.
  17. Where's Wolc today? Heck, he was predicting a win for Trump in NYS. Well, hopefully he scored on a button buck instead. Would be a good consolation prize for him. LOL
  18. Sorry, I thought that was last nights speech where he was threatening to take things to the supreme court before the final results were in. Like I said, he is on the verge of winning yet he still has to bring up nonsense. Below is last nights speech.
  19. He's on the verge of winning the damned election and he just has to go out and stir $hit like this up. Just shows how classless he is. As much as I dread thinking what Biden and his party would do if he'd win, Trump is a complete idiot.
  20. Plenty of people left in NYC. Most of the ones who left were originally from elsewhere. Go down there and take a look. Will be proof to you that Trump doesn't have a chance in this state. Seeing Trump signs in rural upstate is giving you a false impression.
  21. There are more people on a few city blocks than there are in entire upstate counties. And the majority of them won't be voting for Trump. No way is Trump winning NYS. You can take that to the bank.
  22. Yeah, I erased the last three numbers. Rattler, VJP, Papist or one of those clowns might report me to the DEC for trespassing, poaching or something. Knowing them they'd claim that they remembered my back tag number when they saw me running away 41 hunting seasons ago. LOL
  23. I've got an unused 1979 buck tag. Good for any season, weapon or critter in 2020!!
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